Monday, August 31, 2020

Perfect Miracles

Precious Jesus..

There are days when I don't feel like walking on more..
My heart feels like it has reached its final end
Everything seems so useless just like a closed door
I don't feel like I have any true and close best friends.

It seems like I'm not cared about in any way..
Everything seems cold without true peace anymore
You see me suffering strongly with each new day
You reach down with a smile and something to implore.

"Don't give up now I'm here." You strongly try to say
You wrap me in your tender arms of awesome love
And shine your presence like Sonshine with big bold rays
Blessing me with joy from your great Kingdom above
And beautifying each one of my future days.

My burdens have been replaced by tranquility..
I know who I am with such breathtaking delight
I reach out for your hand for all eternity
My beautiful perfect miracle is in sight.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Patient Love

My Jesus..

It is a perfect love that never fails in any way..
A beautiful gift of hope that gives more than it receives
It is a bridge of new beginning for each brand new day
A dream come true for any humbled heart that does believe.

It is a breathtaking spirit that waits forevermore..
An understanding soul that goes beyond true forgiveness
An adoration that comes directly from Heavens door
The awesome sweet feeling of blessing and true happiness.

A patient kind of love comes from a Saviour's heart so rare..
Available to every man woman and small child
It is always in great abundance and always right there
It's Ray of goodness truly makes any heart smile.

When I Call Your Name

My Jesus...

When I call your name, something happens in a big way..
Something special and breathtaking comes alive in me
I can feel your presence growing for a brand new day
And a masterpiece coming together perfectly.

My heart begins to reshape into your great domain..
My mind fills with the light of your grace and perfect love
My spirit ignites on fire and is more than plain
Searching for more of your presence coming from above.

When I call your name Jesus, I become more like you..
A mirrored reflection of my Saviour's very best
When I reach out to seek you in all that I may do
I will have perfect peace and abundant happiness.

Bold Armor

My Jesus..

As I take one step upon my pathway each new day..
There are a few wondrous things that I will ask of you
Prepare me with your anointing in every way
I want to be a light for your name in all I do.

Show me how to bless others with your great, perfect love
I want my time to be counted for all that you are
Rain down on me with protection from Heaven above
Your sweet presence and grace are my greatest, guiding star.

Help me to make the most out of all you've given me..
I want to be a servant in which you take delight
Let me be your instrument for all eternity
And through it all keep stresses so far from my life.

Jesus I want to put on the bold armor right now..
And walk in a new fashion with head up through it all
I want to grow closer to you in grace, show me how
I am ready for your instruction to heed the call.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

My Greatest Wish

My Jesus..

My greatest wish is something my heart desires more than anything else it's true..
It is what I consider real success defined above all things forevermore
I long to be pleasing in your sight as I come before the Holy throne and kneel by you
I yearn to hear you say well done my servant and see the beauty of your hearts core.

But you see sadness and tears in my heart that seem to grow in intensity..
As a loving, great Saviour, it hurts you more to see me suffering in this way
You reach out with pure love and try to give me peace and perfect tranquility
You want to know what is troubling me and making me feel so sad today.

I tell you about my failures and mistakes that have ruined your delight in me..
You look down and smile brightly wrapping me in your perfect embrace
And tell me I am forgiven and will be your adored child for eternity
Suddenly true delight and happiness comes to my heart and a smile on my face.

I am treasured and adored by my Lord and nothing can ever truly compare..
It gives me inspiration and strength to know that I give Him delight and much more
There's a hope that comes to see His smile and know that He'll always be right there
There's a beautiful dream in store and many wonderful things at His hearts core.

The Tree Of Happiness

My Jesus..

I want to plant a tiny seed, and watch it grow so grand..
A precious blessing that blossoms into something so true
It's a wondrous catalyst that develops in your hands
And brings many thanksgivings and praise always unto you.

The moment I give you my heart is a seed evermore..
I'm telling everyone that your love is my great desire
It begins the growth of the tree of hope from Heavens
And ignites my spirit with your love and sets it on fire.

Lord the moment that I give all that I am unto you..
I'm planting a seed that says I am your child beloved
It grows into devotion of serving a lifetime through
And many blessings that flow sweetly from Heaven above.

Jesus the moment I tell someone that you love them so..
I'm planting a seed that can grow into a life brand new
Having you always as their guide wherever they may go
And making you their eternal Father in all they do.

Lord I want to be a part of your garden club today..
I want to help plant seeds to bring new life into the fold
For I want to see your beauty shine in every way
The growth of your great Kingdom is breathtaking to behold.

More Like You๐Ÿ’

My Precious Jesus...

When people treat me badly, it takes my joy away..
I feel so broken down inside and just want to cry
I want to lash and see them hurt in a great way
But then I hear your voice so clearly asking me why.

You remind me that forgiveness is a part of love..
Understanding that it's not an easy thing to do
But you forgave me and opened the Heavens above
Now I must show your dear grace and be forgiving too.

Jesus, you remind me that they don't know who you are..
They might be going through things in their life every day
So it's best to show love and friendship by far
I should also pray for them in a loving true way.

The Christian walk is never something easy it's true..
But I know I'm a better person with happiness
For when I help others and become more just like you
I am growing in great ways and feeling ever blessed.

Friday, August 28, 2020

The 'What' Syndrome


My heart is always questioning and wondering in a burdensome way..
I worry about things and my pathway from one new moment till the next
The word 'what' comes out of my mouth more than one time in the plan of a day
You show me that I am not trusting in you though I may not see it at best.

Faith means giving everything over to you and knowing you'll do it all..
You'll take care of everything and there's no need to worry anymore
I just have to know that you'll be there whenever I call
You'll pour out great love, blessings and grace from Heavens precious, mighty door.

So you don't want me to say what in any context ever again..
Instead all I have to say is 'Lord it's me' and not an extra word more
You already know everything I need and me as my best friend
I can sit back and enjoy the joy and peace that rolls in from Heavens shore.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

๐Ÿ˜” Reflections

My Jesus...

Sometimes I have to stop and think about all the things we've shared..
You have been there every step of the way to help me so true
But the greatest delight to my heart is finding out you care
I find the definition of who I am is found in you.

You give me hope to carry on and always do my best...
To keep my thoughts and dreams upon you in every possible way
For you will be my focus even if life is put to the test
You give me happiness every moment of the day.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

My Strength


I take a step on my own and feel everything draining out of me..
I don't want to do anything and feel like giving up at end
Lord I feel so useless and so helpless no matter where I may be
I don't really think that I have one really good true friend.

But your heart cries profoundly with every tear that I go through..
You want me to know that you will always be right there from the start
Giving encouragement, strength and hope in everything I do
And pledging a great relationship from which we will never part.

I can stand on your word when I need light for every new day..
And wrap myself in your arms of comfort all the year round
For you will be my friend and confident in every great way
In your magnificent presence is where all good things shall abound.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Shattered Beauty

My Jesus..

No one can see the pain that's gripping me
It's such a very hard burden to bear
When sadness is all that I can now see
It truly feels like no one really cares.

The beauty from you is coming apart..
I cannot see its light anymore
I feel like all hope is gone from the start
Sometimes I can't see just what life is for.

But then you come with a tear in your eye
Telling me to hang on I'll make it through
To place myself in your hands to get by
I'll see new beauty in all I d o.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

One ๐Ÿšถ Step

My Jesus...

Sometimes I sit and wonder what everything means each day,
Trying to figure out just how I fit in to it all
I want to know I have purpose even in a small way
You see my anguish, and clearly hear my hearts painful call.

You wrap your arms around me and remind me I am loved...
It is a pure love that no one can ever understand
I am always in your embrace cared for from Heaven above
Part of a very special and unique mission plan.

I may not know what it will be but lean fully upon you...
You'll give me strength and endurance and walk with me each day
Reminding me I'm important to you in all I do
And showing me how to be a light all along the way.

I can be there to lift someone up who's feeling depressed..
Help someone pay their groceries who could not do in the end
Offer to help someone with a chore sharing happiness
All the while perhaps telling them about my dear best friend.

You show me I can make a difference Jesus, it is true...
True success doesn't come from material things at all
It's knowing a life's changed for your Kingdom through what we do
One beautiful step with you and I hear my plan and call.


Saturday, August 22, 2020

My Saviour's Daughter๐Ÿ˜Š

I am my beloved Saviour's Daughter so blessed...
Honored to have a place in His heart of love
I am favored and so filled with happiness
Striving to be just like my Jesus above.

I'm not perfect by any means it is true...
But that perfect love is there abundantly
Ready to enrich me in all that I do
And helping me to live every day humbly.

I'm not better than anyone, I will say...
We are all part of His great family plan
So I'm working hard to walk with Him each day
Guided by His beautiful spirit and hands.

You don't have to be perfect in any way...
You are welcome more than you could ever know
Take my hand and be a part day by day
Let Jesus come in and let His great love show!

Heart Song


I see the essence of your presence and my heart leaps with delight..
A beautiful feeling of love begins to take over so true
My spirit completely wraps up well in your power with great might.
I know with such divine grace that there is nothing I can't do.

My mind fills with a happiness that cannot be explained at all..
My feet want to dance with joy from the beginning till end of day
Every fiber of who I am listens for that moment you call
My soul wants to reach out for you and serve you in every way.

You are my hope and promise and my greatest dream that will come true..
I long to be a light that shines your glory for all hearts to see
My desire is to bring praises to your Kingdom in all I do
Jesus, ignite fire in my heart and see faith in me.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Most Difficult Thing

My Precious Saviour..

The most difficult thing for me to do is to take a step back..
And completely put my hope and trust in everything that you are
I pray, but my faith isn't what it should be that's a fact
I never stop to realize that you are my everything by far.

You 😃 smile, and tap me on the shoulder to remind me every day..
I just need to bring all of my cares and lay them down before you
You'll take away my burdens and light up my heart in a new way
Giving me renewed peace and happiness in everything I do.

So I have to realize an important fact..its not about me..
It's about you Jesus working through me for the greater of all
I don't need to fear or fret but rest in you for eternity
Your goodness, love and grace will always be there for me when I call.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Mirror Of Perfection


I look into the mirror and see someone that I do not know,
A person who is not worthy I feel of your love and great care
My God, I have made mistakes and failed and have nothing good to show
I don't know how much disappointment and sorrow I can bear.

Yet, I see a breathtaking light completely surround where I stand,
Your arms reach out and wrap around me with the purest of your love
You fill me with your beauty and presence by your command
I begin to feel a mighty work of the spirit from above.

Love shows me that I am forgiven and set free to start again,
I am a brand new person who is treasured and greatly adored
You show me that you are not only my Father but my best friend
And how you want to continue to work in my life and much more.

Suddenly I am looking forward to a wonderful new day
I feel like I can do basically anything now with you
You will walk by me and help me in every possible way
I am your loved child taking every step now brand new.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Adventure

  Angela sat quietly in the doctor's office.  The look of despair upon her face told the story of how broken her heart was.  She didn't understand why her prayers were not being heard.

  Just then, the door opened.  The doctor came in with her husband Rob following close behind.  She could see the look of anticipation in his eyes.  He was hoping for good news.

  But, when the doctor told him that once again they won't be having a child, he froze.  "It's no use" The doctor said. 

  Angela could see the pain in her husband's eyes.  They've been married for five years.  He wanted to be a Dad.

  As they drove home, everything was quiet.  When they arrived at their house, Rob went into the bedroom and shut the door.

  Angela slowly opened the door.  She found him sitting on the side of the bed.  "Rick please talk to me.  We can work this out." She said.

  Rick was quiet for a moment, and then cleared his throat.  "I think I need to go away, at least for a while.  I need time by myself to think."  He said.

  Angela began to weep.  "Please don't do that!  We can work through this!  I love you!" She said.  "I love you.  But I need time!"  He answered.

  Rick quickly got his things together.  Angela pleaded with him as he headed out.  She sank into the lounge chair in the corner of the dark room more broken than ever.

  As the sun came up the next day, Angela was exhausted.  Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.  She hurried to open it hoping it would be Rob.

  It was her Mom.  "What is wrong dear?" She asked.  Angela told her everything.  Her mother immediately insisted that she come home for a while

  Her mother made sure she got some much needed rest and ate properly.  After a few days she began to feel better.

  The pastor came over and invited her to come and help with the missions festival at church. 
  One of the local orphanages had to close because of a lack of funds.  So the church offered to host the five little orphans until provisions could be made.

  Angela didn't want to go.  But, her mother insisted.  She was immediately warmed by the beauty of their hearts.  Her heart was especially touched by one little eight month old boy named Ricky.

  Soon, as the days passed, Angela became a new person.  She didn't feel broken anymore.  Instead, she felt fulfilled.  She cared for the children and taught them with love.

  One day Rob walked into the door of the church.  As Angela turned around, her eyes opened wide.  Rob smiled as he watched her feed Ricky a bottle.

  "May I hold him?"  He asked.  "What are you doing here?" Angela questioned.  "I can't live without you!" He answered.

  Angela smiled brightly.  She told Rob about the orphanage.  She had been praying.  An inspiration had come to her heart.

  "The first part has appeared.  You have come home!"  She said.  Rob completely agreed with it all.  They immediately went to work.

  The couple adopted all five children!  They finally had the family they wanted, and blessed others as well!  God is awesome! He always answers prayer!

*****     A Loving Humbled Heart     *****


It is my prayer to live life to the fullest each day
with a grateful and submissive heart full of true love
Always thankful for all of the blessings that come my way
Knowing they are all special gifts from your heart above.

It is my prayer to be motivated and to believe
Having faith and knowing that my heart's dreams will come true
Always being positive that soon I can achieve
Every desire and wish that I aspire to.

It is my prayer to touch others with kindness so genuine
and to make a difference and be an inspiration
To always be a devoted and helpful true friend
Living each day with persistence and expectation.

Help me to have a dedicated, Champion's heart
Knowing what it all stands for and what it truly means
Everything worth having comes from you right from the start
It is my prayer for a loving, humbled heart, Lord, please. 

Sunday, August 9, 2020

You Are My Breath


You are my breath that fuels the strength in my lungs for every day,
The breath that gives my heart power to do great and mighty things
The breath that fills my spirit with hope from you in every way
The breath that ignites my soul with everything knowing you brings.

You are the breath that gives my mind sweet peace beyond compare..
The breath that gives me wisdom and guidance as only you can
The sweet breath that shows you're beside me and that you truly care
The sweet breath that shows you control it all by your hands.

You are my breath of life, my promise and my everything..
Jesus, I know the truth that I would be nothing without you
I need to take a breath and look to you with what each day brings
My Jesus, with just one great breath you will always see me through.

Finding Truth

  Jillian was at a happy point in her life that she never thought possible.  She had her ideal dream job, loving family and friends, and had found the love of her life.
  But, then suddenly her happiness had stalled.  She was out one evening for dinner with her beau Drew.  She thought she knew him well. 
  They had been dating for over four months.  She was getting ready to bring him home to meet her parents. 
  Jillian thought it would be a great idea to invite him to her home towns gospel celebration.  All of the churches come together.  There's music, singing and hometown fun.
  But just as she mentioned the idea, she saw a side of Drew that she never seen before.  His eyes filled with intense anger.
  "Don't even try to push that stuff on me!  I don't believe!"  He said as he stormed off.
  Jillians heart broke in two.  She ached for the man she loved.  But she also ached when someone turned away from the awesome Heavenly Father that had been so good to her.
  Jillian went home and sobbed uncontrollably.  She packed her things.  She tried to call Drew.  But he wouldn't answer.  She left a message to let him know she was going home for the festival.
  The plane ride home was a long one.  Her family and friends were there to greet her and welcome her.  Jillian tried desperately to hide her pain.
  But her parents could tell something wasn't quite right.  As she was trying to unpack, they asked if there was anything she would like to talk about.
  Jillian broke down in tears and told them about Drew.  Her parents immediately took her hands and prayed with her.  They prayed for Drew.  If they were meant for each other that God would speak to His heart.
  Jillian tried to keep her mind off Drew by helping with the festival preparations.  But every day she and her family kept praying.
  The day of the festival had arrived.  Jillian sat with her family and friends waiting for the missionary to speak.
Suddenly she saw a familiar face motioning to her.  It was Drew!
  "I realize I can't live without you!" He said.  The two embraced and wept.  Jillian took him by the hand to where she was sitting.
  When the missionary gave the altar call, she reached for Drews hand.  Together they went up and knelt together.  Drew gave his heart and life to the Lord.
  Now Jillians life was complete once again.  She realized that she could only find real truth through Jesus.
  It is through that realization that the Lord called Drew to His heart and led him to be a minister!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Perfect Dreams

My Jesus😊

I sit back and close my eyes trying to think about only the best,
Blocking all of the negative things around me out of my heart and mind
Seeking all of your unmistakable joy and beautiful happiness
Letting all of my human frustrations and disappointments unwind.

My heart reaches out for the wonder of everything you are and more..
This spirit yearns for the comfort and peace of your power coming through
A soul who sends thanksgiving and gratitude directly to your door
Sweet Master I know that the greatest dreams and hopes only come from you.

So I'm placing all that I am into your wonderful mighty hands
I know that two best friends can never lose or ever be defeated
I can do anything by your awesome word and your mighty great plan
Always under the light of your anointing is where we need to be.

Coming Back

Lord Jesus...

I tend to try and do things in my own selfish way,
Thinking that I can solve everything with a great plan
But nothing ever works. accordingly day by day
Lord I know I should have first turned to your mighty hands.

I take and place everything before your throne above..
And know without a doubt that you'll take care of it all
You are always ready to help with a special love
Listening attentively to whenever my heart calls.

So I take and put my selfishness aside right now..
I know that I have no great power Lord but through you
I need to trust and know that you'll work it out somehow
You are my guiding force in everything that I do.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

The Pathway


When I feel like giving up, you are right there with love and more..
Reaching out your arm of comfort to calm and inspire me
You send so much tender love with joy to my hearts very core
And let me know always by my side is where you will be.

You will help me and give me wisdom and all that I will need
All that I have to do is give it my very best and try
If I trust in you, in my own way and by you I'll succeed
You will help me every step of the way get through and get by.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

My Best Friend, You Are Everything


You are the peace that stills my heart and brings me comfort so true,
A beautiful hope that tries to shine like a rainbow each day
Comforting rest that brings tranquility in all that I do
A guiding light that tries to make a special, new way

You are my Saviour who only offers only His hearts best
My happiness who comes through and pushes sad feelings aside
You are my best friend who is with me with such great happiness
My healing grace who always looks at me with hands open wide.

Lord you are everything my heart could ask for and so much more...
You're always there by my side in everything I do
You are all that I am and everything I'm living for
Lord I am so excited and send all of my love to you

I Get Excited

My Jesus...

I get excited thinking about the day that I will meet you,
I will bow at your feet and look into your understanding eyes
It's probably the greatest thing that I think I'll ever do
Seeing your breathtaking face and hearing your voice so sweet and wise.

I get excited thinking about the day I will talk to you
You will give me great advice as only you possibly can
And listen to all of my concerns and excitement every day through
Telling me how you carefully laid out your wonderful, smart plan.

I get excited thinking about the day I will sit with you
And concentrate on just how much your mighty presence means to me
Jesus you have been my everything for my entire life through
I will love you and exhault your name for all of eternity

Monday, August 3, 2020

I Can Do Anything

The moment I begin to feel the work of your perfect love,
Flowing like a breathtaking river of happiness into me
My heart overjoys and sends praise unto you above
There is nothing that's impossible to accomplish or see.

I can do anything Lord Jesus when I take your hand
You make my life worth living each day and wonderful it's true
Success and victory come when I follow your plan
The greatest of any possible dream can come true.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Heaven's Song


I can hear the breathtaking music playing so perfectly,
It is a message of pure love and sweet peace for all to hear
There are little life lessons written especially just for me
It's like a precious masterpiece and Symphony I hold dear.

Every note is a guiding tool for yet another new day,
Every beat a crafting tool for dreams and more
It is a great symphony of promise in every way
Flowing from your magnificent heart through Heavens mighty door.

I can hear Heavens beautiful and mighty song as it plays,
It's a love song written about your adoration for me
It minister's to my heart in so many powerful ways
I will be blessed by its grandeur for all of eternity.

Show Me Your Heart

Precious Lord...

Every essence of who I am longs to see so much more of you,
I yearn to feel your perfect presence and love descend upon me
Providing such strength and guidance in everything that I do
And helping me navigate all of my footsteps so perfectly.

Every essence of who I am longs to be exactly like you,
Realizing just who I am as your dear child, and so much more
Desiring to do great and mighty things as only you would do
Growing in your sweet spirit so much greater than ever before.

Father God, open your heart now and show me more beauty so true,
Let the doors open, and your great power flow heavily upon me
Lord, I want to know every part of who I am that comes from you
Open the eyes of my heart, so my blessings and gifts I can see.

Open your heart and let your love's light shine even more brighter still..
Give me a further vision of everything you want me to be
Being a brilliant light for your Kingdom, according to your will
And bringing you delight and all praise for all of eternity.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

The Foundation Of Glory

My Jesus...

As I take each step I don't feel the confidence I need throughout the day,
I'm always afraid of one thing or worried about something else it's true
I know that I do not want to live my life so limited in that way
There is a great need for something strong and dependable to see me through.

You see the pain and confusion going through my heart so fervently..
It hurts you so much more in your heart than words can ever possibly say
So you reveal yourself in so much brilliance and glory
And show me that there's a beautiful foundation for every day.

All that I need to do is take your hand and join you step by little step..
There is nothing that this world could ever give that you and I can't get through You will protect me, guide me and help me always giving your very best
I never have to fear or worry because my foundation is in you!

Just One Word From You

Sweet Jesus..

Just one word from You would set my heart ablaze from above,
It would fill my spirit with an energy for all time
And flood my soul with a perfect, unending, cherished love
Giving me the tranquility I've been longing to find.

Just one word from You
would give my mind wisdom at its best
And give my wandering heart delight at its very core
It would fill my entire being with happiness
Leaving me with great fulfillment, and wanting so much more.

Just one word from You and listening now with great delight..
Father..please tell me everything that you want to say
Reveal to me your hearts desire with all your great might
I need to hear a word from You with the start of each day.

Gratitude And Grace

My Precious Saviour..

I see the sun rise on another breathtaking and beautiful day,
Something so monumental begins to develop at my hearts core
I realize so many wonderful things in a very special way
And with the greatest possible love and adoration, I want more.

I realize that your perfect, pure love is at work all around me,
You are always working so hard and interceding on my behalf
Trying to open the eyes of my heart and help me to truly see
That you are the brilliant light of hope and promise that lights up my path.

So now I stop and reflect upon with love how blessed I am it's true..
You are the precious breath that fills my lungs and the beauty of each day
I come before your throne with Thanksgiving and give all praise unto you
For you will always be there caring for me and making a great way.

I don't have to see things, but know the relationship we share..
I thank you for your great presence and every blessing large and small
I will be so grateful and thankful with a humbled heart that's always there
My Jesus, I can hear the wonder and majesty of your hearts call.

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...