Saturday, August 22, 2020

My Saviour's Daughter😊

I am my beloved Saviour's Daughter so blessed...
Honored to have a place in His heart of love
I am favored and so filled with happiness
Striving to be just like my Jesus above.

I'm not perfect by any means it is true...
But that perfect love is there abundantly
Ready to enrich me in all that I do
And helping me to live every day humbly.

I'm not better than anyone, I will say...
We are all part of His great family plan
So I'm working hard to walk with Him each day
Guided by His beautiful spirit and hands.

You don't have to be perfect in any way...
You are welcome more than you could ever know
Take my hand and be a part day by day
Let Jesus come in and let His great love show!

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