Saturday, August 1, 2020

Gratitude And Grace

My Precious Saviour..

I see the sun rise on another breathtaking and beautiful day,
Something so monumental begins to develop at my hearts core
I realize so many wonderful things in a very special way
And with the greatest possible love and adoration, I want more.

I realize that your perfect, pure love is at work all around me,
You are always working so hard and interceding on my behalf
Trying to open the eyes of my heart and help me to truly see
That you are the brilliant light of hope and promise that lights up my path.

So now I stop and reflect upon with love how blessed I am it's true..
You are the precious breath that fills my lungs and the beauty of each day
I come before your throne with Thanksgiving and give all praise unto you
For you will always be there caring for me and making a great way.

I don't have to see things, but know the relationship we share..
I thank you for your great presence and every blessing large and small
I will be so grateful and thankful with a humbled heart that's always there
My Jesus, I can hear the wonder and majesty of your hearts call.

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