Friday, December 30, 2022

🚶 Stepping On ... A Prayer Of Hope

Dear Jesus.....

As I watch the footsteps of time melt away, I begin to view at best...
All of the things that are real in my ❤ heart that I truly value and hold dear
These are the things that really matter from your heart that make me feel so blessed
And your abundant perfect love and anointing that I always keep near.

When I think of the walk along my pathway faithfully from mile to mile...
I warmly think of and reflect upon all of the moments we've shared
And at the points I couldn't make it you carried me with a big smile
Showing me I can lean on you and just how much you truly care.

So now as time changes and we begin another great pathway again...
I don't have to wonder, be curious at all or even doubt
For I know that you're my Saviour who'll take care of me and my best friend
That's what a great faith walk and our relationship forever is all about!

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Beautiful Grace

My Jesus...

When I think about all of the wonder that overflows from your heart of great love...
I stop in awe of all that you are and all that you give so abundantly
You are my beautiful refreshing source that overflows from Heaven above
My best friend and true lifeline that is always there every day just for me.

I can always come before you every moment exactly as I am...
I can always find compassion and forgiveness that is brand new
You always have all things wonderful in your heart and everything in your hands
All I have to do is pledge my ❤ heart and with full willingness Lord lean on You.

Your grace is like a beautiful stained glass window breathtaking and fragile too...
Yet it's rugged and durable to accomplish all things you want it to be
Lord I give all honor praise and Thanksgiving right now from my heart's core unto you
I want you to know just how much your sweet grace and presence truly mean to me!

Friday, December 23, 2022

The Greatest 🎁 Gift Of All

The greatest 🎁 gift of all is worth more than any ❤ he art could dream...
Yet it's always available free in the grandest variety
A gift that gives back a trillion times and is more than it may seem
Yet it's simple and straight forward for all of mankind to clearly see.

It's based on the purest genuine love that has no limits or boundaries...
The greatest real definition of mercy and compassion so true
A Saviours ❤ heart filled with patience and understanding so perfectly
His glory can make every aching day refreshing and new.
He sent His Son to come to 🌎 earth so that all can have a fresh start
And have a future filled with purpose and hope with Him leading the way
Then he'll take a special place each step within the center of their heart
And he will show them wondrous blessings that bring a Jesus filled new day.
Have you heard about salvation the greatest gift that you can possess
If you haven't will you ask Jesus for this most precious gift right now
He'll give you eternal love tranquility and pure happiness
It's simple to learn and understand and he will teach you and show you how.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

I Exhault You And Lift You On High

My Jesus...

How can I thank You enough for always being there...
You are working so hard for me in every way
Sometimes I may feel so alone like no one does care
That's when You work even harder every day.

You're paving roads with Your grace that I can't see at all...
Shielding me with Your power like armor from above
Equipping me with Your wisdom and strength to stand tall
And showering me with Your perfect, limitless love.

Being everything I'll ever need and so much more...
You are my best friend who encourages me so true
I can see an overflow from Heavens mighty shore
My sweet Jesus I am nothing at all without You!

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Every New 🌞 Sonrise

Precious Jesus...

You are the reason my spirit tries a little harder a long the way...
My source of encouragement to keep me in the right direction with delight
You are the Son that brings new inspiration on a brighter wondrous new day
The brilliant energy of love that helps me to function with such great might.

You are the Son that sheds .canew light on all of the mighty things around...
The source of everything that uplifted my soul and makes it all seem brand new
You are the power of my heart from which new life will always be found
My Jesus I lift all that I am in great adoration unto You.

You are my Sonrise that brightens up every part of each brand new day...
Therefore considering I have this great foundation to stand on so strong
I give thanks and sing praises to you my Saviour in every possible way
You are my awesome Sonrise that will shine upon me my whole life long!

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

A Prayer Of Adoration

My Jesus...

You are the sweet breath of life that fills me to overflowing every day...
You are the majestic song of hope and promise that makes my spirit soar
The perfect peace that helps my soul cope with everything
The pure joy and happiness that always keeps my heart coming back for more.

Jesus you're the best friend that stays by my side and lights up my heart with happiness...
My Saviour who never gives up on me and shows His love with a caring hand
My Provider with everything I will need to be my very best
You're my Mentor and King who has it all under His great command.

My Jesus I give my best to you and seek wisdom for every day...
I know you'll equip me to be your instrument wherever I go
I want to be your vessel and exhault your mighty name in every way
My strong desire is for more of your anointing to be bestowed.

Standing Strong

My Jesus.....

As I take another 🚶 step it looks like there's a storm brewing outside...
The uncertainty in my ❤ he art makes me want to go far far away
And find another place where my spirit can hopefully abide
Enjoying perfect peace and comfort till a much newer and brighter day.

But then your mighty heart reaches down to give me a lesson so true...
Showing me all of the things I'll need every day without a doubt
The greatest of these is a rugged faith and relationship with you
And all the important tools from your ❤ heart that I cannot live without.

My faith is the powerful key from which all the others will take hold...
It shows how much we mean to each other in every possible way
It is a dynamic life plan with great miracles and joy untold
Showing that I trust you and will live for you throughout every day.

So the greatest lesson that I can ever learn from You Lord right now...
I must stand strong upon your word and all that you are and do my best
I must lean on You and if I need help You will always show me how
You are my firm foundation, my strength, and eternal, pure happiness!

Friday, December 2, 2022

The ❤ Heart's Story

My Breathtaking Jesus...

I fall to my knees before your throne in awe of Your great beauty...
And the depth of your awesome heart that's available with 💘 love's touch
I am craving to see the greatest move of Your power in me
I want to be your instrument being filled with more than enough.

I am honored that you call me your beloved child so true...
You forgive me, cleanse me and make me whole with grace that is so sweet
As I reach for the wholeness of who you are I am made brand new
My definition and purpose are sealed by your word so complete.

So as I am lifted up becoming one with your great glory...
My ❤ heart begins to sing Your praises and glory with sweetest care
I become one with You and give praises to redemptions story
My breathtaking Jesus thank You for Your goodness and being there!

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The Answer

Jesus, My Heart...

When I see all of the things going on around me every day...
My spirit wants to cry and give up as quickly as it can
It all looks so unmanageable and sad more than words can say
I don't see any trusted direction or feasible new plan.

But then someone tells me about the breathtaking beauty of your heart...
And all the wonderful things that overflow from it every day
I want to make a faithful pledge from which I will never depart
Seeking your will and direction in every possible way.
I can see real answers to some things that I have been searching for...
And a little more explanation to make it complete and grand
Beautiful love and grace that is flowing freely from Heavens door
And wondrous light of hope and great message coming from your hands.
You are the answer to every major heart question...
And the refreshing life spirit that every soul wants to run to
You are my happiness at the moment I heard you mentioned
My Jesus you are my everything and I really love you!

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A Thankful And Grateful ❤ Heart

My beloved Jesus...

As I sit here on this cold Thanksgiving celebration so true...
My ❤ heart starts to reflect on it all with wonder and pagentry
The things that have real meaning are blessings that come with 💘 love from you
And make each day a chance to live for you and serve you perfectly.

👪 Family and friends that make me laugh and stand by my side for all times...
All of my needs being met according to your will and great plan
Making a difference and planting your hope in other hearts and minds 
Being your instrument and vessel that fulfills your great command

As I sit I know I'm honored to be your child so dear...
To have you as my everything, my Saviour and my real best friend
I want to remember to give real thanks every day of the year
Because your love and grace sweet goodness and mercy just never end!

Friday, November 18, 2022

The Thanksgiving Gift

A 👩 woman was trying to buy food for her Thanksgiving meal as she waited so patiently... 
There were large busy crowds because of the season everywhere
She leaned in to find out what was holding up the line and what the major problem there could be
Just at that moment she was shocked at how cold many people could be and that they did not care.

A young mother was trying to buy groceries for her kids as they cried so loudly at her side...
She did not have all the money that she needed as people called her names that were poor
She could not stand to see her tears and the cruelty was more than she could abide
So the woman quickly left her cart and moved to the front of the line in the busy store.

She paid for her groceries in full and gave her some money on the side with a big 😃 smile...
After that the kids were given some 🍬 candy and a hug with a lot more love and joy there
The gratitude from the young mother and kids made everything so worthwhile
It was truly an example of God's greatest love that shows how much a big heart can care.

The woman finished her shopping trip and went 🏡 home to get ready for her own sweet holiday...
She set an extra place at the head of the table as she always does with a heart so true
She placed all of the napkins and place cards down in a very proficient and delicate way
The one at the head said 'my Jesus our very special guest this place and place card are for you'..

That day as everyone bowed their heads a light shined at the head of the table so bright...
The 👩 woman fell to her knees in fear with utter shock and surprise
She began exhaulting the Lord with tears coming down and gratefulness with all of her great might
Knowing the true purpose of that holiday celebration was for a heart so wise.
The beauty and breathtaking honor of his love and presence in the room was a delightful sight.

The Thanksgiving was so special that year and would continue to grow strong forever more...
It was a lesson of hope that would apply to each and everyone of us true 
When you are grateful and kind and all that you've been given through Heavens great door
My Jesus I am so grateful and thankful for all of my Thanksgiving 🎁 gifts that come from you!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Heavenly Rain Drops

My Breathtaking Jesus...

As I begin to 🚶 walk upon my long pathway...
I can see such thick clouds gathering around me
It troubled my calmed heart more than words can say
My anguish grew not knowing what to believe.

These ❤ heart's are so distant from Your mighty love...
I can't see the pulse of a Heavenly plan
It is more confusion than I can now think of
Lord it seems that no one is in command.

But then as I look to the Heavens true...
And fall to my knees in heart felt Kingdom prayer
The ☁ clouds start to draw like a 🌞 sunrise so new
My ❤ heart can see a miracle happening there.

I feel Heavenly raindrops from a Saviours heart...
I begin to see things so positively
Reminded you're in control from the start
Your power begins to take control of me.

I start looking at life just as You would do...
Reaching out for your anointing and your hand
Having faith in your wisdom my whole journey through
By Your time and will You'll reveal Your great plan.

I enjoy Heavenly raindrops from above...
I'll draw all I can from them perfectly
Because I know it shows the depths of Your love
And my Saviour how much You care about me!

Friday, November 11, 2022

The Strongest Pathway


My ❤ heart's greatest tendency is to want to give up in every way...
Seeing all the miserable and negative things around me as a whole
Sometimes I can't see any direction to a new and brighter day
I feel like in every essence that I don't have any control.

But then a sense of real tranquility overwhelms my spirit so pure...
Suddenly I begin to see things differently through your wonder and grace
Jesus you increase my faith and give me such strength to lean on and endure
I feel like a brand new person being restored within your great embrace.

You show me to never give up that you are there and working on it all...
No matter what it looks like from my perspective nothing is hard Lord for you
Your heart is always listening for my voice at any time I may call
My Jesus I know that there's nothing that you and I together can't do.

So on this new day I prepare to embark upon my pathway again...
Placing my new faith shield and great attitude at the heart of all that's me
I reach out with all my ❤ heart to take the hand of Jesus my dear best friend
Knowing with joy that I will take the strongest footsteps successfully!

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


Dear Lord,

Please protect my dear friends today

watch over them in all they do

Be their foundation of hope in every way

and their best friend to call upon so true

Give them a peace that is always there

and a strength that grows more as they go

Show them with your love how much you care

and all of your compassion let them know.

Let them feel your presence so strong and bright

and your grace with such unending happiness

Help them to feel pleasing in your sight

and to know that they are wonderfully blessed.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Fire Of Your Anointing


I yearn for your sweet spirit to come now and fill me with your sweet anointing...
Let every essence of who you are flow within me like pure oil from above
Instilling peace, comfort and compassion and all things wonderful you can bring
You are my mighty source of hope who blesses me and brings me your mighty, true love.

I yearn to feel your power and know your great plan in every way...
Recreate your devoted child and instrument to be all you want and so much more
Give me all that I need to do your wishes as I see each day
Help me to see the great things that a faith filled life with you has and much more.

I yearn to be in a rugged life bond with you from now through eternity so true...
Moment by moment feeling the 🔥 fire of your power burning brightly in me
I want to draw much closer and feel your spirit around me like life so new
 Jesus I want to carry your breathtaking flame of life
For all to now see.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

When I See Another 🌅 Sunrise

My Precious Jesus...

As I look up and see the sun's beauty peaking from beyond the horizons sky..
I think about the wonder of your goodness and how you have so much love for me
Sometimes when I look in the mirror I don't see what you see and I wonder why
Yet your magnificent presence and love is always there and so abundantly.

Your forgiveness and mercy cleanse me and make me a new person just like you...
I am your child on a journey taking fresh steps with you every day
Watching as you plant within me seeds of hope so your planned dreams for my life come true
And strengthen our unbelievable bond in such a rugged and mighty way.

You are my eternally shining light that keeps things going more and more...
You are my definition, my breath and the energy that shows me what to do
I can't wait for another sunrise because I know such good things are in store
My sweet Jesus I never want to think about another new day without you!

Friday, November 4, 2022

Lord, I Want To Hear Your Voice

My Jesus...

My heart longs to hear the breathtaking beauty of your voice so mighty...
Orchestrating like a wonderful symphony to my heart so true
Sharing with me your wisdom and the light of your love so perfectly
Guiding me with power and anointing in all things I must do.

I long to hear it so clearly and with great understanding and grace...
To learn and become more like you in every way on bended knee
Jesus I long to see the brilliance and delight of your precious face
Walking in your great magnificent presence is where I long to be.

So teach me to see as you do with clarity of spirit and heart...
Prepare me my Saviour to be your instrument with a joy so true
Show me your word and ways and plant them from which I will not depart
Jesus I want to see sweet things coming from your heart and hear from you!

You Are Always There

 My Jesus..

When my ❤ heart feels so broken and hurting in such a debilitating way..

The emptiness and pain are too heavy and too much of a burden to bear

Tears begin to flow from your eyes and you want to bring me peace and comfort and a new day

You want to show me that you're my sweet Saviour and best friend who truly does care.

You wrap me in your arms of 💘 love and give me such encouragement that is real...

Your powerful presence fills me like something that I have never known well before

That anointing speaks to my spirit and soul with a delight that I want to feel

Telling me that I can always come before your throne in prayer on Heavens shore.

I can always come just as I am with humility at my heart's core..

Your grace is always there to show me love with a plan and a purpose my whole life through

Crafting within me something so wonderful and so much more

My Jesus, You are my everything and I can always come before you!

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

A Grateful ❤ Heart For All Seasons

My Jesus...

As I travel upon my journey with intimidation within my struggling soul...
I can't see anything but a winding pathway and confusion at its very best
There are clouds and rain and such sadness begins to take its great toll
I have forgotten what your great joy is like and the wonder of your happiness.

A beautiful umbrella of your love and anointing comes in to cover me...
You whisper in my ear that I am your sweet beloved child that you greatly adore
Your grace shows me that there are many of your blessings large and small that are there to see
Your presence is there my Lord working to be my everything and so much more.

Suddenly there is a tranquility within my heart that I've never known before...
I am truly thankful for the honor that you have given with mercy to me
I await with anticipation the breathtaking beauty that you have in store
Your compassion begins to teach me all of the wondrous things that I am now to see.

You show me that you are with me through every hour of each new blossoming day...
You are there to carry me through every time when I feel I cannot see the plan
You show me how you carefully pave the path and provide all things along the way
All of the mighty and magnificent things worth having come from your perfect hands.

So now the eyes of my soul begin to open wide and see things as you want me to...
Every good and perfect thing large and small that comes from your beloved heart unto me
I have learned what it truly means to be grateful for your goodness Lord my whole life through
The wonder and beauty of your power and love I want more of so perfectly!


Monday, October 31, 2022
















Friday, October 28, 2022

Footsteps Of Purpose 👣

My Precious Jesus...

As I take the first footsteps upon my long, winding pathway...
I can feel a sense of uncertainty and great fear trying to overwhelm me
Suddenly, I want to give up and feel like a failure more than my words can say
But, your mercy reaches out for my spirit with the purest grace so perfectly.

You see a beautiful vessel in the making as you look upon me with love...
And wrap me in your embrace and begin a fine work as only a Craftsman can
Teaching me to see as you do and making me in your fine image above
Showing my heart and spirit that you are in control and have it all with a plan.

So now I take the first footsteps 👣 and realize there are some right next to me...
I can see my strength and courage begin to reach such staggering new heights
Suddenly, my heart and spirit become encouraged and walk on so mightily
Because you, my breathtaking Jesus are my source, my lighthouse and my perfect light.

You are everything I'll ever need for the journey and so much more...
My Saviour who takes care of all I'll need along the way and my perfect best friend
Blessings and goodness continuously flow from your heart through Heavens mighty door
You are my rainbow of promise that I see so beautifully at the end!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Beautiful Peace

My Jesus...

When my heart is aching and broken more than I can bear...
And instead of standing strong I feel like walking away
A feeling overwhelms in me like no one seems to care
I just don't feel like looking forward to another day.

But then a light comes shining beyond the horizon true...
It fills my heart with a breathtaking promise perfectly
Suddenly I don't feel alone in all that I may do
Because a spirit of pure love and grace is filling me.

Jesus, I feel your joy as you wrap me in your embrace...
And lift the heaviness from my shoulders forevermore
Tears begin to flow from my eyes as I look at your face
And listen as you tell me that you have good things in store.

A wave of calm and tranquility takes total control...
I can feel Your perfect peace Lord as You walk by my side
Telling me I never have to fear but be sweet and whole
For there You will always and forever walk and abide.

I know I can face each day with happiness and delight...
I never have to feel heavy burdens ever again
Jesus I am always going to look to You with might
For You are my everything, my great Lord and my best friend!

Friday, October 21, 2022

Perfect Patience

My Jesus.....

Your patience is a breathtaking gift that I value more than words can say...
It is a precious joy from my Saviour to His child so beloved
It is always in mighty abundance and there for me every day
Overflowing from Your heart of wonder and majesty from above.

I know I don't deserve anything because I'm disappointing yes it's true...
I'm a broken imperfect vessel who's coming before your great throne
But then your light of Grace and Love shine and I see the very best of You
That is when my heart knows without any doubt that I am never alone.

You pick me up and look at me with a beautiful smile on your face...
As I hear Your voice telling me that my pathway will be fine forevermore
Your anointing begins to cleanse me while I am in your sweet embrace
And miracles and blessings begin to flow mightily from Heavens great door.

Step by step You're working to make me all that you truly want me to be...
I could see the artistic work of a Master Craftsman greatly each day
Jesus thank You for Your patience, grace and love and for living in me
I am honored to be Your child and want to please You more every day!

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Hands Of Love

My Jesus...

I take a 🚶 step with strength and reach out to the Heavens above...
Not knowing what I'm looking for or what I can truly bear
Just then your mighty hands begin to open with wondrous love
And reach out with a Saviours mercy to show me that you care.

You heal my anguish and burdens and give me peace from the start...
Fill me with a love and an assurance you're always right there
Your presence comes and lives always in the center of my heart
And fills me with your brilliant light that always shines everywhere.

The seeds slowly take shape and I begin to look more like you...
The confusion and stress are slowly starting to drift away
I'm becoming a Kingdom kid in everything that I do
I can look forward with anticipation to a new day!

Friday, October 14, 2022

An Intimate Bond

My Breathtaking Jesus...

I want our relationship to be so rugged and true...
Like an ⚓ anchor of hope it stays powerful through all time
So I pledge myself and my strong devotion my whole life through
And await your spirit greater than anything I'll find.

You are the awesome breath of life that fills my lungs from above...
The bright light and word that gives my heart direction and the way
The fire filled spirit of promise that fills me with your love
The Provider of assurance and peace for every day.

I want to feel you so mightily working in me...
And touch the tears from your power as you draw me to your care
Life's travels become even more wonderful as through your eyes I see
And with every 👣 footstep 
I take you will always be right there.

So as I pledge my faith and learn more about your mighty hands...
There's so much I want to learn as I come before you with delight
Becoming one with your heart is my greatest life's plan
Lord I want our bond stronger as I come before you with all might!

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

A Prayer


You are the joy that brings my heart delight and helps me to live better every day...
The breathtaking example for me to strive to follow in all I do
I pray to follow your steps and learn your perfect will and love in every way
Lord as I travel through my journey I want to be exactly like you.

There is nothing that will take its permanent hold on me and be a burden...
For you have taken me under your wing and gently wrapped me in your great care
Having you taking care of me I'll be successful it's just a matter of when
Your precious peace and comfort have filled my heart and your grace will always be there.

So now I continue to pray that your incredible hands will work on me more...
Making me a beautiful reflection of who you are and your love so perfectly
Make me a masterpiece and save me a place where I can meet you on Heavens shore
Where I can be the beautiful light and reflection and all that you want me to be

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Incredible Mercy

Sometimes, I cannot see worth in the person that I am...
I feel I'm not the kind of person you want me to be
When I can't make you smile I feel that I failed life's plan
But that's when you come in with your incredible Mercy.

You wipe away my tears and clear all that is unlike you...
Your perfect love fills me with a great peace that makes me whole
And give me real strength and forgiveness that will see me through
Thank you for your breathtaking anointing that fills my soul.

I can see my definition in your heart's overflow...
I am a masterpiece in the making by your great hands
Anytime I need a reminder your mercy will show
I just take your love with me and on your foundation stand!

Friday, September 30, 2022

The Power Of Believing

When you feel fear like nothing you have ever felt before...
And you feel very much alone and walking in the cold
You search for strong sparks of encouragement at your heart's core
But there seems to be nothing upon which you can take hold.

You cry out 'dear Jesus, where are you when I need you now?'
But there is intense silence everywhere that you look
Suddenly everything looks a little brighter somehow
And your spirit to its spiritual core suddenly shook.

"Where is your faith in me?" Jesus asked in a calming way...
"Why do you think I'd leave my child whom I adore and love?"
"I am with you and taking care of you every day"
"Even though you cannot see the Heavens are open above!"

I thanked Jesus for the test and lesson He had showed so true...
Much was learned by the heart forevermore in many ways
I asked Him to help me build my faith in all that I do
And to see with His clarity He's with me every day!

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Looking For A Rainbow

Sometimes the hardest thing that one can ever do..
You walk with anxiety as clouds pass you by
And harbor such fear and doubt you won't make it through
Carrying heavy burdens with tears and a sigh.

Then a hand of mercy comes knocking wondrously..
And speaks to your heart with wisdom so tried and true
He says watch the rain for the good things you'll see
After seeing the gentle drops promise shone through.

A 🌈 rainbow soon appeared in its glory so bright...
The breathtaking light of His great love soon drew near
There were smiles and peace as glory was in sight
This revelation taught a lesson that was dear.

When clouds appear don't look for fear but faith so true..
And know the rain drops bring growth to something much more
A Rainbow the symbol of God's promise to you
And His anointing from Heaven that is in store.

Friday, September 23, 2022

The Walk Of Honor

My Jesus...

When I wake up in the 🌄 morning, I want to honor you...
And thank you for everything that you have given to me
Another day of life that you will carry me through
And your love that will fill every moment completely.

As I begin on my day's path, I want to honor you...
Asking you to prepare me and teach me so completely
Cover me with your anointing for all that I must do
Let your glory be my guide and protection perfectly.

As I try to find real purpose, I want to honor you...
No matter if the clouds come the 🌞 Sonshine will make a way
I need to remember you are my rock, rugged and true
When I wrap myself in your spirit it will be ok.

My Jesus I want to honor you so beautifully...
I want to show my trust and bring you delight and a smile
When I come before you one day one thing means more to me
To hear those mighty words 'well done my good and faithful child'.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Walking Faith

My Breathtaking Jesus...

I want to live every moment on fire with your spirit so true...
Feeling the bold essence of who you are working and moving in me
Pledging all that I am for your power for what you'd have me to do
And seeing the wonder of your love working so miraculously.

But I want to build a firm foundation which has great faith as its core...
This rugged faith by definition is lived in practice day by day
Knowing that the Lord will take care of it all though you can't see much more
And leaning on you with complete trust will always show the perfect way.

I take one step and turn the light on in my heart so powerfully...
Everything is working well for miracles and blessings at its best
Faith is a catalyst to show us God's best that we will ever see
Real trust is a seed that when planted always reveals happiness.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

When I Call Out Your Name

My Jesus.....

When I call out your name I know that the Heavens open lovingly...
There's an assortment of 🌈 rainbow colors stretched across the morning sky
My ❤ heart feels such perfect peace and an awesome great love that overwhelms me
My spirit begins to sing your praises with gratitude that magnifies.

When I call out your name I know that the brilliance of the sun is 🌞 brighter...
And there is a fresh smell of Thanksgiving and mercy filling the cool air
My mind fills with positivity 
And my mouth with your beautiful word
It is an honor to know I am your sweet child and you are always there.

When I call out your mighty and holy name something great has now begun...
A new life has been rebuilt and restored to start everything new
That's when I know that my yearning and soul searching is finally done
Lord when I call out your name and draw closer I want more and more of you!


Friday, September 16, 2022

You Are My Life

My Jesus...

You are the breath that gives me strength to take another step every day...
The breathtaking, bright light that illuminates where I am to go
The beautiful gift that keeps me uplifted all along the way
The wisdom and power that always keeps me with all I should know.

You are the precious, purest love that fills my heart so completely...
The sweetest grace and mercy that makes my soul feel wholesome and true
When I want an example it is your compassion that I see
For you are the real purpose of life and I pledge myself to you.

Everything meaningful and wonderful comes from your mighty hands...
I want all things that draw me closer to your wonder and delight
When I need guidance I seek out your holiest, mighty command
And seek your anointing with every fiber of my being and great might.


Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Burden

Dear Jesus...

You can see such pain and heaviness weighing on my ❤ heart right now...
It is a true conflict and stress that I can hardly even bear
I've been trying to put it out of my mind and move on somehow
But there doesn't seem to be any real solutions anywhere.

You place a beautiful light on me that totally fills my day...
It completes me and begins making something new so perfectly
When I reach out for it I feel a sweet peace in every way
And begins to lift the stress and great heavy burdens off of me.

You take my hand in yours and calm me lovingly with your embrace...
Telling not to feel stress for any reason forevermore
All I have to do is seek your breathtaking love and caring face
You will always be there and be waiting for me at Heavens door.


Friday, September 9, 2022

The Lessons Of Grace

My Jesus..

When people treat me badly and hurt me in every way...
I just want to attack them so they feel all that I'm going through
But then your hand reaches in with peace and words of pure love to say
When I think about how they treated me it's hard to be like you.

You show me how to be forgiven and use your sweet grace so grand...
No one is perfect in this life and understanding should be there
We should be able to extend to all mercy from your great hands
And a perfect love and kindness by which nothing can soon compare.

So I'm learning the mighty grace lesson true and so much more...
For there is something very special that you want me to now see
I must take in and use forgiveness from Heavens mighty door
If I want to have grace and make sure there's forgiveness now for me!

Friday, September 2, 2022

The Worry Shield

My Jesus..

I know that I should not worry by any means in my life it is true...
But this life is not an easy pathway for anyone to truly face
And although I know that you are by my side with help every mile through
Sometimes I need an extra dose of peace and an even greater embrace.

For deep worry has taken over me and every part of who I am...
I have no real sense of happiness or vision in my heart anymore
And if I want to make a real change I need to reach out for your great hands
Then wait with expectation and anticipation at Heavens door.

I have to come to the realization that you are always in control...
I shouldn't let worry overcome me but bring it to you in prayer
For you are creator and provider who will make it complete and whole
You will solve every problem because you are loving and truly care!

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

You Are The Perfect Answer

My Jesus...

I feel like giving up and quitting because I'm a failure to the greatest degree...
I've made some mistakes and am not in the position that others say I should hold
I don't think I'll see honest success or the greatest person I can ever be
I feel like I have no value and am the definition of worthlessness untold.

But then, your beautiful grace and 💘 love reaches out to my heart with care and concern...
You want me to remember some important information that comes from you so true
I am sweet 💐 flower from your garden of life and there's much you want me to learn
Everything perfect and amazing in a successful life can only come from you.

You are everything in life worth having and so much more until the end of time...
You hold it all in the precious clutches of your beautiful and holy mighty hands
And with humility, obedience and positive belief I will truly find
Life changing miracles, blessings, and the dynamics of your awesome new plans.

Jesus I realize that my success is found totally in your great name and your 💘 love...
I don't ever have to be fearful or doubt because I know that you are there for me
You are the great answer to everything by your care and love from heaven above
Now I place myself and everything in your hands and rest in your sweet tranquility!

Friday, August 26, 2022

Proclaiming My Honor

Precious Saviour...

When you whisper the words 'my beloved child', my heart fills with 💘 love to its core...
I realize, though I'm not perfect just how much I truly mean Lord to you
You see such promise and a beautiful masterpiece who'll become so much more
And lift me up to begin your creative work as only you can do.

You wash me with your mighty spirit taking from me things that don't belong...
And begin to rain down blessings and traits from your ❤ heart so that I will look like you
I'm given new mercy and forgiveness and a fresh step to sing your life song
Excited to tell others about your perfect grace and love my whole life through

So, I'm going to take your hand and believe in you with every 🚶 step I take...
I am honored that you care about my life and embrace me so perfectly
I am a 'Kingdom Kid' ready to live by honor and such strong Faith
Seeking your will and desire for each moment through all eternity.


Tuesday, August 23, 2022

My Prayer Closet


I have found a special place of submission where I come to you on bended knee...
It is a place of peaceful tranquility where I realize what matters at best
A pathway with you as my guide and all of the wondrous blessings I will see
Serving you with such devotion care and happiness.

So I'm in this perfect place to draw closer to you and all that you hold dear...
Concentrating on your anointing and our relationship is all I will need
For when I am in total submission your greatest spirit will draw near
At that point is when I can see my prayer life grow and truly succeed

Jesus here I am in my prayer closet with a heart of love and submission new...
Ready to meet you and your divine intervention now with great love
I want to be a strong prayer warrior with the fire of your life in me true
Come now Jesus and work mightily as you can with hope in me from above!

Friday, August 19, 2022

The Beauty Of The Moment

My Breathtaking Jesus...

The tender moment when I reach for your hand with a love so true...
And desire more than anything for your life changing embrace
Desiring more and more to know just everything about you
Drawing closer to your anointing and seeing your breathtaking face.

You are the sum total of all I ever wanted and much more...
You are the beautiful light of a promise that shows a new day
The ship of hope and love that always takes me to a brand new shore
Perfect grace that shows me the direction to a brand new pathway.

So before I even begin I reach out to you with delight...
You are my life, my breath and the answer to all of my great needs
When I keep my faith in you and always have you in my great sight
I know that you will be by me and as a team we will succeed!

Monday, August 15, 2022

Tender Tear Drops

  There's a cascade of tear drops falling with such anguish and despair...
Collecting in a freefall manner as if no one is around
Driven by fear and stress as if nothing matters and no one cares
Looking for a guiding peace and calm that doesn't seem to be found.

But you gently gather every drop that falls with your hands of 💘 love..
You stop misery and sadness from where it did start
And begin sending healing and restoration now from above
Something wonderful and new is now coming from your perfect heart.

It's a great pathway filled with fresh wonder and a joyful new plan..
The greatest things of promise that only your eyes can truly see
Blessings and delight that are being worked upon by your great hands
Because it is true that you always want the very best for me.

Every tear is now being replaced by a smile from grace..
A perfect happiness that knows my Jesus has it it's true
I don't need a fountain of tears but of joy when I see his face
For by his love and mighty power he will always see me through.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Beautiful Insight


I don't know what people see whenever they look at me..
Their ❤ heart's become filled with something that is not at all true
But I wish with my whole heart that they'd see so perfectly
The genuine part of who I am so clear and new.

A person's definition and beauty comes from their core...
It is who they really are to the greatest and the best
It's a really spectacular picture that is in store
A wonderful unique person filled with such happiness.

So get to know someone for who they really are inside...
The beautiful masterpiece that God created them to be
And you will have a special friend in which you can take pride
Also a great lesson about judging so truthfully!

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

A Heart's Call

Good 🌄 morning, Lord, I'm sitting here feeling so 💔 broken at my very core...
I'm feeling worthless and useless like no one cares in any possible way
I've failed, and am a disappointment who has no great promise in store
Somehow, I don't look forward to the start of each and every new day.

But then a breathtaking horizon starts to shine 🌞 brightly from the ☁ clouds true...
A brilliant light of wonder overtakes the surroundings everywhere
I start to see an insight into a precious, wonderful hope so new
And my heart is filled with a power of 💘 love that shows me someone does care.

The 💔 brokenness begins to slowly mend at a perfect and joyous pace...
A perfect tranquility brings a calm that has never been known before
I find happiness and more in my wonderful new best friends embrace
I want to always walk my journey with Him, study and learn so much more.

I pledge my heart and life to serving Him and 💘 loving Him all the way through...
It doesn't matter if others don't really care He is my everything
I'm honored He calls me His child and is committed in all I do
My Jesus, You are the healing force that I need to bring me comforting.


Friday, August 5, 2022

A Prayer Of Rejoicing

The emptiness and frailty of my heart is getting hard for me to bear...
Knowing that I have no one that I can turn to frightens me every day
You just feel like giving up and throwing in the towel when no one cares
I just don't understand who I am or have many words that I can say.

But then an air of compassion starts to knock upon the door of my heart..
A beautiful sense of rediscovery is born and starts to take place
I am overcome by a true love from which I never want to depart
And a new wholesome meaning and feeling of real purpose I soon embrace.

I am drawn even closer into the essence of your mighty heart true...
Being drawn deeper and deeper into this perfect love I need and more
Jesus you become the very essence of who I am in all I do
I'm watching perfect blessings seal our bond as it flows from Heavens great door.

So I don't have to feel so empty, wonder or search in any way...
All I have to do is come before your throne, lay it down and take your hand
And I will be filled by your love and purpose for me each and every day
Knowing and having faith that it is all in your great will and your command.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

💘 Love From Above

     Hannah sat quietly in her dorm room.  Tears streamed steadily down her face.  She just couldn't fathom the cruelty of time.

   Her kid brother whom she adored was lying in a hospital back home in a coma.  The doctor is not giving much hope.

     Her parents are devastated.  Hannah knows that this is taking a great financial and emotional toll on them.

     She suggested putting college on hold so she could come 🏡 home and help.  Her parents would not hear of it.

     Hannah knew she had to make a decision.  She dropped one of her classes and switched her schedule around so she could take a full time job.

    She didn't want her friends to find out then they would think poorly of her.  Hannah gazed at the clock.  She wiped her eyes, got up and left for work.

    After work, she stopped at the campus chapel to reflect and 🙏 pray.  Hannah wept as she begged God for her brother.

     "You must be a Christian?" A voice asked.  Hannah trembled a bit.  "Oh I am sorry.  I didn't mean to scare you."

  Hannah looked up to see a very kind lady smiling at her.  "Yes Ma'am, Jesus is everything to me!" She answered.  

    "Are you trusting Him?"  The lady asked further.  Hannah thought about that.  She began to tell the lady all about her brother and family.

    The lady took Hannah by the hand and 🙏 began praying for her.  Suddenly a sense of peace filled her heart.

    "Remember one thing" The lady said smiling.  "You are never alone.  Jesus is right beside you."  Hannah thanked the lady for her kindness.  The lady hugged her and said one thing.  "You are loved."

    Hannah went 🏡 home feeling a bit better.  She tried to pray more and read her bible, hoping for her 👪 family.

    Two weeks later, she got a call from her mother.  Her brother had come out of the coma.  Apparently one of her friends uncle is a specialist in town.  He has been treating the boy at no charge and having great results.

    Also her friends started a fundraiser and collected a large sum of money.  It was more than enough to pay all the medical bills and get them back on their feet.

    They also managed a scholarship to pay for the rest of Hannah's education.  She could quit her job.

    Hannah thanked Jesus for His goodness and rededicated her life to Him.  She pledged to start doing things differently starting with living by faith.

    As for the kind lady she never did see her again.  But she knew God sent her a special angel with a special message.

Her 💘 love from above!

Friday, July 29, 2022


My Jesus, bless my ❤ heart with peace to hear the stillness of your voice every day...
Give me the true wisdom and reflection to think and walk on as only you do
Help me to pave a crossroad of hope side by side with you along the great way
And to the very essence of who you are within my spirit always be true.

My Jesus, help me to be your masterpiece of promise that is in the making...
I place all that I am before your feet for the greatest miracle to take place
I want all of the best and brightest that a relationship with you now can bring
As I see your breathtaking smile and reach out my arms for your wondrous embrace.

Jesus, restoration means a closer bond of 💘 love eternally with you..
You are not only my Saviour, but the greatest part of my everything
I hold all that you are and our relationship close to me in all I do
May your gentleness and caring nature bring sonshine
And delight to all that life brings.


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

My Promise


I reach for the tenderness of your heart and wrap myself in it in every way...
It is the breathtaking beauty that transforms everything with wonder and delight
It is my overflowing source of strength and love I need for every new day
I revel in your mighty glory and send you thanksgiving with all of my might.

I open my heart to draw in your power and every single blessing so true...
My spirit is in awe of the peace that you have bestowed in such a true, grand way
I welcome you as my Lord and great guide as I embark on my whole pathway through
My great promise is that I will look to you and trust in you more than words can say.

I promise to be your faithful tool and vessel in which you are pleased from above...
For the greatest desire for me is to bring joy to you in every way
You are my sweet Ray of peace, grace and wisdom that comes to me with such love
My Jesus I promise to be your faithful child and serve you every day.


Friday, July 22, 2022

A Daily 🙏 Prayer

There's an emptiness inside that takes the greatest part of who I am...
A horrible feeling that no one cares or wants to be my dear friend
I feel like I have no strong support upon which I can truly stand
There's always a sense of failure and disappointment around every bend.

But then I discover that someone has been reaching out in prayer for me...
Bringing my 💔 broken and lonely heart and spirit before your throne so true
And I begin to discover your love freely and abundantly
Jesus you become my rock and foundation that I will always turn to.

Each day I come to you and ask for healing for my heart in a big way...
You show me mighty things that before I would never at all dream of
You are my best friend and my comfort and all that I will need with every day
I know that I can be a light and a blessing to your Kingdom above!

Friday, July 15, 2022

By All That I Am ...A Prayer

My Beloved Jesus

Your love is like a 🌈 rainbow after the rain, comforting and true...
My guiding light and direction of hope for the steps that I take
It shows me what is meaningful and everything that I must do
It is the greatest example of strong devotion that you make.

I open my ❤ heart and accept it all in the greatest array...
Striving with all my strength to be the best you want me to be
Working hard to be your light in all things I may do or say
Jesus see a wonderful work in progress when you look at me.

So take this 💔 broken vessel into your Craftmans hands right now...
I can see your greatest true talent coming through beyond compare
I can be all that you want share your great wisdom and show me how
I give you my ❤ heart and all that I am in this humbled sweet 🙏 prayer!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The Greatest Gift

   Moira sat quietly at the kitchen table trying to come up with ideas.  Her best friend in the world, Jena, was graduating from college.

   She wanted it to be something really special.  They had been friends since they could walk.  Yet, no matter how much she thought, nothing seemed good enough.

   Moira tried to call Jena to invite her to lunch.  But for the first time, she didn't answer.

   Just then, her Mother came in.  She looked at Moira.  Seeing that intense look in her eyes, Moira knew her friend needed her.

   Jena had collapsed and needed blood.  No one was a match.  Moira saw the pain in her friends eyes and volunteered to be tested.  She was a perfect match!

   Her parents agreed that she could help her friend.  Over the next few weeks she helped her Jena recover.

   Soon it was time for Jena to go home.  Moira helped her get ready for graduation.  

   The night of the party she gave her a gift and apologized it wasn't more.  It was a white rose bush and a memory album with their friendship through the years.

   "Not enough?"  Jena asked.  She began to cry.  "You were there when I needed you as you've always been.  Pure love is the greatest gift of all!"

   Moira began to cry.  She embraced her friend.  She remembered how her Pastor always said that.

  Jena even started coming to church.  So Moira didn't have to worry about the perfect gift.  She got that and a great lesson too.  God is so good!


Monday, July 4, 2022

**********A PRAYER FOR AMERICA **********************

Lord, bless this fine nation in which we live.....
From coast to coast and sea to sea
Instill upon it abundant prosperity
This great land that you created
In all of its endless beauty.

Lord, bless us all, your humbled servants.....
As we live our lives upon this land
Provide us with the strength and the courage that we will need
and forever guide our way with your mighty hands.

Lord, please forgive us our trespasses and all of our sins.....
We beg your forgiveness and endless mercy
Show us the way, the truth, and the light
Guide us so that we may live an ideal life
The way it should be.

Lord, be a stable presence in our changing world.....
and forever remind us to look up and pray
Help us to remain encouraged and inspired
and to minister to the lost and by day.

Lord, we want to thank you for your true goodness and mercy.....
You provide us with all that we need each day
May our lives and our actions truly please you
and reflect your sweet spirit in every way.


Sunday, July 3, 2022

Faith And Freedom

My Jesus.....

Thank you for the precious freedom that I cherish and hold so dear...
The blessing and right to live for you and serve you every day
To look to your guidance and fulfill your plan without any fear
And be a shining star that sparkles for you in every way.

Now, there will be efforts by the enemy to stop your great love...
To try and permanently silence your plans in everything they do
But as we stand strong and join forces by faith with Heaven above
We will always get the divine victory and see your plans through.

You are Lord and always on the throne no matter how the wind blows...
We must keep our eyes on you and let you move in your own real time
For nothing really matters here but only just what Heaven knows
So we should place our hands in yours, and everything will be fine.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Prepare My ❤ Heart

Lord, please touch me so perfectly with the mightiness of your great hands...
Anoint me with your spirit like fresh rain to be your tool so true
Fill me with your power and wisdom to be ready for your plans
The greatest thing I desire all my life is to live for you.

I'll be your instrument to showcase your love in a mighty way...
Your vessel being fine tuned to take the light of your grace to all
Your sanctuary with a humbled heart to spread joy every day
An honored servant who waits patiently for the point you might call.

I yearn to hear the beauty of your powerful voice once again...
Come let me learn all I can at your feet so true
Lord you are my Saviour, my great Teacher and always my best friend
I will strive all my life harder and harder to be just like you!

Friday, July 1, 2022

Beautiful Raindrops

My Jesus...

Sweet Lord you are the breathtaking beauty that fills all of my moments with delight...
You are living water and the substance that provides all that I need each day
You are the bread of nourishment and the light that gives my spirit such perfect sight
Lord I come before you and bring Thanksgiving in every way.

Jesus you are my best friend who is by my side with such joy and true happiness...
You are my firm foundation and strength who will never leave me no matter what or where
I am always under the protection of your anointing
So cared for and blessed
We have a rugged bond and a perfect love that is unique, fragile and rare.

My breathtaking Jesus you are the answer to everything that I've searched for...
You are the refreshing rain of new promise that brings restoration large and small
The majesty comes from your heart of grace, love, devotion and much more
You are the answer to all that my yearning heart will need every time it calls!

Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Powerful Foundation

My Jesus...

I can feel the strength draining from me causing me to want to give up in every way...
The confidence of my ❤ heart is disappearing and I see no promise at all
I try to put together some motivation and great energy for every new day
But no one hears or even cares when my heart reaches out for inspiration and calls.

But just when all seems so lost and empty, that's when something exciting starts to take place...
Mercy and perfect love come trickling down with great abundance, devotion and care
A patient and understanding Saviour takes such 💔 brokenness into His great embrace
Suddenly, a miraculous sense of peace and new life begin to spread everywhere.

A brand new horizon is bestowed from a Saviours heart with all things brand new...
There is no more sense of failure or giving up in any way
The seeds of restoration and new life are always with us in all we do
The Saviours compassion and forgiveness are our light of hope for a brand new day.

❤ Heart Pain

Lord, this pain that I'm feeling is so strong and very hard to bear...
Sometimes, I feel like giving up instead of reaching for another brand new day
It feels like no one has any ideas or truly does care
I really cannot see the direction of a positive way.

Then suddenly, I feel an arm of promise strongly around me...
A voice speaks out so strongly not to give up but to call out with love
There is someone who cares and shouts out to me with grace so perfectly
Keep your eyes on the goodness and the blessing that comes from above.

Jesus opens His hand of mercy and compassion completely...
And opens the gate of Heaven with a power that is true
All things must line up and come from Him so sweetly
A hurting heart is healed when we seek Him in all we do.


Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Faith Button

My Jesus...

As I'm navigating through life's pathway, trying to decide the best way to go...
My heart becomes confused with all of the factors and obstacles before me
I become stressed and fearful as my human weaknesses quickly begin to show
I need a road map of encouragement to guide and inspire so perfectly.

Just then, a beautiful power begins to infiltrate my soul with happiness...
It brings a refreshing rainshower of great love that I have never quite known before
My spirit was uplifted and inspired, and I reached out for only the best
What I received was everything I dreamed about and so much more.

All I have to do is press the Faith button on the dashboard of my humbled heart...
Giving God the glory, realizing He is in control and total command
All of my stresses, worries and concerns He will take care of from the very start
From the beginning, He always has everything and all of us in His great hands.

So now before I even take a step, I make sure to press the Faith button true...
And a warmth and smile begin to fill me with such amazement and delight
Jesus all of my strength, endurance and power will always come from you
You are my Living Water of Hope that I can always lean upon with great might!

Friday, June 24, 2022

The Greatest Title

My Precious Jesus...

The greatest title I can ever hold, you have given to me...
You call me your child and your valued daughter you hold so dear
It is something I want all to know with definite clarity
I'm happy that my existence to you is highly revered.

I'm broken and imperfect, yet your perfect love and grace are there...
Your mercy takes me in hand and your forgiveness makes me brand new
I'm surrounded by your power and your presence shows how you care
Jesus I am a success because I'm yours in all that I do.

For true success is not defined by man but by kingdom love...
I draw closer to your heart with a great desire to know it true
I send all of my praise and Thanksgiving to Heaven above
Jesus I'm glad that my success will always be defined by you!

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

My Best Friend

You are always there with a smile, whenever I need inspiration for the day...
When I feel like giving up there's always an encouraging word to keep me so strong
You are always right there by my side to be my light of promise along the path way
And when I am sad and discouraged you always give my heart a reason and a song.

You are always there on my side to cheer for me and bring happiness when no one cares...
You fill every moment of my life with such peace and tranquility and perfect love
There lies mercy, compassion and forgiveness in you you can't find anywhere
Reflection of awesome beauty and majestic wonder can only come from above.

So I thank you for being my best friend and everything I will ever need...
It is the highest of all honor to be called your child too
When I take hold of your hand and follow you I will always succeed
Jesus thank you for being the greatest best friend my whole life through!

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

You Are My Strength

My Jesus...

You are the breathtaking light of hope that infiltrates the essence of who I am...
The brilliant source of promise that sees exciting new things more than I could ever see
You are the talented Potter who can do amazing things with His Mighty hands
Lord, you're the powerful strength that will always be there for me.

I never have to doubt or have any questions in my mind...
Although by my own weak will it can be very hard to do
But when I place everything into your hands I will soon find
That you're right there walking with me and helping me each day through.

You're taking all my worries and putting peace in its place.
Real success will be realized when I place it all in your hands
Stop trying to question but enjoy the warmth of your embrace
And trust your wisdom and the mighty power of your great plans!

Friday, June 17, 2022

Rugged Ground

My Jesus...

Sometimes the pathway can be very dark and rugged terrain...
There are factors that try to bring stress in great complexity
There's an overabundance of sadness and great inner pain
It is not the place where anyone would like their heart to be.

I know that life is not simple even for your own it's true...
We have to look up to the skies each and every day
And try to walk with rugged strength and brave courage that is new
Sometimes it is hard to do things in a definitive way.

So you reach out your hands with patience and understanding...
Knowing that that through it all you will truly work it out
All I have to do is believe in you with rugged meaning
That is what strong faith in God's pure love and grace is all about

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Greatest Success

Sweet Jesus...

The greatest honor of my soul is that you call me your child and daughter, with love...
I have a special place in your heart that brings me delight and joy at its best
I send special praise, with gratitude and wonder to you above
Suddenly, I know the definition of a life filled with perfect, real happiness.

You have planted your seeds of love, grace and promise deep within me...
As an extension of your Kingdom with gifts from your hands
So I can go out and fulfill something for your Kingdom and all of eternity
True success only comes from your wisdom and what is done for you and your Kingdom plan.

For if I can hear 'well done!' and see a breathtaking smile upon your sweetest face...
It would be an answer to prayer and show me I'm on the great pathway
To give me more power,strength and endurance and the sweetest peace in your long embrace
Jesus, I pledge myself and want to be your success more and more every new day.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Shadow Of Mercy


What is more beautiful than the breathtaking reflection of how much you care for me...
You let the awesome light of your forgiveness and compassion shine like never before
I don't ever have to doubt it because you'll be there for all of an eternity
You desire to take care of me and help me feel your peace and so much more.

Your heart has seen my deepest sincerity and has washed me with mercy sparkling new...
I am a new person by your glory and honor so perfect sweet Jesus
on high
I can bring you glory and praise and be an instrument for your Kingdom each day through
Let my spirit be overcome by your power and through your anointing be baptized.

I am grateful for salvation and the gift of your wondrous caring heart true..
Through your gentleness I'll have the chance to come before you and start again
To continue dreaming and reach for an exciting future that brilliant and new
Thank you Master for being everything I'll ever need and my best friend!

Friday, June 10, 2022

Bestowed From My Spirit

My Loving Jesus...

What gift can I give you with all of my heart so true?
A real, genuine gift to show what you mean to me
And how much I am grateful for everything you do
To help me and provide for me all so perfectly.

The 🎁 gift must be able to show my great, pure 💘 love...
How much my heart is grateful for you in every way
Though you have everything with you in Heaven above
My gift comes from my heart that I'll bestow every day.

I promise to always look to you every day through...
And worship you as leader of all that I am
To study and consult your word in all that I do
To trust and lean wholeheartedly on your master plan.

Though I may not see what exists beyond the cloud line...
I'll be strong in my step along the way getting there
Because whenever I take a step yours is by mine
Always taking hold of every detail and great care.

The greatest 🎁 gift I can give is all that I am to you...
I want to strengthen our heart's bond in every way
To be your instrument and vessel in all I do
Jesus, let me be the light of your love every day.    Amen.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

My Heart


You see my heart and the pain that I'm feeling so strongly today..
There's an intense sadness that takes over the whole of me at best
I want to hide and give up not having anything much to say
I don't think I'll ever find the true meaning of real happiness.

But seeing me so down brings real tears to your heart so blessed and strong..
You want to fill me with delight and give all the best to me
So you reach out with your power and touch me with your love and song
Filling me with more of your divine presence and joy perfectly.

At that moment I knew the direction I had to take that's real..
I rededicated all I am to you as a major plan
Quickly something wonderful and new I began to surely feel
As I placed everything and all I am into your mighty hands.

The pain began to fade and I could feel happiness again..
I knew that my Jesus was working on things so diligently
You are not only my Saviour all time but my dearest best friend
Through it all no matter what you will be there to take care of me!

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

A Prayer Of Hope

Dear Jesus

Take this 💔 broken vessel into your Craftmans hands..
And see an extraordinary dream soon come true
Create within me a masterpiece by your plans
And let me be your instrument my whole life through.

Instill in me strength that can conquer every day..
Give me tenacity to make it till the end
Knowing that I can lean on you in every way
You are not only my Lord but my greatest friend.

We can do everything together all in all..
I pledge my ❤ heart, my love and all that I may be
I can count on you being there when I may call
I'm part of Team Jesus for all eternity!

Friday, May 27, 2022

Walking On Peaceful Waters

My Precious Jesus..

When I look all around and the waters seem to be raging strong...
There's nothing that brings me much hope as far as the eyes can see
I don't have any true direction to make sense of life's song
My heart begins to wonder what is actually wrong with me.

But you reach out with kindness and gather me close to your core...
You take my hand and ask that I always trust more in you
I watch as many blessings come on a rainbow through your door
Taking all my fear and giving faith in all that I do.

Suddenly things begin to change quickly and for the true best..
I learned to look to you for everything I need to see
For when I trust in you I'll find the greatest real happiness
Always in your eternal presence is where I long to be!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

One 🚶 Step

My Jesus...

I begin to take one step, and suddenly I start to fall...
Trying to navigate on my own and looking around me
So overwhelmed by everything my heart begins to call
A powerful glimmer of light up ahead is all I see.

When I try to take the step, I quickly tumble to the ground..
But then a saving arm of grace reaches out and stops my pain
I am picked up and raised to my feet where inspiration abounds
I have a feeling of relief and can concentrate again.

Like a beautiful rainbow, he appeared with a big smile...
He took my hand in his and told me all is ok
Through his mercy and compassion I have hope for all while
He will walk beside me and take care of me every day.

So one step with Jesus is the best choice I'll be making..
It's a journey worth living because of him and so much more
Following his will and presence with joy throughout everything
Jesus it's exciting to see what our journey has in store!

Sunday, May 22, 2022

The pain that I am feeling is getting unbelievable and real...
Sometimes I don't know how to interpret or what to make of everything
No one cares how deep my pain goes or what I now feel
My heart is saddened with turmoil instead of looking for hope life brings.

But then your beautiful gentleness comes in and touches my core..
You reveal to me that I do not walk alone at any time
By your grace and love you take my hand and walk with me on life's shore
Telling me that you will help me and will be my hope in kind.

So now I can feel your sweet peace and comfort at its very best..
I feel more assured and challenged with each new and exciting way
I know that I am being filled with all things good like happiness
My Lord with you by my side I can't wait to see the newest days.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Thoughts Of Wisdom

When you are starting your day and you take one step...
And suddenly, you feel so alone and empty..burdened with heavy fears and worry

You feel so defeated like you can't go on..
You search for answers and hope in so many areas..and find nothing
But a glimmer flickers within the deepest portal of your spirit

You remember good things and perfect peace and love
And cry out to come back to a merciful Father.

Suddenly two hearts begin to bond again.  A relationship begins to grow.

Something wonderful is slowly being created.

A masterpiece from the Father's ❤.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Faith 🔑Key

Dear Jesus.....

Sometimes it's hard for me to understand what the important parts of life entail..
I think that I can do it all on my own and without a doubt come up empty
Every solution that I pursue in my humanity seems to always fail
Fear, burden and unbelievable stress quickly begin to overcome me.

Compassion and mercy fill your heart so true as you reach out with such peace on hand...
You cleanse me with the fountain of your perfect love of everything that's unlike you
Lifting all of my worries and taking control of them all by your great command
Pledging to always be by my side and help me with all I need, in all I do.

You give me a greater lesson in faith to rest in you through every hour each day...
And always keep my concentration on your throne above and not all around
For every aspect of who you are is the bright light that will always guide my way
Resting upon my faith and trusting in you is where my answers will be found!

Sunday, May 8, 2022

The Trail Of New Beginnings

   Jennifer sat quietly in her room worried about so many things that were burdening her.  She just didn't have any answers or could see any in sight.

   Her husband of eight years left her for another woman.  He drained their bank account.  She had no one.  Her parents were gone.

   A dear elderly neighbor offered to watch her kids while she looked for a second job.  A new beautiful gift shop had just opened in town.

   Jennifer went their and explained her situation asking if they needed any help.  Carol, the woman who owns the shop 😃 smiled brightly and hired her full time.

   There was something warm and loving about Carol that made Jennifer feel like she was family.  She also offered her a two bedroom apartment in her home.

   Carol offered her the first six months rent free till she got on her feet.  Jennifer felt overwhelmed by the love she was being shown.  She gave Carol a big hug to thank her and accepted.

   Over the next several months Jennifer worked very hard.  She wanted to do all she could to thank her for her kindness.

  Jennifer even agreed to start going to church with Carol.  She hadn't attended since she was a small child.  She rededicated her life and the lives of her children to God.

When Carol's son Brandon came home from military service she thought she would have to leave.  

Instead the two had an instant bond.  He adored her kids.  They began dating.  After about a year, the wedding date was set.

   Brandon and Jennifer got married.  They built their own beautiful home.  A year later they welcomed their first child.

   Jennifer marvels at just how blessed she is.  The Lord has always been with her even though she drifted a bit.  All praise to Him!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Don't Give Up


Help me to never lose hope, and to always see the light,
The beauty of your awesome love that is forever there
Even though the path is rugged, help me with all my might
to continue on with strength because you so greatly care.

I can do any thing because you are right there for me
You lift me up and help me throughout each step of the way
When I want to quit, your encouragement comes so perfectly
to lead me to an exciting and brighter, brand new day.

So, Father, I pledge to never give up at any time,
I will look to you for strength, and happiness from your hands
It is in you, where all of the greatest things I will find
I know that you have dynamic promise and an awesome plan!


Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Restoration Miracle


The pain that is overwhelming me now is becoming more than I can bear...
I feel so horrible like I'm breaking down quickly within my very core
I feel so worthless like a failure and useless like no one really does care
My heart is shattering looking for any great promise that maybe in store.

A strong fountain of tears from great worry, stress and damaging fear are falling...
You are devastating and hurt by the devastating forces that are attacking me
You truly desire rebuilding and all the great things a life with you brings
And open your arms of promise with love and grace, so caringly.

You embrace me and surround me teaching me to let go of all things that are not you...
Helping to stand strong on the foundation of hope that we will always share
All I have to do is simply rest in you in everything that I do
And through faithfulness you will always take all of my burdens and always be right there.

And now we begin our new journey as I take a step with you on our pathway...
I promise to keep my heart and spirit always focused on you with all might
For you my Jesus are my light and my wisdom that I need for each new day
The thought of becoming a new person in you brings me delight!

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Greatest Step In Time


The very essence of all that I am I bestow unto your great hands...
Asking you to take my brokenness and make a masterpiece that is whole
I kneel before you and give you my humbled heart waiting for your great plans
Waiting upon your mercy to heal the pain that has taken it's great toll.

I am a sinner asking for forgiveness and know I've been made brand new...
Your grace and the light of your perfect love have cleansed me in every way
I take your hand with my heart watching yours in everything I do
You are my lighthouse of guidance and inspiration Lord every day.

I will live for you and tell everyone that I am your child so true...
My yearning spirit will sing of your goodness and love Lord forevermore
I want everyone to see your great power no matter what I may do
There's excitement, 💘 love and powerful praise that is building at Heavens door#

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Light Of Life

My Jesus...

You are the light that brings exceptional hope to each otherwise dismal day...
The breathtakingly beautiful happiness that sets my heart ablaze with fire
The blaze of an eternal spirit that moves throughout me in a mighty way
Spreading your power and endurance for the greatest things which I do admire.

1You are the guiding force that directs my feet upon your pathway so true...
My source of promise that keeps me suited in rugged faith and genuine love
Keeping my heart and spirit focused on only the real things in all I do
Realizing that what truly matters can only come down with grace from above.

I am learning new things at your feet Lord with delight and joy every day...
Your Instrument and being prepared to serve you on a mission so great
I give you my heart and all that I am take my hand Lord we're on the way
A dynamic team to change the world for Jesus let's mark this important date!

Saturday, April 16, 2022

The Easter 🙏 Prayer

My Lord...

Thank you for the Easter story that started so many years ago...
A breathtaking real saga of beautiful, pure and unending 💘 love
A special time when the greatest 🎁 gift for all eternity would show
And exhibit the great mercy and power of our sweet God above.

Thank you that you were willing to go the extra mile for all time...
Making an unheard of real sacrifice for all of the world to see
🚶 Stepping in the gap so a great place with you we would always find
Walking on Heavens majestic shores, by your side for eternity.

So in every Easter 🙏 prayer we give praise and honor to you and more...
Your magnificent sacrifice will never go unnoticed at all
Your bestowed gift and presence will be at the center of our hearts core
Lord thank you for all that you do and for being there when we may call!

A Symbol of Love (The Cross of Calvary)
An Easter Prayer ***********

My Lord:

There is a stillness in my heart as I walk across the floor
and stand so quietly in awe of this majestic sight
Something wonderful builds inside of me and I yearn for more
As I draw in much closer with all of my love and might.

Tears begin to form in my eyes and trickle down my face
When I think of all the pain that you suffered just for me
A mighty promise was formed at this very place
That shaped the meaning of pure love for all eternity.

Your forgiving heart wove a beautiful spot just for me
My Savior, a treasured gift that I so greatly cherish
Your love fills me looking at this symbol of hope's beauty
May I always be humbled by its meaning is my wish.


Friday, April 15, 2022

The Greatest 🎖 Honor

My Precious Jesus...

When I stop to think about the greatest sacrifice made throughout time...
The wondrous presentation of 💘 love and strength to its highest degree
I look at the most breathtaking source of beauty that I'll ever find
And become humbled and so eternally grateful that it includes me.

You love me so much that you gave your own life that I might be forgiven...
You hold me close and call me your beloved child whom you adore
Just knowing that I am   important to you Lord keeps me so driven
This knowledge keeps me inspired, encouraged and reaching out for more.

You are my lifeline that fuels my every 🚶 step along life's pathway...
You gave it all so that our 💕 hearts could be together and happy
I thank you for the gift of my soul rooted in you every day
Thank you for the breathtaking 🎁 gift so that all men can now be set free!.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Hello, My Friend!

I want to tell you how much I adore your great patience with me...
You are always there to grant me such valuable time in your day
You are always ready to forgive with beautiful, sweet mercy
And ❤ caring to sit and listen attentively to what I say.

Your heart is forgiving and always ready to start again new...
Your compassion for my endeavors gives me hope, promise and more
I am always assumed you're with me in everything I do
🚶 Walking beside me with inspiration through every door.

Your breathtaking heart is always open and filled with 💘 love and grace...
The powerful light of your presence just completely surrounds me
I know that I can be successful in any part of this race
Because our friendship is a great bond that always helps me to see.

You are truly my best friend and everything I need and much more...
I can't even think about one minute without thinking about you
You are my perfect lifeline and everything I yearn for
My Jesus, you are my true best friend today and my whole life through!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Morning Glory

Dear Jesus...

As I sit and look out upon the great beauty that is laid out before me...
The brilliance of the morning sky, and the colors. and fragrant smells so true
I am in total awe at the perfection that I so plainly see
I just want to be a part of its splendor and give thanks in all I do.

The cool breeze that overflows me and gives me such perfect peace and real rest...
The 🌞 bright sun that touches me and brings such warmth and great comfort to my soul
The great sounds and brilliant colors that enlighten me and bring such happiness
It all is an umpiring gift for my spirit and makes me strong and whole.

So I look upon this brilliant picture window fun filled day...
And I realize that you open your heart and let all things that are you begin to fall
Your 💘 love and grace are all around me working in so many 😂 joyous ways
My Jesus thank you for your blessings and your mighty sweet bond through it all

Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Believers Promise

Precious Jesus...

Your footprints are powerfully near me as I travel along my pathway...
I am traveling with joy in my 🚶 step holding our sweet bond Lord so dear
But then the skies begin to darken and there's a ☁ cloudy look to the day
Suddenly I am filled with great stress and burdened by such powerful fear.

I am filled with such great doubt and uncertainty as I look all around...
I have no knowledge of what the solution is or what I should do
This is the perfect time when your greatest mercy and forgiveness abounds
Your voice clearly speaks to my ❤ heart that your mighty love will see me through.

You have always been there for me through every 🚶 step and in every mile...
Yet I have managed to forget that major detail along my pathway
When the weather quickly changes I manage to lose hope, joy and my bright 😃 smile
But you are effectively bringing me back to a new and brighter day.

You are teaching me to be a warrior of promise in your great hand...
Always having faith and trust in your great power in all that I may do
Never doubting that you will take care of it all and have a mighty plan
Jesus I am your work in progress come create a masterpiece so true!

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Standing Strong

My Jesus, you are the breath of life that fills my lungs every day
You are the beat of hope that keeps my ❤ heart so vibrant and at its best
You are the force of light that keeps my feet so 🚶steady on the pathway
And promise that inspires my spirit and fills it with happiness.

My Jesus, you're the song that reminds my soul to keep focused on you...
You are the peace that calms me with gentleness and amazing power
You are the uplifter that picks me up in everything I do
And my solution to every dilemma in the final hour.

My Jesus, your 💘 love and grace are always there in abundance for me...
The 🎁 gift of salvation has given me confidence I can make it through
I am honored to be your child and live for you joyfully
By your mercy, I can stand strong on your foundation of Faith so true!

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Only Key

My Jesus...

Sometimes, my ❤ heart feels alone, wandering aimlessly searching for answers I cannot see...
Looking for the breathtaking beauty of joy to bring restoration and perfect 💘 love
But no matter how much I try in my own right, nothing truly ever comes to me
Starting from the beginning moment you see all my distress and greatest pain from above.

You reach out and touch me with the purity and gentleness of your mercy and care...
Telling me there is only one answer to all of my questions that will ever be
There is an ideal solution to every burden and restoration will be there

All I have to do with a humbled heart, faith and trust is apply the perfect key...
I need to come before your throne with faith and all of my cares in pure devoted 🙏prayer
For in the light of your presence and 💘 love is the greatest, most perfect place that I can be
You will give me the greatest peace and all that I am looking for every time I am there.

For the perfect 🔑 key not only fulfills me but brings me so much closer Lord to you...
The perfect bond that will give me strength and endurance to do all the things I can
Being your light of promise and an instrument for your kingdom in all I do
Listening for your voice and the answers to fulfill your mighty, heavenly plan!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...