Friday, August 28, 2020

The 'What' Syndrome


My heart is always questioning and wondering in a burdensome way..
I worry about things and my pathway from one new moment till the next
The word 'what' comes out of my mouth more than one time in the plan of a day
You show me that I am not trusting in you though I may not see it at best.

Faith means giving everything over to you and knowing you'll do it all..
You'll take care of everything and there's no need to worry anymore
I just have to know that you'll be there whenever I call
You'll pour out great love, blessings and grace from Heavens precious, mighty door.

So you don't want me to say what in any context ever again..
Instead all I have to say is 'Lord it's me' and not an extra word more
You already know everything I need and me as my best friend
I can sit back and enjoy the joy and peace that rolls in from Heavens shore.

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