Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Passage Of Time

Okay, here is an odd question.  If you could describe time, how would you do it?  Time is precious and fragile like a beautiful stained glass picture window.  Yet, it is rapid and dissolvable like the wind.

Have you ever wondered how quickly the year seems to pass by?  It seems like we are celebrating the holidays one minute.  Before you know it, it is that time of year again.

Life is a precious and fragile gift from God's heart of love.  Every moment is like a breathtaking story ready for the Master Artist's next words.

But none of us know how long our unique play will be.  So why worry or be fearful?  Why be stressed?

Make the most of your precious gift.  Do kind and courteous things for others.  Tell those you adore how much you love them.

Count the numerous blessings that God has given you.  Thank Him for always being there. 

You will find that special peace and everlasting happiness like you have never known before!😊

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