Sunday, December 26, 2021


     So, at this special, awesome time of the year, have you ever heard any one make this statement?  'I wish that Christmas could be every day'.

     Have you ever thought about that too?  Given the state of the 🌎 world that we live in, that's not hard.  We live in a dark, impersonal and lonely, lost world.

     There are so many hurting 💕 hearts searching for a brighter horizon.  Yet, there doesn't seem to be much to grasp for.  It seems to be getting darker.

     Now, if we think about Christmas as most do, we think about a holiday once a year that is convenient.  It is a time off from work.  It is a time for baking, parties and great 🎁 gifts.

      But, that definition is from the human ❤ heart.  The real meaning of 🎄 Christmas happened long ago.  A beautiful baby was born to parents of humble means in a small town called Bethlehem.

     There were no black Friday sales.  There were no Christmas trees.  But, the greatest 🎁 gift of all was given that night that was priceless.

     God gave his beloved Son into the 🌎 world to be born of a virgin so that all who have sinned may be set free.  That is pure, perfect 💘 love personified.

     So you can celebrate Christmas every day.  Just remember the Christ in Christmas.  It is a time to give thanks for His precious 🎁 gift of Salvation and love.

     I challenge you in your pathway to celebrate Christmas every day.  Give a lost and hurting person the gift of His hope by giving them the light of His love and telling them the true story of Christmas.

    Spend some time every day celebrating and thanking the Lord for the greatest gift of all!

God bless you all!

Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Christmas Lesson

A Father wanted to teach his young son the true meaning of 🎄 Christmas.  He was truly worried about all of the commercialism that seemed to be everywhere.

His son was just four years old.  Yet even kids at such a young age are influenced.  So he told him that any 🎁 gifts this year couldn't cost much.

His son knows about the story of Jesus.  He has been raised in the church.  So he gave him a little project.  He gave his son a notebook.

He was given one week to draw a picture of everything he wanted.  When the little boy brought it back the Father wasn't expecting much.

He opened the cover and expected to see toys.  But what he saw put bewilderment on his face.  There were three big red hearts.

The Father asked him what it meant.  His son looked at him and smiled.  The first heart meant that he was going to love and help him

The second heart meant that he was going to live and love the Lord always.
The third heart meant that he was going to love others forever.

Tears began to stream down his father's face.  He was trying to teach him a life lesson.  But u
Instead he himself learned the greatest lesson of all

Sunday, December 19, 2021

The 🎄 Christmas Candle

A young 👧 girl sat weeping feeling so alone in the deepest way...
She was feeling so broken and hurting like no one even cared
She couldn't see promise and felt so lost and empty every day
No one bothered to acknowledge her and sometimes it is hard to bear.

But one day a lady appeared and gave her a Christmas 🎁 gift new and pure.
It is a perfect sweet gift of love that cannot be bought or sold
It is a source of hope to lean on with strength to endure
And a symbol of peace and excitement that she can surely hold.

She opened the wooden box and wondered exactly what's inside...
It was a beautiful hand painted candle and a card to see
The girl began to read the words as the lady stood by her side
She wanted to understand it all with her heart so perfectly.

The letter said 'light this candle when you need a dear friend to call?'
'Then take two steps back close your eyes and look to God above
For he will always be your everything and your all in all
Let Him have your faith and receive his perfect awesome love.

The girl gave thanks for that tiny important precious Christmas gift...
When you hold it in your hands it reminds you of blessings with grace
She wanted to thank the woman who gave her life a brighter lift
And she reached out for her Saviour who gave her a mighty embrace.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

A Lesson In Hope

Candy was excited to get a call from her best friend one day...
She had only been home on her college break for a little while
She wanted to spend time with her dear friend in a dire way
And to see the brilliant light of her kind and caring, wholesome smile.

Her friend took her to a holiday sale that started before daylight...
When they arrived, people were already lined up at the main door
And when they finally opened it was a truly horrific sight
Candy and her friend were pushed inside not knowing what was in store.

People shoved and moved about without even an ounce of care...
Suddenly, Candy reached out and she and her friend fell to the floor
A sense of true chaos and mischief seem to be everywhere
Candy stood up and yelled not being able to take it anymore.

She told everyone they could get great deals at a party tonight...
Having the attention of the room she told them just where to be
And although her friend looked at her with a confused sense of great fright
Together the two pals walked out of the room with hope happily.

Candy took her friends hand and they started to pray with humbled love...
That Jesus would take a small seed and make it something super great
He would bless it and create a divine miracle from above
So that others would always remember His power and the great date.

Well many people showed up at the church program that very night...
And although some left, a lot were intrigued and decided to stay
They found new hope in Jesus and a beautiful promising sight
A mighty Christmas miracle of love became real on that day.

Because Jesus planted a small seed in a young girl's heart so true...
And she stood up for what really mattered most and what she believed
Others were able to hear the truth to keep for their lifetime through
And true love was allowed to blossom and to be greatly received!

Sunday, December 12, 2021

The Christmas Seed

The Pastor began to announce about the Christmas party Sunday...
He told everyone to bring a gift that would bless other hearts with 💘 love
It would be a time to share God's love in a very special bright way
And give all praise, joy, and thanksgiving to the Saviour above.

Everyone was 😊 happy to share at the event joyful and grand...
They gathered and brought colorful packages of all sizes that night
Suddenly, something spectacular appeared that wasn't even planned
To everyone it was a happy yet unexpected true sight.

The Pastor's grandson, barely five brought his package to submit so true...
It was wrapped in newspaper as he presented it with delight
His Grandfather told him that this is something he didn't have to do
But he just 😃 smiled brighter with child like happiness and delight.

One by one each person drew a present from the gifts that were bestowed...
The little boy looked puzzled and saddened at everything he'd see
Suddenly his Grandpa's pastor friend picked the gift that he had sown
The 👦 boy smiled again and perked up so happily.

As the man took the newspaper away he saw a small bible there...
The cover was a little torn but otherwise it wasn't that bad
Tears filled the man's eyes as he walked over and hugged the young boy with care
The child saw the happiness and said how delighted he was and glad.

The Pastor knelt by his grandsons side and asked him a question too...
He wanted to know why he was giving his cherished bible away
The boy reminded the Pastor of what he had said they should do
Give something that would bless someone's life for Christmas in a mighty way.

Tears began to fill the Pastor's eyes as he looked at his grandsons joy...
He looked unto Heaven and gave thanks unto his Saviour with humbled 💘 love
For he sent him the Christmas Seed in an innocent and true young boy
A reminder of the true meaning of Christmas from Heaven above.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

My Heart’s Prayer
Sometimes my heart feels so distant and alone
Searching and not understanding with all care
Yearning for something special to call my own
Lord, you see the unsettledness my heart bears.

Nothing seems to make too much sense anymore
My heart searches for purpose with clarity
Lord, you feel my heaviness at your heart’s door
And lovingly open your arms wide for me.

You begin to provide insight by your grace
And show me just how special I am to you
It will become clear at the right time and place
A heart of Faith, Trust, and Love will see me through.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

My Heart's Light

Sweet Jesus.....

Sometimes when I look at the world so plainly all around me...
And try to figure everything out so completely and sure
I become so distressed by all of the disarray I see
I find it hard to build strength to live happily and endure.

But then your great mercy and compassion tug at my heart's core...
Reaching out with a love and grace that can't be found anywhere
Telling me to leave all my burdens at Heavens mighty door
You'd take care of me, fill me with your peace and always be there.

Now I knew I never had to be conflicted again..
The light of my path would be bright with hope and promise so true
I knew that I have my eternal Saviour and dear best friend
He will be my foundation and anchor in all that I do.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Just One Name

Precious Lord.....

When I start on my pathway feeling lost and alone...
Believing like I don't have direction to the day
I try on my own to find some purpose in it all
But in my humanity I cannot find the way.

Suddenly a hand of love reaches for me so true...
Letting me know I'm important and so adored
Whispering one name for all that I say and do
Jesus is my bright light and what I am living for.

I dropped to my knees and gave praise to Him in glory...
Tears slowly streamed from my eyes as my heart could now sing
My Emanuel is my breath and my life's story
He is the sum total of my world and everything.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Healing Oil

My Jesus...

I need your healing anointing to flow brilliantly...
A beautiful cascade of devotion from above
Ready to restore all of the greatest parts of me
And make me a new masterpiece of joy with your love.

Set my emotions in line with who you truly are...
Positive, happy, and delightful in every way
For when I look to you my ambitions will go far
You are my guiding light of peace for every day.

I need body renewal to the. greatest degree...
Make everything brand new Lord as only you can
Look inside my heart and see the purest part of me
Prepare me with your grace according to your plan.

Lord I need a movement of your mighty spirit true...
Let it flow like holy oil everywhere
And start a fresh beginning making all so brand new
Jesus I'm waiting for your presence that will be there.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Beauty Of Your Mercy


Your mercy is like a tender comfort to bring my heart happiness...
Knowing that I can always come to you and talk to you at all times
You are the understanding Father that touches my life with the best
And helps me to always feel your presence with a perfect love so kind.

You know that I am a sinner saved by grace and not perfect at all...
Yet you love me beyond infinity and call me your child so blessed
Ready with great compassion and forgiveness whenever I may call
I need to give you my burdens so heavy and you'll handle the rest.

I am honored to be called your beloved child in all I do...
And know that I can come before your throne with humility so grand
I will always get the best of it all from your heart and straight from you
My precious Lord Jesus I am waiting upon your great master plan.

Monday, November 29, 2021

A Prayer Of Refreshment

My Jesus...

I dedicate this day to you, hour by hour...
Fill it with everything wonderful that comes from you
A great refreshment of your anointing and power
Surrounded by your love in everything I do.

Help me to know the movement of your precious, great hands...
And the beautiful peace that surrounds me in each case
I want to see your desire and mightiest plans
And for you to be the endless joy that fills my face.

Jesus, please make this a day that brings us closer still...
I want your love working more powerfully in me
And helping me know the blueprint of your mighty will
Jesus, each day in your light is where I want to be.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Breathtaking Rain

A man was 🚶 walking along a pathway one day...
Just 🙏 praying with great tears streaming from his eyes
He needed great promise and couldn't see a way
Even though he searched for hope that was surely wise.

Just then, a man came a long and reached out so kind...
The first man told him what was on his mind and more
The stranger asked him if his faith was strong and fine
He answered that he never leaned on faith before.

The stranger led him to Christ with a simple 🙏 prayer...
They prayed for his need knowing it would come true
It showed how much another heart can truly care
And reach out with such great happiness to help you.

Just then the 📱 phone rang with news to delight the ❤ heart...
His friend was doing better and will be ok
The man turned to thank the stranger right from the start
But this generous soul had disappeared that day.

The man looked up to heaven and thanked God with love...
He would live for Him and serve Him his whole life through
He thanked Him for sending his angel from above
From now on, he'd lean on faith in what he may do.

My Lord

You are the beauty that makes each day worth living...
The great hope that beautifully shapes tomorrow's hour
I'm in awe at your sweet heart that's always giving
And your breathtaking anointing that gives me power.

My eyes look to you my source of everything...
For things worth having can only come from above
I'm yearning for your touch and all that it should bring
Jesus cover me with a wash of your great love.

When someone sees me and looks at my joyous face...
They ask how I live every day so happily
I tell them I'm your child in your warm embrace
And that they too can have it all so perfectly.


Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Thanksgiving Table

The Thanksgiving Table

I see a beautiful table set before me,
It's all arranged with detail; so lavish and fair
The food dishes have been placed down so perfectly
Each chair has been positioned with the greatest care.

Yet, something feels to be somewhat different this year,
There's a breathtaking light that seems to fill the room
I look at it all and begin to shed a tear
My curious heart yearns to know much more and soon.

At the head chair, there's a crown shining brilliantly,
As I walk around, things begin to grow more clear
The next spot was mine and all that God's done for me
Looking at it all, I shed another tear.

I saw a space for all of my friends and loved ones
and all those from day to day I don't truly know
There was a clear picture of what God's love had done
A true sense of promise and hope began to show.

As I walked further around the room, on my way,
Your presence and mighty power grew brighter still
I dropped down to my knees not knowing what to say
I gloried in your presence and masterful will.

You showed me to be thankful in all that I am
To see your grace and love in all things, with great care
and not to complain at all, for this is your plan
But, trust in you and know that you are always there.

I proudly took my place at the table that day,
For I'd learned what Thanksgiving truly means to me
Giving thanks to God for it all on life's pathway
and doing it humbly and with purity.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The Thankgiving Question

A question was asked of one man so plainly and direct...
Please tell me sir, what in this world are you most thankful for?
He thought, and wanted his answer to be the very best
Well, I have everything I could ever want and much more.

But then, a man who had nothing stepped up to answer too...
The first man smirked at the thought of what his answer would be
He smiled, and called himself a blessed man his whole lifetime through
Because of God's goodness, his friends and loving family.

The first man bowed his head in shame at his answer so true..
He asked the other man why he is so happy each day
He answered, Because Jesus is my hope in all I do
No matter what or where, he will always make a great way.

Tears began to fall as he fell down to his knees and cried..
The good man put his arm around him and began to pray
He knew that God's love and grace by them would abide
And a brand new heart and life for Jesus was born that day.

The first man looked at things differently with blessed happiness...
He was thankful for what came from Jesus heart with much love
He learned that the simple things in life are the true success
And makes sure to display a grateful heart to God above.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Just One Path

My Jesus...

I see 👣 footsteps leading to the doors of your kingdom so true...
Yet, the long way is quite narrow and straight forward at its best
I repent of my sins and rededicate my life to you
I know that you 💘 love me and I'll be with you in happiness.

But Lord I know with you all things are possible every day...
You empower me with your goodness, strength and eternal love.
I can tell others about your love and the one, only real way
And they will find that one true path to eternal life above.

For true success is found in serving, loving and praising you...
And being an instrument so that others know what is real
There is just one path to life's greatest treasure that so true
Lord, I want others to know about our bond and how I feel.


Sunday, November 14, 2021

Yearning For Perfect Peace


When the heart is searching for perfect peace to flow and make all things new...
It can be a dream and desire that's impossible to find
For everything wonderful flows from your breathtaking heart Lord from you
Brand new seeds of hope replanted that brings promise from your hands in kind.

You tell me how much you love me and that won't change in any way...
One move of your great spirit and there's a flow of purest happiness
Giving me a calm in my spirit and an endurance for each day
Realizing that you are my perfect peace and that I am truly blessed.

Knowing that I have found the greatest information that must be shared...
And spread the good news of purest joy to even one life so true
Letting them know how much you love them and that you will always be there
I can make a true difference telling even one person about you.

Monday, November 8, 2021

You Are My Anchor


You are the air that perfectly fills my lungs every day...
You are the power that gives my heart joy to beat strong and true
When my spirit needs direction I know you'll provide the way
There is no doubt that my soul Lord can always look upon you.

You are my perfect peace that gives me strength to take on each step...
And not only succeed but do so with my Saviors delight
I can do anything because you always give me your best
You are my foundation who keeps me strong with heavenly might.

Jesus you are my anchor for all that I am and much more...
I know that you will take care of me and have a special plan
I can't wait to see what you have in mind down at your hearts core
My Jesus I am reaching out with pure love for your great hand.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Mirror Of Life

Precious Jesus.....

The greatest honor is what you have given to me...
Being called your beloved child that means all to you
It's a cherished gift I'll praise for eternity
I want others to see your love in all that I do.

I want your 💘 love to live within me in such a way...
That it shows your precious mercy, goodness and the best
When others see my heart and life near them every day
They'll know your precious goodness and joy and be so blessed.

Jesus, make me a mirror of you and your great love.....
I'm a citizen of Heaven, doing your will true
That others may come to know your grace and joy above
And everything super special that can come from you.

Even if one life looks beyond the mirror and glare.....
And makes the decision to live every day for you
The Kingdom trumpets will sound with delight everywhere
Welcoming a heart saved for your glory now so new!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

I Need Your Light

My Jesus....

I need your breathtaking light to be the guiding point of my days...
Guiding my footsteps and helping me through the ☁ clouds that are so near
Like a lighthouse of peace and love showing me the perfect, real way
Holding me in your arms of love and filling me with peace so dear

I need your sweet love to be my power on my pathway so true...
Giving me a reason to go
 ahead with delight and majesty
Your grace will be my solution that I can always count on you
You are always blessing and bringing out the very best in me.

I need your perfect touch to begin something wonderful and grand...
A Horizon so incredible it brings peace and so much more
I can see the opening of your heart and your mighty, pure hands
Lord, I'm waiting for a move of your spirit like never before!

Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Greatest Honor

My Wonderful Jesus.....

When I stop to think what is important and so real...
My mind just cannot see a purpose for each new day
Sometimes I wonder why I'm saddened, and what to feel
But then your sweet heart reaches out in a loving way.

You tell me you adore me with love and happiness...
And how you are working and going the extra mile
I begin to fill with gratitude and feel so blessed
But then you tell me something that really makes me 😃 smile.

.caYou tell me I'm your beloved child close to your heart true...
Your precious son or daughter in which you take delight
I am so thankful to receive this honor from you
And now can walk more clearly with a special new sight.

For I am yours and want to tell hearts on every shore...
The sweetest things come to those who look to Heavens gate
So they can realize how much they mean to you and more
Let me be your dear disciple Lord, don't hesitate!

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Perfect Blessings


Blessings flow like pure raindrops from your breathtaking ❤ heart above...
They come in all possible forms and unpredictable size
Each one is uniquely created and made with perfect love
By a Saviour who knows our needs and is holy and so wise.

It may not be visible to us and our hearts right away...
The things of the world may prevent us from what we need to see
But God's mercy comes in to bring pure clarity to each day
And give us the right vision of His love for eternity.

The perfect blessings are pieces of God's sweet heart for us all..
They are seeds of enrichment that we need for every day
Beautiful symbols that show God's breathtaking grace through it all
Please continue to teach me Lord to see and hear you always.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Beauty Of Every Moment

My Jesus.....

The beauty of every moment my Lord is found in you...
You are the light that illustrates the promise for each day
The love that is my strength and power to always see me through
The anointing to give me great guidance all along the way.

The beauty of every moment is found when two hearts are one.....
And you take over and become the Lord of all that I am
I hear you and follow your will my adventure has begun
I can find true success by staying close to your perfect plan.

The beauty of every moment comes straight from your heart of gold....
I'll have all good things as I enjoy its mighty overflow
Lord, you are my everything and I have faith in you untold
I can always see beauty even through clouds this I do know!

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Heaven's Window

My Breathtaking Saviour..

My ❤ heart, at times, can be like a 💔 broken ship wandering on the sea...
Searching for new ports of promise, and bright lights of hope to now show
And sometimes there is emptiness and 😕 confusion deep within me
I'm soon overwhelmed with stress and a fear I don't want to know.

But, then your beautiful ❤ heart begins to open wider with love...
Each window in Heaven has a cup of Grace on every sill
Beautiful mercy and joy begin to rain from Heaven above
My heart begins to get a clear picture of you and your will.

You show me that you are in control of everything large and small...
And soon your healing power begins to make something new in me
A breathtaking vessel filled with your spirit to be strong and tall
And your great power soon opens my eyes that I may truly see.

Now my heart is a ship guided by your lighthouse in many ways..
And I have a strong foundation to guide me to my pathways true
Jesus you are my leader and my everything for all my days
I can find the light of promise and hope for who I am in you.

Sunday, October 17, 2021


Wonderful Jesus..

I know without a doubt that I can't do things on my own...
Even though with stubbornness and ignorance I will try
Nothing ever works out as past instances have shown
I always land up wondering and asking myself why.

Then you nudge me and let me know that you are always near...
I kneel down in prayer and give everything Lord to you
But I get impatient waiting on your heart that's so dear
You remind me that in your time you are faithful and true.

You have a plan and purpose and want the best things for me...
Including learning great patience to wait along the way
And you will always be on time with great things now to see
Leading me to a miraculous new and brighter great day.

I am grateful for these revelations that are new...
They show me with clarity how I need you more and more
You are my light of promise in everything I do
I wait so patiently on my knees at your great hearts door.

Monday, October 11, 2021

The Art Session

My Beloved Jesus...

You look down and see me crying so uncontrollably..
It weighs on your perfectly beautiful ❤ heart with power
I look at all things negative that I think about me
The strong 😱 fear begins to tear all things down and devour.

I call myself a failure and worthless through and through...
There's no reason to continue without hope anymore
Suddenly a sense of real urgency comes Lord from you
As you reach out your arms and send sweet peace from Heavens door.

Your love flows through me like honey cleansing all a new..
You begin a wonderful exciting work in me
Suddenly I'm a new person in all I do
I am your breathtaking masterpiece for all to soon see.

I'm worth more than all of the treasures that one can think of..
I'm your beloved child that you hold dear in every way
I am a great success because you are my Lord above
You give me purpose and real promise for every new day!

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Just One Perfect Word


When I am 🚶 walking along my pathway every day...
And my direction may become confusing at its best
I try to figure out which one would be the ideal way
One that would bring me promise and the greatest happiness.

As I'm looking to figure out the condition of the morning sky...
I see rain and doubt if I'm going to see the 🌞 🌅 sun
My spirit becomes 😟 worried and my ❤ heart begins to 😢 cry
Just then, my powerful inner battle had just begun.

You knock on the 🚪 door of my heart with a love that is pure...
And tell me that I need to rest in you and take your ✋ hand
You will be my strength and my foundation to always endure
I just need to walk beside of you and trust your great plan.

Just the mention of one sweet, divine word 'Jesus' and it's done...
Everything will be successful laid down at your feet
A brand new life of hope and victory has now begun
Just one word and a 🌈 rainbow of great triumph I will see!


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Standing Up For Jesus

My Awesome Saviour...

The world around me is getting darker it seems with each day...
People are being hindered from good things and what is so true
They are being lied to and misled in every greatest way
Pushed further and further away from ever knowing of you.

But your light begins to shine with great intensity and love...
No darkness could ever keep its joy from greatly coming through
Those who have a yearning heart will be greatly blessed from above
And have the privilege of feeling your presence and knowing you.

No effort to silence you will ever work in any way...
You're the rainbow that shines beyond any storms capacity
We have to stand up and fight for you in all we do and say
Realizing that this is your land where we live happy and free.

So we give praise to you and exhaultation your name forevermore...
You are our great Saviour, provider, and our everything
Together we send all praise and Thanksgiving to Heavens door
Let the bells of deep true freedom always and forever ring!

Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Faith Walk

My Jesus...

Sometimes I try to figure things out in my own mixed up way...
Things become difficult when I can't see what I'm searching for
Fear and anxiety cripple me and sadden every day
I can't see the beauty and happiness I need and much more.

You see all of the burdens that are taking hold upon me..
And it brings you such dismay to see what I am going through
You reach down and wrap me in your arms of love so perfectly
Reminding me that you are in control in all that I do.

I have a seed of promise that you have planted deep in me...
I need to learn how to stand on its firm foundation so true
To hold strong in my faith and believe in miracles to see
For every good and perfect thing to have comes Lord right from you.

I lay my burdens at your feet and trust in your great power...
Lord you'll take care of it all and provide for me each day through
You are my source and my greatest answer in the final hour
Lord I surely know that nothing is impossible with you!

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Shadows Of Glory

Wonderful Jesus...

As I see these reflections, there's nothing interesting to me....
I seem to look at every moment so rough and sad
But you have important lessons to convey perfectly
You want me to live a life that is always happy and glad.

You teach me the importance of starting every day with 🙏 prayer
And knowing that you have myself and all things in your great hands
And give me the peace and assurance you'll always be there
I need to see through the window of your heart and your command.

You give me all things perfect that can only come Lord from you...
I need to yearn and search for the wonders of such a great sight
I never have to be negative again my whole life through
For the shadows of glory will give me your great love and light.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Pathway Of Promise

    Celeste didn't know how to tell her parents that she was leaving school.  But she just couldn't stay any more.  She had trouble with her assignments and tests.  Her grades were never higher than a low c.

     Her Mom was planning for her to take a major position in the family accounting firm.  But Celeste knew that would be hard.  After all, she hated math.

     She was going home for spring break.  It would give her plenty of time to figure things out.  She finished packing.  Her roommate took her to the airport.

     But when she touched down in her home state it was her brother waiting not her parents.  She knew that something was wrong.

     She inquired about them.  Her brother told her that their Father was in the hospital.  He had collapsed from exhaustion.

    They traveled straight there.  Celeste embraced her parents.  They asked her about school.  She tried to hide her pain and said everything was fine.

     They again expressed interest in her joining the firm.  Celeste didn't answer.
Over the next week, she stood by her parents side and tried to help where she could.

     When her Father finally was sent home, the Pastor and members of the church arrived for a bible study and prayer time.

     Their family Pastor pulled her to the side.  He asked what was wrong.  She broke down and cried explaining what she was struggling with.

     The Pastor immediately took her hands and prayed with her.  He told her that she must be truthful with her parents.  He told her that he would come back in a few days and help her to talk to them.

   Celeste thanked him.  But the next few days were the hardest she ever faced.  She prayed for strength and guidance.

    The day had arrived.  The Pastor came early.  They went into the room with her parents.  Everyone was silent.  Pastor motioned for her to begin.

    Celeste looked up, swallowed, and then explained everything.  The room grew bone chilling quiet again.

     Suddenly her parents broke out in loud laughter.  Celeste didn't know what to think.  They said they wanted her to be happy and to do what made her happy.

     Celeste looked up and thanked God.  She embraced the Pastor and her parents for being great role models.  She didn't return to school.

     She took time to seek God's desire for her life.  Celeste got the chance to explore something that she was interested in art school.

     She did help in her parents firm and even started dating the pastor's son.  Celeste learned something very important.

    Be who God wants you to be with a humbled heart.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Most Important Thing

My Jesus...

When I look into the mirror each day what is it that I see?
Do I let other hearts shape who I am
Or do I view the wonderful points of the masterpiece in me
You predestined great things for my path my great Saviour and best friend.

You never do anything in error that is strong truth without doubt...
You see unique beauty in my heart and spirit forever more
One touch of your great power makes your love and grace come flowing out
My heart knows there are wonderful dreams and promises in store.

So even if someone says bad things about me at any time...
I should pray for them and know it is in no way real or true
When I keep my eyes upon your sweet heart there's one thing I'll find
The real definition of who I am and hope to be is you.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

You Are My Everything

Sweet Jesus...

You are the breath of hope that fills me with life overflowing every day...
The fire of new energy that ignites my spirit to rise and soar
The light of fulfillment that blesses my eager soul in every way
The Craftsman of my ❤ heart that awakens me to knock upon Heavens door.

You are the strength and power that keeps my feet upon a foundation true...
The shield and protection to keep me secure to keep all the rain away
My best friend and confident in all that I may say or even do
My Provider and Protector upon seeing the sun of each new day.

You are the Healer that keeps me whole and blessed in everything that is me...
My mentor and confident from which I can learn to be just like you
My Heavenly King who has a home for me in all of eternity
You are my great restorer who can take everything and make it brand new.

Jesus thank you for your breathtaking heart and for all that you truly do...
I give you all praise and thank you for being my joy and happiness
I pledge all that I am into your hands and want to tell you I love you
Thank you for being my everything and keeping me so whole and so blessed.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Where Would The Heart Be?

My Jesus...

When I think about where the heart would be without you each day...
Every essence of my spirit cannot even comprehend
There would be no substance or purpose along a strange, dark way
And quite real pain, stress and anxiety that would have no end.

But, your love is always there, In great abundance it is true...
A breathtaking gift for everyone to welcome with delight
It is the greatest choice when the heart reaches out for you
And walks your pathway of promise with such great might.

You are standing there with open arms waiting for one and all...
And a precious heart overflowing with grace beyond compare
You are the truth, the light, and the way who is there when we call
Your presence is the lighthouse the heart will need everywhere.

So I won't think about where the heart would be Lord without you...
But ask you to prepare me to show others your love at best
I want them to see your beauty and truth in all they do
That they may be filled with your love and eternal happiness.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Love Letter From Jesus

My Precious Child...

I see the terrible pain that is hurting you in such a great way...
A heavy, and most unwanted burden that weighs you down so completely
It brings sadness to my heart more than words can ever truly say
And ignites such great compassion and tender mercy so deep within me.

I open my hands wide as my love begins to flow abundantly...
Bringing peace and showing how much I adore you my dear child and do care
I'm taking all of your pain and real sorrow and placing it on me
Spreading such healing, restoration and promise, with grace everywhere.

I am your Saviour and I created you uniquely with a divine plan...
You never have to be stressed, burdened or greatly conflicted any more
Just have great faith and trust everything into my perfect hands
Knowing that blessings and wonderful miracles will flow from Heavens door.

I love you so much my precious child with a love so pure and so true...
It's a mighty love that's never ending and surrounds you like a shield
It is a foundation that will give you strength and happiness so brand new
And provide you with my power that will restore you and help you to heal!

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Perfect 💘 Love

My Breathtaking Jesus...

Perfect Love is like a warm blanket you can wrap yourself in...
When the journeys pathway begins to get rugged and real cold
It's like a shield of strength where all true honor soon begins
And protects and defends with a joy and real power untold.

Perfect Love is a rock that enables success to come true..
A foundation upon which you can always rely and so stand
It is a beautiful perfect guiding light that's there for you
Always with an exciting new mission and great plan.

Perfect Love is offered to you right now so abundantly..
It comes from your heart Jesus in such a breathtaking great way
All we have to do is join our heart with yours so beautifully
And you will be our pure perfect love on our pathway each day!

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Perfect Peace

My Beloved Jesus...

Sometimes the way can be so hard and challenging at its best...
I truly feel like giving up and calling it a day
The burden can be destroying and put faith to the true test
I begin to be disheartened and my comfort goes away.

I need a peace to fill my heart and give me great desire...
To find a state of pure restoration like never before
So I drop to my knees and seek your love to now inspire
My Jesus you hear my heart knocking on Heavens mighty door.

Suddenly all of the stress seems to release itself from me...
A perfect sense of new promise is there like never before
Something wonderful and breathtaking I can now truly see
A wondrous sense of peace and tranquility is now in store.

My Jesus you see the purity that exists in my heart...
And just one wave of your mighty and rugged hands
Eternal restoration and peace you happily impart
My Jesus my pathway is renewed by your mighty, sweet plans!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Strength And Power

My Jesus...

I take my first step with confidence, knowing, and ready to go...
That you are right by my side, holding my hand all of the way
The sweet love and bond we share will always be present to show
That I have the rugged strength and endurance for every day.

No matter how hard the wind may blow or how cold it may be...
Regardless if stress and terrible fear may try to take hold
You are my armor, shield and protection for all that I need
I just need to look to you and believe with a faith so bold

For you are my comfort and refuge, and my bright morning star...
Who will help me find great hope and guidance, and give me the best
Living for you will be the greatest success story by far
A story free of fear and stress and always happiness!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Most Wonderful Thing

My Jesus...

The most wonderful thing is knowing just how much you love me...
It is a love that is timeless, without boundaries and so pure
There will never be exceptions or limits the heart can see
Throughout all time and through every storm it will always endure.

It's like a great blanket of hope that keeps me warm and alive...
It's a strong shield that protects me from showers and storms so grand
This source of new hope gives me energy to live and to thrive
All with my Saviors adoration safely holding my hands.

So, I examine my heart with great speed and all certainty...
My sweet Jesus that is something that I truly want to do
I pledge myself to a forever relationship with thee
Because I know in my heart that's the greatest thing I can do!

Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Source Of All My Answers

Precious Jesus.....

When I'm looking for the strength to get me through every day...
And my heart is searching for happiness that's welcomed and new
I have so many questions and really don't know what to say
My spirit is yearning and bewildered about what to do.

Just then, there's a breathtaking light that I've never seen before....
It seemed so bright and purposeful, and reaching out just for me
I tried to get up closer because I had to know much more
And I knew that in that light was where my heart wanted to be.

Suddenly a voice called out with a special care and great love....
It was my Jesus promising to be all I'll ever need
Making a bold covenant to take care of me from above
And walk by my side helping me to excel and to succeed.

All I have to do is place myself in his mighty hands...
To place my rugged Faith in him and in his law so obey
I began to take quick notice and followed all of his plans
Suddenly I began to see that breathtaking light in a new way.

I began to have the strength that I needed so desperately...
And all the rest of the answers were there at just the right time
For when I take his hands only the greatest things I will see
He is my perfect solution and my everything in kind.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

When My Heart Begins To Wonder


When my heart begins to wonder and feel so troubled yes, it's true...
I feel an anxiety that I know I can't carry each day
My happiness and peace disappear in everything I must do
My spirit is overwhelmed with turmoil and cannot find the great way.

Your heart begins to reach out to me with a perfect love that's so pure...
It teaches me a lesson about where my foundation is to be
Reinforces me with your power and gives me such strength to endure
And gives me ideal peace and wisdom overflowing so perfectly.

So when my heart begins to wonder and it really gets out of hand...
I need to stop at that moment clear my mind and give it all to you
For you will teach me how to believe and to know you're in command
I need to seek your face with a pure whole heart in all that I may do.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

A New Horizon

My Sweet Jesus...

No one sees the tears in my eyes or pain that my heart seems to feel...
I watch brokenness tear me apart and loneliness destroy me
The sadness and despair is overwhelming and unreal
A place of tranquility is where my spirit so longs to be.

A Saviours heart breaks to see his child hurting so much each day...
He reaches down with perfect love and opens his arms so grand
Ready to bring an end to the hurting and suffering in every way
Granting a touch of his anointing and a picture perfect plan.

Suddenly I can feel great arms wrapped around me with grace so bold..
The tenderness of my heart and soul got even better still
I can feel a wave of peace within me with happiness untold
And a stronger desire to draw closer to God and his will.

Suddenly a voice called out give me your worries burdens and all...
I knew at that moment that all things would somehow become new
For my Saviour will never leave me and will come when I may call
No matter what the journeys pathway he'll be beside me every day through.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

My Heart Breaks


You see the heartbreak and pain that I am going through...
I feel so alone and like a great failure right now
I don't see any hope or great promise to cling to
I want to pick myself up with joy but don't know how.

I made some mistakes that weigh on me with great sorrow...
I can feel the greatest part of me breaking apart
Through all these feelings my heart can't see a tomorrow
I'm not worth anything at all deep in my heart.

But your hands of pure love reach down to embrace me...
And pull me closer to you with peace and happiness
Through your eyes a bright new future I can see
Where your presence will open doors to only the best.

So I'm starting to feel a little better right now...
I know that I just need to listen when you call
When I take each step you'll be there and show me how
And you will be there and hold me straight up through it all.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Real Happiness

My Jesus...

A heart desires to feel alive and filled with delight each day...
Searching for that excellent joy that can never be destroyed
Looking for a life changing restoration in every way
That can create real pathways and fill up every real void.

Suddenly the heart of a Saviour comes shining through so bright...
Revealing the great composition of a love that so pure
A love that brings strength for every moment and real hope in sight
That gives you power to walk forward and strength to so endure.

Real happiness is found in my Jesus perfect love and grace...
It can never be taken away or hindered with at all
Just open up to him and always feel his loving embrace
He is always there without limits whenever you may call.

Mighty Saving Hands Of Grace

My Jesus....

I see two hands opening lovingly to me...
A mighty, fresh spirit of grace moves all around
Now, a miraculous sight I begin to see
As perfect, pure love begins working and abounds.

I begin to feel that I am cherished and adored...
That I am forgiven and more by a great gift
My spirit feels like I've gotten a great award
And this gives my heart and mind a mighty big lift.

I am the precious child of the Lord above...
He forgives and makes all things new forever more
I need to dedicate my heart and life and love
And He'll give me salvation from Heavens great door.

It's not a gift I'll take for granted this is true...
It is my peace, my hope and my everything
When I seek the Lord in everything I do
His song of eternal life my heart will now sing.

Behold Your Smile


Your breathtaking smile is my guiding light to embark on my pathway...
To take every step with strength and endurance that only comes straight from you
You give me the peace and the confidence, and the wisdom I need every day
You are my promise that will provide and protect and always see me through.

Your beautiful smile is my motivation that you are with me...
You empower me to dream and to grow and always do the best that I can
Through your powerful anointing I can always be the best I can be
As my faith binds our hearts as one I will follow your perfect, holy plan.

Your powerful smile is all that I yearn for and ever want to see...
It is my reassuring sign that my Saviour is working strong and true
Through your picture perfect smile is all that I have ever strived to be
It gives me more of a desire Jesus to be exactly like you.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Light Of Forgiveness


Please place the light of forgiveness so brightly within me...
Let it become a part of the masterpiece you create
I want you to take pride when within my heart you soon see
All that you have hoped for that you so want to embrace.

Forgiveness is not so easy for the human heart so bland...
When someone hurts you it is very hard to let it go
But then you come in to guide with the peace of your great hand
And a brighter light of forgiveness once again does show.

But then you remind of the greatest one of them all...
Learning to forgive and to greatly love yourself so true
This can be difficult and requires the hearts true call
And you hear the distress and are always there each day through.

You remind me I'm not perfect but you are my best friend...
I need to lay it all down at the cross and leave it go
You forgive me and I should forgive and let my heart mend
And watch more of that beautiful bright light begin to show.

So my Jesus I take your hand and am ready to seek you...
My heart is learning forgiveness and is brighter now still
Help me to be a shadow of your perfect love so true
Let me be your brilliant vessel according to your will.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Who Am I?

My Wonderful Jesus...

If someone were to ask you about your true beliefs, what would you tell them today?
Would you know exactly what words to use and to unshakeably stand firm?
Or would you stand there confused and not know the words you would so boldly say
And realize that you have to seek advice and have so much more that you must learn.

But then, a breathtaking spirit of love infiltrates every part of you...
It reminds you just how much you are loved and cared for with tender grace
Merciful arms of wisdom reach out for you in everything you do
And show you that you are so unique and have a special purpose and place.

That's when you realize your place is found in Jesus sweetest heart above...
He is your life, your hope, your heart beat and all that you are your everything
Your purpose and your definition is located always in his love
Your heart knows you must stand up for your beliefs no matter what life may bring.

So you step back, take a deep breath and begin to put on the armor so true...
Ready to defend what you believe with confidence forever more
Knowing your Heavenly Father is always the footsteps next to you
There is a beautiful flow of salvation coming from Heavens door.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

An Grateful Heart

Precious Jesus...

How can I say thank you with all that I am and so much more...
The outflow from your heart is more generous than words can say
You are the brilliant rainbow of promise that I so adore
And reach for with every essence of who I am every day.

How can I say thank you enough for a perfect love so true..
And a warm, inviting grace that surrounds everything with care
For a Saviours hands that take care of me whatever I do
And the gift of compassion and mercy that help me to bear.

How can I say thank you enough for making me royalty....
I want to serve my great Saviour with the purest heart that is whole.
Look at me with determination that there is promise in me
As long as you are by my side I can see success untold.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

My Shield And Foundation

Jesus, my Saviour...

I place my heart and all that is me into your Craftman's hands...
And humbly ask you take the pieces and begin to work true
Show me how to be all that you want by your mighty command
Teach me about and place in me perfect Faith in all I do.

A bold Faith that gives me clear focus when clouds block my way...
And I can't seem to see anything that is real far or near
Your presence begins to work mightily for a brand new day
Giving me direction and purpose that I can hold so dear.

A rugged Faith that gives me direction to take each step...
Knowing that I am uncertain and fearful along the way
It is my foundation to look forward to the journeys best
Guaranteeing that you will be beside me every day.

Jesus, I'm ready to receive my life gear from you...
I want to accomplish your plans for my life's mission at best
Draw me close to your heart to hear your voice in all that I do
Shape me for your Faith filled mission of success and happiness!

Monday, July 5, 2021

Just One Step

My Jesus...

Just one step of powerful faith takes me one step closer to you...
Closer to the perfect beauty of who you are and will always be
I want to be on your foundation in everything that I do
And have your love and power be the light of hope that ignites me.

I want to trust you in every instance never doubting at all...
Always knowing your love will take me every step of the way
Preparing paths and opening my heart for whenever you call
Touching my spirit to follow you to a new and brighter day.

Lord I am taking that powerful step at this moment so true...
Waiting for you to move aAgain to something beyond compare
You are the light of great hope and promise in all that I may do
Jesus I know that with each faithful step I take you will be there.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Freedom Song

My Beloved Jesus...

I can hear the beautiful blessings playing loudly for me...
They sing that wondrous melody to my heart every day
I pay such close attention and listen wholeheartedly
And can see everything in such a clear and awesome fresh way.

I can see that Freedom is such a key blessing from you...
It is an honor that my spirit takes to its very core
And I never take for granted but give thanks in all I do
Praising you with Thanksgiving, humble gratitude and more.

But then I realize that there will come a day that is so true...
When others will try to make that great freedom come to an end
But I'll stand strong on the beliefs of my heart in all I do
Always leaning on your love and grace my Saviour and best friend.

You will take care of me and protect me with your great glory...
I pray for those whose freedom is at the moment not there
That you would minister to their hearts with salvation great story
And show them with your tender power that you are always there.

May everyone always be able to hear freedom's great song...
It's the most beautiful melody of hope and promise that plays
Walking with you in tranquility and joy all the year long
And bringing love and success to every brand new day.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Forever Ties

My Awesome Jesus...

You see the tenderness of my heart as I reach out for you..
I want to be closer to your spirit than ever before
To hear your mighty voice so intensely in all that I do
Waiting for the flow of your great power Lord and so much more.

Teach me how to pray with fervent fire from Heavens sweet fill...
Not just mere words but a love song played so perfectly
Bringing burdens and concerns before you seeking your great will
Watching faith and hope weave a bond strongly between you and me.

So I make this pledge forever now from my heart and my soul..
I will strive to hear your voice and to pray so consistently
Jesus you are everything that makes me complete and whole
Please see an obedient servant and in me be well pleased.

Saturday, June 26, 2021





Thursday, June 24, 2021

Refreshing Rain

My Beloved Jesus...

The unbelievable pressure stress can have on the heart every day...
It weaves a rugged pathway that is dry and challenging to see clear through
Sometimes for even the most decisive heart it's hard to find a way
You long to find a source of tranquility to give you peace that is true.

Suddenly it begins to rain a gentle flowing blessing from above...
A beautiful refreshing nourishment touches every time and place
There then appears the light of a breathtaking beautiful Heavenly love
As we look and see God's hands open and gaze upon his most precious face.

He waters the dryness with his love and plants seeds of hope and promise too...
New joy for the future filled with his grace begins to make a difference now
He wants us to place all of our concerns before him in all we do
Take hold of his anointing knowing he will work in our lives somehow.

So we open our hearts and all that we are to the refreshing sweet rain...
Knowing Jesus that your magnificent presence is always around
To make everything new and take away the unbelievable pain
Let that refreshing sweet rain fill our hearts so perfectly 
Now with yearning delight and humbled adoration let the refreshing rain come down.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021



Sometimes I cannot see the sun shining brightly before me...
My heart flutters and I know that I can't take another step
I feel so discouraged by the confusion that I see
I become overwhelmed by fear and lose all my happiness.

Your heart sees the pain that I must struggle through every day...
And it brings you to tears because that's not part of your great plan
You want to bring me such comfort and peace in a loving way
And take this broken, failing vessel into your mighty hands.

You create miracles and seeds begin to blossom so true...
New inroads of great hope and new promise are now coming forth
Your light of grace and your power is making all things brand new
Showing the breathtaking glory and sweet wonder of the cross.

A masterpiece develops step by step from Heavens great door...
A new outlook free of fear and anxiety soon take place
When you're leading the way we can expect great things and much more
We'll take every step of the day with you and in your embrace.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Author

My Jesus...

My heart listens with attentiveness for all the great things that I see...
Suddenly something ground changing and wonderful begins to take place
The pen is placed in the authors hands for him to rewrite the story
And to create a beautiful masterpiece at his own time and pace.

He has every great thing outlined, planned, and so noted all perfectly...
But everything in its own special time will be so revealed and bestowed
He begins his writing with such diligence and all so motivatingly
Planning every step of the journey that only he himself knows.

Suddenly, little bits of great inspiration begin to appear...
A light so brilliant and wonderful now shines with a mighty new plan
A love and grace is all around making things all purposeful and dear
And now you can see an emerging blueprint of the writer's great hand.

You seek out his creative writing genius in deep filled loving prayer...
And look for that creative guidance in the next steps he wants from you
Please know that no matter where or what he will give you his greatest care
Jesus the Creator and Author is always there in all you do.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Dream Rainbow

A dream takes its root in the heart as a simple seed ... nurtured by the energy of aspirations, the drive of motivation and diligence, and the power of believing.  Suddenly,......something wonderful happens.  A small plain seed begins to blossom and grow enlightened by the strength of faith, love, desire and happiness.  Soon, that blossom becomes a beautiful shooting star of promise that exhibits a brilliant light of hope that encourages the heart to see its destiny........a vision begins to form in all clarity.  Showing the pathway to reach this beautiful destination.  There may be some clouds along the path or some uneven ground to tread.  But, challenges are mere stepping stones that make the heart stronger with each step and more vibrant.  The dream ..... becomes a vision.... becomes a lighthouse to a new day revealing to the heart its true identity......never give up.........never lose hope .......never stop reaching and dreaming..  Live each day and every moment to the fullest, believing in yourself.  For this is the creed of a true Champion.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

One Word

My Beautiful Jesus...

If I had to find just one word that would describe all things precious to me...
It would have to be all things inclusive and cover it all with such grace
And when I think of everything only your precious glory I see
The beautiful wonder of your power and the peace of your great embrace.

If I had to use one word to describe all that I long to become..
It is a word that incorporates what true perfect love really stands for
A great word of promise where peace, hope and tranquility all become one
And I am left not only a better person but feeling blessed and much more.

If I had to take one word that would help me step forward to better days...
That sweet word would be Jesus my Saviour and best friend beyond compare
He's the answer to my needs and hearts desires in so many true ways
Jesus is the all inclusive one word for a happy life I would share.

The Most Beautiful Moment

The most beautiful moment is when I look into your eyes,
And I see you smile and your precious love all around me
I can see my purpose in your heart so breathtaking and wise
Father deep in your presence is where I always want to be.

The most beautiful moment is when your grace fills all of me
And your perfect peace begins to calm my hurting, restless soul
I can see your power working in my life diligently
I yearn for more of who you are to make me complete and whole.

The most beautiful moment is that I am in your great care
I need only look at the wonder of your hard working hands
You will take care of it all perfectly and always be there
The most beautiful moment is in the outline of your plans.


Sunday, June 6, 2021

We Don't Hold The Key

Precious Jesus...

We think we have everything in our human hands...
But that is so very far from what is really true
There is no strong foundation to see in our great plans
If your love is not in control and we don't seek you.

You are the Creator and ruler over it all...
When we realize and submit to your glory it's Grand
For you hear and see our struggles and come when we call
You are the grantor of dreams and the maker of plans.

So my Jesus we pledge all that we are unto you...
Knowing you will work everything out on our behalf
You are the power and the love in all that we do
Any true success from you will be perfect and last.

Pieces Of Promise

My Jesus...

You see broken pieces causing such hurt without care..
And taking away a full heart's wondrous happiness
It's a moving pain you don't want anyone to bear
So your mercy moves in with a desire to bless.

You take the pieces carefully and build something new...
Letting your love light every possible step of the way
Right then a healed and whole masterpiece comes shining through
And you start preparing for a new and brighter day.

Everything is purified by your love tried and true...
It is a beautiful triumph and testimony
When we surrender to the Lord our whole lifetime through
He will anoint us and make us the best we can be.

Friday, June 4, 2021



Sometimes it's hard to understand what things really mean so true..
I try to comprehend but it's for all the answers to find
I try to sort through it looking for things exciting and new
But only negative discouraging items fill my mind.

Suddenly the light of your grace surrounds me with love so grand...
I know I can accomplish the hardest of things and much more
My Heavenly Father guides my footsteps by his perfect hands
He provides the greatest of needs and much comfort through Heavens door.

I pledge my heart and all I am to him so completely...
I know there will never be such great confusion again
In his beautiful presence is where I will be
He is my Father my everything and my true best friend.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

When I take time to reflect upon all that is around me,
Every beautiful thing that fills my life, large and small so true
My heart overflows with pure wonder and great humility
As I am in awe at the great blessings I receive from you.

I don't realize just how truly fortunate I have become,
Always looking for something more and so really unaware
Something so magnificent and miraculous has begun
You are already anointing my life with beauty and care.

You gave me a salvation that is a priceless gift of love
and an eternal bond with you that grows stronger every day
All the wonderful expressions of hope from Heaven above
It seems to bless each moment of my life in a special way.

I see it in the caring of a friend that is there for me,
and in the fellowship of family so faithful and true
It shines in the light of a strangers kindness so perfectly
There are blessings all around me in everything that I do.

Thank you Lord for blessing my life with your love so amazingly,
I am so grateful with a heart of thanksgiving for it all
But, the greatest of these blessings is having you there for me
and knowing that no matter what, you'll be there when I may call.


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Rays Of Hope

My Beloved Jesus...

When the enemy is trying to fill the sky with clouds and scattered rain...
Taking away the most beautiful happiness at its very best
And a heart struggles so fervently with confusion and such numbing pain
Yearning for a touch of promise and powerful feeling of being so blessed.

Suddenly a bright light appears trying to push the clouds so far away...
It's almost as if a very powerful battle was now taking place
A beautiful force of glory was fighting so great for a better day
And keeping a struggling heart so very close to its greatest embrace.

Just then the light grows much bolder spreading its love even still...
The clouds and everything so confusing slowly begins to disappear
Great things and blessings slowly begins to take their place by the Father's will
A great movement of pure hope of God's love and His grace are so very near.

I see a powerful movement of your hope Jesus in a wondrous way.
You are always working, moving and interceeding with delight and such care
You are my friend, my confident and all that I'll need every day
When I call you will come without hesitation and always be there

***** MY  GREATEST  HOPE  *****




Sunday, May 30, 2021

The Freedom Flag

Precious Jesus...

Sometimes we don't think about the beautiful blessings within our hands...
We have freedoms that are fragile and breathtaking beyond compare
Yet we can't clearly see the layout of God's thoughts and His perfect plans
We can't feel the warmth of His presence, love or grace or His tender care.

Suddenly a forgiving hand of true mercy sweetly reaches out...
And shows me what is meaningful, practical and always so true
My most important plan should be follow the a Lord that's what it's about
And seek His greatest, divine wisdom in everything that I may do.

My faith is a perfect freedom that I should never take lightly..
But thank you Jesus for having a gift to have a bond with you each day
And though they'll be forces to try and take that foundation away from me
I will fight for my great blessings with strength every step of the way.

Saturday, May 29, 2021


Dear Lord,

Please protect my dear friends today

watch over them in all they do

Be their foundation of hope in every way

and their best friend to call upon so true

Give them a peace that is always there

and a strength that grows more as they go

Show them with your love how much you care

and all of your compassion let them know.

Let them feel your presence so strong and bright

and your grace with such unending happiness

Help them to feel pleasing in your sight

and to know that they are wonderfully blessed.

Dear Lord, bless my dear friends today

give them all they need right from the start

be their protection in every way


keep them so close to your heart.



God bless you all.

Friday, May 28, 2021

A Horizon Of Promise

My Jesus..

I see something wonderful on the horizon so bright..
It's a great masterpiece, so magnificent and true
Every time I try to get closer with curious might
I discover something about myself that is brand new.

I see a great beauty that tells me how strong I can be..
I see a great light that tells me I can do so much more
I see a great happiness that gives me hope to see
You can find great peace and kindness at Heavens life door.

So I give all my heart and all that I am to you 
Suddenly a brand new life will appear and soon arise
I become your beloved child in everything I do
Being your child is the greatest forever surprise.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

My Lifeline

Beautiful Jesus...

When I feel so overwhelmed and stressed, more than I can truly bear...
I feel like nothing is real clear and so concise Lord anymore
I start looking for a lifeline of love and grace, promise, and precise care
And a beautiful outlet of peace that opens the gateway to your hearts door.

I take your hand and with faithful adoration walk towards you...
Knowing that you'll guide me and give me wisdom every step of the way
You are my lighthouse of direction in everything I will do
Placing all of my hope in you you'll bring me to a perfect and brighter day.

My Jesus you are my lifeline upon which I can truly now stand..
Your blessing and provision will give me true success my pathway through 
I am always attentive to your holy voice and your perfect plan
Jesus you hold the keys to a future that's exciting and brand new 

The Most Beautiful 🎁 Gift

My Jesus..

The most beautiful gift is worth all the riches untold...
It is breathtaking, fragile, and always there in every way
A wondrous miracle for only humbled eyes to behold
It brings perfect hope and fresh promise to a new and brighter day.

It is because of the sacred love that you have for us that is true...
You made the ultimate sacrifice so that we would be free 
Forgiven and cleansed to forever serve you in all we do
And have a peaceful home with you for all of eternity.

Rejoicing and exhausting we come to you with great happiness...
For that beautiful gift of freedom at Calvary years ago
It's a boundless blessing that makes us who we are at its best
And we will stand on your foundation and let so many others know.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

My Heart's Song

My Jesus...

As you open the door of my heart, you'll see a welcome waiting there for you...
You are my breathtaking aspiration and everything I hope to be
Reveal to me your presence and let me know more of your will in all I do
I want the light of your perfect love and grace and power all around me.

Take control of all that I am as I pledge everything into your care..
Give me your wisdom and insight to take every step forward day by day
Grant me your peace and serenity to know that you will always be right
Being my lighthouse that guides my pathway with your great power along the way.

Always see promise that you can use to make me your instrument so true..
I want to walk in the shadow of your anointing and feel your sweet embrace
My Jesus.. Make me your masterpiece to exhaultation your kingdom in all I do
Let our bond grow even closer as you fill this devoted dedicated place.

Lessons In Legacy

  Martin had just celebrated his 88 birthday.  His family made it special with a party, a family dinner, and a service surrounded by many faith filled friends.

  But, it was a time that had Martin thinking and worrying about many things.  He knew that he just wasn't feeling well.  He didn't want to bother his family with the details.

  So Martin began looking at all that he could leave his family.  He looked at what assets he had and possessions he could divide.  

  He asked a friend's son who was in the legal field to come over.  He helped him to finalize everything and write a letter of love.

  Martin was concerned that he had not done enough.  But it was something.  A few weeks later, a neighbor saw how sick he felt and called an ambulance.

  His family was called.  They immediately rushed to his side in intensive care.  Martin awoke and immediately became alarmed.  "Oh no!  My time is here!"  He proclaimed.

  Martin's oldest son stood up and laughed.  "No Father!"  "You fainted.  They're keeping you for observation."

  Martin didn't believe him.  He began telling him where to find the will and letter of love.  Tears streamed down his face as he apologized for not leaving a better legacy.

  "A better legacy?  You left us the best one of all!"  His son said as everyone else agreed.  

  "You taught us to love and live for the Lord.  That is where true success is found."  His son said.  Martin smiled brightly.  That was the happiest moment he'd ever known.

  He went forward to celebrate ten more birthdays.  But now he learned a lesson in true legacy!

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

A WOMAN OF PURPOSE ************************













Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Potter

A young 👦 boy sat in his yard 😢 crying.  He clutched in his hands the new wagon he just received for his fifth 🎂 birthday.

But something didn't seem right.  There were 💔 broken pieces from when he dropped it.  Things would never be happy again.

Just then footsteps could be heard approaching.  A new neighbor came to see what was wrong.  The little boy showed the wagon.

He explained that it was a gift from his brother in the military.  He began to cry again.  But now he ruined everything.

The man 😃 smiled brightly.  He told the young boy that everything would be fine.  He asked if he could borrow the 🚚 wagon for a few days.  The boy agreed.

The few days went by.  The young boy got up and went to the door.  He was hoping to see the nice man.  Instead he saw his wagon waiting for him.

It looked brand new!  The little boy wanted to thank the man.  He asked his parents about the new neighbor.

Sometimes we feel so defeated when we think things are broken or we're broken.  But then the Potter takes control and creates a masterpiece!

But when they said there wasn't one he knew what to do.  He went to kneel by the side of his bed.  He said three simple words... Thank you Jesus.

Friday, May 14, 2021


Have you ever looked at a picture of yourself when you were very young?  Most likely you were smiling and enjoying some activity.

But now take a few moments to look at yourself today.  Please don't scream and run. Ha ha.

What happened to the magical smile?  Think about the concept for a moment 
You are busy most of the time keeping up with a hectic schedule.

When was the last time that you took a deep breath and did something for yourself?  

Do you realize how special you are to God's heart?  You are His unique child.  So why not take extra special care of something so valuable?

Here's homework for you.  Make plans to set aside just ten minutes each day to do something for yourself.  

Even if it's to go get an ice cream cone.  Before long you'll see glimmers of that child like wonder return.

You know what that is?  It is the love of God's heart.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

My Friend.........

I have a very special gift for you
It is wrapped in the light of my heart's love
A unique gift for you to hold tightly to
and is a blessing from Heaven above.

It has no cost, yet is truly priceless
Creative and colorful with great flair
I'm giving you only my very best
I want you to know how much that I care.

It contains so many wonderful things
To make your life bright and better each day
Filled with wishes for the best that life brings
and a peaceful walk upon life's pathway.

So open your heart with hope and much more
Receive my warm smile so big and bright
and the gentle kindness from friendship's door
given to you so perfectly with delight.

Watch how the gift continuously grows
and you will soon return it back to me
Spreading it to other hearts that you know
and it all began with a tiny seed.

Give someone a kind smile today.

By ********** ME

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

You Are My Everything

Breathtaking Jesus..

You are the Son that brightens the gray clouds in my sky...
The answers to all of my questions that I'll ever see
The great happiness that brings a smile to my sigh
My unbelievable best friend who is there for me.

You are my Father and Saviour who loves me so true..
My Healer and Doctor who can take care of it all
My guiding force who takes care of me in all I do
My Shepherd and protector who's right there when I call.

My Jesus you are everything to me and much more..
I give you my heart and everything I am right now
Let your sweet anointing now flow from Heavens great door
I want to draw closer to you Jesus show me how.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Portrait Of A Hero


How do you describe someone who gives so much in every way...
Their heart is always dedicated to others with love so true
They are a true example of God's grace and love every day
And are His instrument and blessing in everything they do.

They are peace makers that bring every moment His tranquility...
His great lighthouse of organization, wisdom and delight
A nurturing source of hope that heeds to all things that He may say
A devoted daughter complying with His wishes with all might.

They are a servant ready to follow where the Saviour may lead...
And bring success and honor to Him in all they may do
Leading loved ones to realize He's the answer to their true needs
No matter what the pathway He's always there to see them through.

They love the position of Mom that they take seriously...
But there's another position of daughter they hold so true
Striving for that moment when their Saviours bright smile they will see
And He says.."Well done my daughter.  I am so very proud of you!"

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

My Heart's Greatest Dream

Precious Jesus...

The greatest dream my heart could ever have is simply comprised of one thing..
I want to draw closer to your precious heart and know so much more of you
To have your sacred spirit live and flow in me and all that it will bring
To feel your mighty anointing working in everything I will do.

I know you take delight that I am your beloved child it is true...
And that is such an awesome, prestigious honor that I hold close to me
But I want to always see that heartwarming delight my entire life through
And receive your 😃 smile and hear your well done when I enter eternity.

So Jesus I place myself into your Potters hands with love and joy right now...
Help me to be your special gem and keep me always in your wondrous care
Teach me how to place my steps and give me your divine guidance show me how
I know you'll shape my heart's dream and no matter what you'll always be there.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Breathtaking Mercy

My Loving Jesus...

It is a beautiful wonder and blessing I can't understand...
Uniquely designed by you that is there in abundance for me
Given on the wings of your perfect love and grace, by your great plan
It shows your promise and mission to all that you want me to be.

We know that I'm not perfect in any way, shape or form it's true..
But that is when the beautiful light of your presence is right there
To bring your spirit of healing and new hope my whole pathway through
And show that I can give it all to you because you truly care.

So now I take your hand refreshed for a new pathway to begin...
Your beautiful breathtaking mercies have restored me and much more
A life living for you and loving you is my greatest real win
I send my praise and adoration to Heavens mighty door!

Friday, April 30, 2021

The Beauty Counter

     Jennifer wanted to find the perfect project to do for her psychology class.  Earning an A would practically lock in her 4.0 GPA.

     But, it actually went a little deeper than that.  She wanted to make a difference.  

     So, she sat down and prayed, asking God for guidance.  One day, she got a great idea.  It came to her while she watched all the personal grooming her little sister went through while getting ready for school.

     Jennifer called her project the Beauty Window.  She got permission to conduct her experiment.  She enlisted the help of a couple of her friends.

  They attached a small vanity mirror to a table and had a small chair.  The first week, they went to the local junior high school.  They were allowed to set up in the hallway.

  Everyone that passed by was asked to look in the mirror and describe what they see.  The answers amongst the teen girls and boys were pretty consistent.

  They made comments about their looks and what they were wearing.  They wanted to get the newest fad and would look even better.

   The staff commented on tired they were and underappreciated.  Everything pretty much appeared as anticipated.

   Now the second week, Jennifer and her team took their project to an elementary school.  They asked students and teachers to look in the mirror and describe what they see.

  Most of the teachers described their excitement to bring new learning to their young students.

   But, it was the response from the young children that brought the greatest surprise.  They saw everything from happiness, to joy and delight.

   One little kindergarten girl came up.  She looked in the mirror, then looked at Jennifer and smiled.  'I see my Jesus smiling at me.'  She said.

   Jennifer knew she had proved the point of her project.  When the heart is not overtaken and influenced by a lost world, it can see clearly.

   It also taught her a great lesson as well.  We have to live every moment with the pure heart of a child.  For when we look with the heart we can truly see.

   Jennifer got her A.  But she was even more grateful for the incredible life lesson too!




You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...