Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Adventure

  Angela sat quietly in the doctor's office.  The look of despair upon her face told the story of how broken her heart was.  She didn't understand why her prayers were not being heard.

  Just then, the door opened.  The doctor came in with her husband Rob following close behind.  She could see the look of anticipation in his eyes.  He was hoping for good news.

  But, when the doctor told him that once again they won't be having a child, he froze.  "It's no use" The doctor said. 

  Angela could see the pain in her husband's eyes.  They've been married for five years.  He wanted to be a Dad.

  As they drove home, everything was quiet.  When they arrived at their house, Rob went into the bedroom and shut the door.

  Angela slowly opened the door.  She found him sitting on the side of the bed.  "Rick please talk to me.  We can work this out." She said.

  Rick was quiet for a moment, and then cleared his throat.  "I think I need to go away, at least for a while.  I need time by myself to think."  He said.

  Angela began to weep.  "Please don't do that!  We can work through this!  I love you!" She said.  "I love you.  But I need time!"  He answered.

  Rick quickly got his things together.  Angela pleaded with him as he headed out.  She sank into the lounge chair in the corner of the dark room more broken than ever.

  As the sun came up the next day, Angela was exhausted.  Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.  She hurried to open it hoping it would be Rob.

  It was her Mom.  "What is wrong dear?" She asked.  Angela told her everything.  Her mother immediately insisted that she come home for a while

  Her mother made sure she got some much needed rest and ate properly.  After a few days she began to feel better.

  The pastor came over and invited her to come and help with the missions festival at church. 
  One of the local orphanages had to close because of a lack of funds.  So the church offered to host the five little orphans until provisions could be made.

  Angela didn't want to go.  But, her mother insisted.  She was immediately warmed by the beauty of their hearts.  Her heart was especially touched by one little eight month old boy named Ricky.

  Soon, as the days passed, Angela became a new person.  She didn't feel broken anymore.  Instead, she felt fulfilled.  She cared for the children and taught them with love.

  One day Rob walked into the door of the church.  As Angela turned around, her eyes opened wide.  Rob smiled as he watched her feed Ricky a bottle.

  "May I hold him?"  He asked.  "What are you doing here?" Angela questioned.  "I can't live without you!" He answered.

  Angela smiled brightly.  She told Rob about the orphanage.  She had been praying.  An inspiration had come to her heart.

  "The first part has appeared.  You have come home!"  She said.  Rob completely agreed with it all.  They immediately went to work.

  The couple adopted all five children!  They finally had the family they wanted, and blessed others as well!  God is awesome! He always answers prayer!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, it's Sarah Geloneck from behind you. THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL. God gave you an amazing talent! I'd like to see you again. A lot has changed for me since I last saw you. I've been diagnosed as Bipolar 1 (manic depression) and was an atheist for years but have come back to God. I still have an issue with drinking and drugs, but that's a part of my illness that my psych and I are working on. I really would like to hear from you! We all love you like we loved your father and grandma. Your dad was a real life hero saving those people from that fire. I remember your grandma talking to me when I was little about Italy and how important it is to follow God. I also remember lady and sandy. Seriously, come say hi!


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