Thursday, December 28, 2023

You Are My Inspiration

My Lord...

You are everything my heart yearns to be and so much more...
You are my mentor and King that my spirit respects and loves
The greatest dream and success that my soul is now reaching for 
My refreshing rain shower of motivation from above. 

You're the light of discovery that forever guides my way...
My awesome source of comfort that makes me so complete and whole 
My greatest reason for taking each new step every day 
That tender care and warmth whenever things may turn bitter cold. 

You are my fortress and stronghold that I depend on with might...
My steady, rugged anchor of strength on which I can  now stand 
My sweet happiness and joy that blesses me with such delight 
Sweet gracious, mighty Father that has great promise and a plan. 

You are everything I hope to be and all that defines me...
Jesus I want to bring you such honor in the greatest way 
You are my breath and every breathtaking ๐ŸŒ… sunrise that I see
Lord I will praise and exhault you with honor all of my days!

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Just One Word

My Jesus...

I need you in every moment more than words can say...
I need the beauty of your love, your tender grace, and much more 
You're the brilliant ☀ sunshine that brings promise to each day 
My breathtaking Savior You're all that I'm yearning for. 

I need your breath of life that brings desire for each new day...
The refreshing flow of your anointing to make all seem new
My mentor and guiding light who will always make a true way 
I give all that I am now with pure humbleness unto you. 

I need your mighty power like great dreams and success so grand...
Your embrace to hold me in your protection with such delight 
A mighty move of miraculous seeds from your holy hands 
Lord restore me and let me be so pleasing in your great sight. 

I need only one word to start everything with happiness...
Lord let you know how much I reach for and greatly adore you 
That one simple word that teaches my heart and helps it to be blessed 
I'll carry that word "yes" as I venture on my journey so true!

Monday, December 25, 2023

When My Heart Receives Your Love

My Blessed Savior...

When my heart receives your pure love so true...
It is the greatest gift and so much more 
A breathtaking blessing that comes from you 
Overflowing with excitement in store. 

It's a gift that has no limits in mind...
Just seeds of hope where new things begin 
And a sweet mercy that's great and so kind 
Receiving your love is a gift that wins.

Savior thank you for this beautiful gift...
I can never thank you enough It's true 
It gives such promise and always uplifts 
I send all praise and Thanksgiving to you!

Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Christmas Hope

The perfect gift was given many years ago one fine day...
It's worth more than anyone can ever think about or soon believe 
Yet it's available to seeking hearts in a special way 
The Greatest gift for those who with a humbled heart will receive. 

Perfect love came from God's heart for His children everywhere...
Bestowing salvation through his Son so all would be set free 
A wondrous gift and sacrifice because He truly does care
And wants his children to live the best life that can surely be.

The beautiful gift of Christmas is a sweet hope from above...
A gift that means more than anything in life forevermore 
It is the greatest picture of a Saviors mercy and love 
A rainshower of true forgiveness that comes from Heaven's ๐Ÿšช door!

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Lord, When I Reach Out For You

My Precious Jesus...

When I reach out for you my spirit rises higher than ever before...
My heart fills with a delight that mere words cannot give real justice to 
A true sense of completion begins to fill perfectly at my heart's core 
And I want to know every essence of who you are that is great and new.

When I reach out for you my soul yearns for your anointing with such great might... 
My whole being awaits the fountain of your tenderness in a great way
I long to be so pleasing and truly delightful in your holy sight
And see the beauty of your goodness making great miracles every day.

When I reach out for you I begin to see new things now take great control...
I begin to see something truly wonderful expanding so clearly 
I see your perfect love making me stronger, rugged, complete and whole 
My Savior when I reach out for you I see a truly better, happy me!

Your Perfect Love

My Jesus...

Your love fills me to overflowing with a special joy I cannot contain...
It gives me a great and mighty example of everything that is so real 
It is a perfect reminder of what I mean to you as you call my name 
A perfect representation of the delight and wonder that I now feel. 

Your love is my source of everything that my yearning heart always reaches for...
It is my shining light of promise and my rainbow ๐ŸŒˆ of refreshment so true 
A breathtaking gift that gives me everything I'll ever need and so much more 
My perfect gift of blessing and new beginning as I draw closer to you. 

Your love is my guide and seed for dreams and reaching for the best I can be...
It is my true answer and referral as to what you think and so much more 
A wondrous and cherished gift I'll treasure for now and all of eternity 
My Jesus your love is my fortress and opportunities great open door!

Friday, December 15, 2023

The Miraculous Light

I look up and see a breathtaking light so wondrous and true...
An awesome illumination bringing peace sweetly to me
It fills my heart to overflowing and makes me feel brand new 
My spirit yearns to know much more about it so completely.

Just then  I see your sweet grace trying to reach out with great care...
I begin to realize there's much more to this light than I see
As I walk in closer you show me with such depth you are there 
Walking in your light Jesus is where I always want to be.

Suddenly  that light glows brighter with a special kind of love...
Wrapping me in everything that comes from you and so much more 
I realize this light is a Christmas blessing from above 
I drop to my knees with all thanks and praise like never before!

Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Greatest Blessing

My Beloved Jesus...

The greatest blessing of my life is knowing everything about you...
This beautiful gift flowing from Heaven given with love unto me 
A most breathtaking gift tailored to me and offers life a new
The best expression of my Saviors glory for all hearts to now see.

It is a precious gift that never stops bestowing things from above...
A gift that has no limits or boundaries but is always so sweet and pure 
It gives the best feeling of belonging that one can ever dream of 
An extension of the Saviors anointing that is strong and endures.

The greatest, precious gift is one that will last forever and all time...
It's the gift of salvation and knowing we're precious in God's sight
We're forgiven and made whole by his compassion and mercy in kind
And given promise and new hope by his sweet, great power and his true light.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Lord You Are My Lifeline

My Beloved ฤดesus.....

When I think about the refreshing life that comes from your anointing..
My heart yearns for more of the breathtaking beauty that it gives 
To ignite with Heaven's fire my spirit with all that your heart brings 
And be a dynamic light for your kingdom in which your love lives. 

I want to be a powerhouse filled with your mighty wonder and grace...
Ready to be attentive to all you say whenever you may call 
Being renewed and restored by your mighty sweet hands for just a time and place 
Learning to be a loyal, faithful and trusting child through it all.

I want to be more like you in every way and grow with every step...
My greatest desire and goal is for you to always be quite pleased 
Jesus please look at me with a big smile and sweet happiness 
For my most determined spot is humble and before you on my knees. 

Healing Love

My Jesus...

This pain inside of me becomes so intense at times...
I feel like quitting and not facing another day 
My heart just cannot see any real goodness to find 
My spirit searches frantically for the perfect way. 

Tears flow from your eyes as you see my pain so true...
You begin to surround me with your loving embrace 
Empowering me with your strength and promise each day through 
Standing right by my side in a very special place. 

You begin to heal the pain with your gentle sweet touch.. 
And make me a brand new person by your great glory 
Lord you put your arms around me and love me so much 
Helping me to know that there's so much real good to see.

Suddenly  songs begin to come back to my heart's core...
There's sweet joy that I haven't seen in quite a long while 
Jesus because you believe in me I will try more 
Just the thought of your adoration brings a new smile. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Greatest Aspiration

Dear Jesus.....

How do I describe what my dreams are supposed to be?
What are the true goals of my inner heart at its best? 
Sometimes I try to know what is important to me
But it is in your presence where there's true happiness. 

You're the definition of life in totality 
Great Creator! Mighty Provider and Healer too.
So there's no definition in actuality
My Lord, unless the heart seeks with focus all of you. 

I come with humility and kneel before your grace...
Knowing the Craftsman will make something extraordinary
Seeking all wisdom as I enjoy your sweet embrace 
Understanding you'll do great things because you truly care.

So there are seeds by your adoration above 
Cultivated each moment of every new day
A great harvest worth having comes from your purest love 
My Lord whenever I need wisdom you are the way!

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Lord, Make Me Ready

Lord Jesus...

Prepare me to hear your voice so perfectly and clear...
I want to know everything that you have to say 
Teach me your greatest wishes now and please draw me near
I want to be your strong instrument in every way. 

I want to know your plans and desires to the core...
And all of the wonderful things that you think and see
Reveal your presence to me and show me so much more 
In the light of your glory is where I want to be. 

Lord I want to hear you speak move now with such delight...
For the greatest things come from your heart of purest grace 
I want to know your will and be pleasing in your sight 
Jesus let your anointing now fill every place. 

The Music Of My Heart


There's an eerie sense of silence in my heart right now...
A strong sense of pain is beginning to overflow 
I've got to find a sense of tranquility somehow 
And such great happiness that I really should know. 

I reach out and take your hand Lord with delight so true...
Believing in you I lay it all before your throne 
Knowing with your help I win and will make it through 
You fill me so that I am never really alone. 

Your sweet love plays an orchestra within the great core...
Suddenly all silence and pain quickly disappear
My heart becomes so enriched and alive Lord once more
You bring dreams alive and the strength to hope and persevere.

You are the eternal music of my heart so true...
I can hear the encouragement playing every day
I want every moment to be shared by me and you 
I love the eternal sounds of your heart and all that they will play!

Saturday, December 9, 2023

You Are My Guiding Star

My Jesus.....

When my heart is burdened with heaviness that's too hard to bear...
And my spirit just cannot seem to rise and plummets further down 
My soul looks to the brilliance of your loves star with hope and care
Knowing that in its light there's such wonderful things to be found. 

I see the light of your grace to show me what I need to do...
I see your loves sweet light bringing me peace and guiding my steps 
I see the light of your glory bringing me joy so true 
I see the light of your wisdom trying to show me the best.

My  eyes forever focus on your precious Heavenly star...
It blocks out any cloudiness and helps me see clearly 
Jesus help me to always be in the realm of where you are 
Together hand in hand we'll work on all you want me to be. 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

My Christmas ๐Ÿคถ Wish


I have but one important Christmas wish on my heart this year...
I yearn for your glory like a beautiful rain from above 
That refreshes me with your anointing that I hold dear
And restores me with your incredible grace and perfect love. 

I long to draw closer to your sweet, breathtaking heart so true...
And learn valuable lessons of wisdom at your very feet 
To be a reflective wonder of the beauty that is you 
And be submissive to your presence and amazing sweet peace. 

My  greatest Christmas wish is to praise your name in everything...
And be your vessel of promise and hope wherever I go 
Just the real thought of you makes my heart and spirit want to sing 
I want my testimony and excitement to always show!

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

A Thankful Heart

My Precious Jesus.....

There's disappointment and sadness taking a strong hold on me...
As I look deeply into who I am I don't see much that's there 
I wanted to be something special for your great eyes to see
But, the hurt and failure I feel is too much for me to bear.

Suddenly,  an cascade of great light seems to be all around...
Two breathtaking hands open and reach out with grace unto me
There a great sense of joy and peace that seems to abound 
As I watch  a miracle there that I thought I'd never see.

You take my hand and tell me that you cherish all that I am...
I am forgiven and now have begun a life that is new
I have so much potential to fit in to your master plan 
Lord, how can I say thank you enough for your mercy that is true. 

You take my hand and tell me that you have so much just for me...
I just have to have faith and trust for every brand new day 
And when I look in your eyes there's a new horizon I see
I'm a brand new person because you have made a brighter way!

My Heart’s Prayer
Sometimes my heart feels so distant and alone
Searching and not understanding with all care
Yearning for something special to call my own
Lord, you see the unsettledness my heart bears.

Nothing seems to make too much sense anymore
My heart searches for purpose with clarity
Lord, you feel my heaviness at your heart’s door
And lovingly open your arms wide for me.

You begin to provide insight by your grace
And show me just how special I am to you
It will become clear at the right time and place
A heart of Faith, Trust, and Love will see me through.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

You Are My Strength

My Beloved Savior...

Your love is the strong ⚓ anchor that I need to get me through another day...
Your breathtaking grace is the stepping stone to help me do my very best 
Whenever I feel like giving up your strong mercy always makes a way 
Strengthening and rebuilding my heart with the greatest of sweet happiness. 

Your strong joy is my rock upon which my feet will always have a place...
Your anointing is my inspiration to always be willing to try 
When I look into your eyes and feel the forgiveness of your kind embrace 
I know that I can have success for every great moment that passes by.

Lord,  you are my strength that's working to make me all that you want me to be...
Your anointing is moving and making something beautiful by your great love 
I can have assurance and peace because you are always right there with me 
Thank you for being the strength behind my steps and my glory from above!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Reflective Praise

My Jesus...

You are the light that beautifully brightens my heart every day...
The wondrous joy that gives me reason, purpose, and much more
The breathtaking power that takes me every step of the way 
You are everything I desire and am yearning for. 

You are the ideal, sweet peace that calms my heart so perfectly...
The assurance all will work out because you are in control 
The ๐Ÿ”ฅ fire of eternal life that burns so bright within me
You are the bread of life that fills my spirit and makes me whole. 

You're the center of my heart and everything I long to be...
My Savior who takes care of me and my lifelong, true best friend 
Help me to be like you and sing your praises so happily
I want to exhault you my Jesus until the very end. 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

You Are The Light Of My Heart

My Jesus...

My heart desires the breathtaking beauty of your sweet presence each day...
To fill every moment and start within me something great and brand new
I want to feel your magnificent movement in a very special way 
And be your faithful, devoted vessel in everything I do. 

I want to learn all of the wonderful things about you and much more...
To lay everything before you with an open heart without delay
Waiting with anticipation, faith and trust for all you have in store 
And listening with attentiveness for the words you have to say. 

I take the mighty refreshment of your love as it fills my heart so true...
And the movement of your grace as it restores and rebuilds me to my core
I send all praise, honor and glorification sweet Father unto you 
For you are the love of my life and all that I am truly living for!

Saturday, November 25, 2023

๐Ÿšถ Walking In Your Steps

My Jesus.....

How do I show others how much you mean to me in many ways...
To let them see the  precious bond and great devotion that we share 
Let it be great gestures from you that occupy all of my days 
And  always show your kindness, compassion, and how much you do care. 

I can always wear a smile ☺ so that others see my happiness...
And offer moving words that inspire and uplift as you do 
I can offer a helping hand and always give my very best 
My heart can do kind things for others that are sincere and so true. 

I can live life to the fullest and make each second count and more...
I can reach for my big dreams knowing who is always in control 
And when others see my delight they'll want to know what's at my core
My heart can sing out the praises of my best friend who makes me whole. 

I can be a lighthouse displaying the light of your mighty love...
Fill me, your vessel,  to overflowing with your presence so grand
Send my heart your powerful anointing Lord from Heaven above 
In every aspect let me be an extension of your great hands!

Friday, November 24, 2023

A Grateful Spirit- A Prayer Of Devotion

My Jesus...

How can I express how grateful I am for all that comes from you?
There's a flow of anointing that enriches every part of me
It gives me a sense of inspiration that is wondrous and true 
And shows me special insight into all you want me to be. 

How can I express how grateful I am for who you are in me?
You are the breath that helps me and sustains me each bright new day 
The beautiful light and guidance for each place that I need to be
My wisdom and understanding that's there to show me the way. 

How can I express how grateful I am for your patience so grand...
You are my Savior,  my best friend,  and all that I'll need and more 
I give you honor for your presence on which I will always stand 
I love you my precious Savior so much more than ever before!

Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Mysterious Guest

The Thanksgiving table is being set for the grand feast to take place.....
There's fine china and glass ware and centerpieces placed with care
Creative linen name cards beautifully line with the finest pure lace 
But, as I walked and noticed there was something very odd that was there.

A great place was set at the head of the table that I did not know...
The place card said 'our guest of honor ' and nothing more that I could see
As I looked at it closely, for some reason it had a peaceful glow 
Right then, this beautiful feeling of love began to overwhelm me.

I asked about it all and my heart opened with such true happiness...
Hearing that this special place is set for Jesus presence every year
Suddenly,  I fell to my knees and realized in many ways I am blessed 
And began to give thanks and gratitude for all things I hold dear.

Everyone took their seats and the food was placed as all joined hands in prayer...
A breathtaking lesson of hope and promise for each year had begun 
The mystery guest is the real reason for celebration everywhere 
To be thankful for his mercy and all the real things he has done. 

God bless you all!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

The Thanksgiving ๐Ÿ™ Prayer

My Jesus.....

Please help me to remember what's important every day...
And to realize that life is a precious gift from above 
Keep my heart true and fill it with gratitude in every way 
Teach me how to always lean on your abundant,  perfect love. 

As your beauty flows from your heart, teach me how to give praise with care...
To realize every moment is a gift crafted for me
Understanding that no matter what you will always be there 
Crafting a beautiful adventure as you can perfectly. 

So on Thanksgiving,  I kneel before you with adoration...
Pledging with all that I am to make a brand new journey start
I lift up your name with praise and love and all celebration
Thank you for being my life love and the center of my heart!

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Perfect Love

My Jesus.....

There's a perfect peace that cannot be broken ready to fill with delight...
A wondrous joy that's always abundant to chase the big clouds away 
I can see the precious glow of hope and promise circling me with Heavenly might 
Suddenly,  there's so much brightness that I can see shining every day. 

There's a sweet care and mercy that reaches for me to help and so much more...
A forgiveness that makes me a new person and everything brand new
A compassion and consideration that flows now from Heaven's great door 
The guiding hand that follows my footsteps with direction my journey through. 

There's a perfect love that flows from your heart like a fountain of brand new things...
It's surrounded by a breathtaking grace that's a sweet gift from you to me
I want to be your instrument and hear your anointing song my heart sings
Help me to be your ministry tool to reach others with the love I see!

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Positive Seeds

My Jesus.....

I can hear your voice sweetly whispering wise lessons of love to me...
Something that I need to take mind of and work on every new day 
The words and thoughts I focus on matter so true and perfectly 
I need to be sure and carefully shape them and form them in the right way. 

Negative seeds can only breed the growth of many clouds everywhere...
There is no happiness or pure joy anywhere that can be found 
But, positive seeds bring beauty and many good things birthed with tender care
And the great brilliance of your anointing is everywhere to be found. 

Jesus, you are my source of everything and my perfect anointing...
I know that you'll teach me to be positive with joy every day through 
I want all the best that you have and the wonder each moment brings 
I trust my thoughts,  desires, and wishes to be shaped Lord by you!

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Mercy's Call


When my heart feels like no one cares in any possible way..
Feelings of great failure seem to prevail and strongly abound 
I'm at the point of giving up and have nothing else to say 
I want to disappear where nothing hopeful is ever found. 

At that point, something wonderful begins knocking at my heart's door...
Singing a mighty song of redemption and promise so free
I become very intrigued and have to know a great deal more 
That's when I begin to hear the breathtaking sounds of mercy. 

Telling me how much my Savior loves me forevermore...
How he forgives me and gives me a new beginning and day 
He is sending his pure love and grace from Heaven's mighty shore
And renewing my heart and spirit in a refreshing way.

Now, I won't give up but look wholeheartedly Lord to you...
For mercy will always be there in abundance perfectly 
I'll simply place myself into your hands in all that I must do
And call out for your breathtaking anointing and great mercy!

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Fine Tuning

My Jesus.....

My heart yearns to be your instrument ready to serve you in every way...
I place my spirit and all that I am,  ready for fine tuning into your hands 
Take all my brokenness and do something wonderful for a brand new day 
I want to be an integral part of your magnificent Kingdom plan.

I want to be your humble disciple so begin a great work in me...
Lord,  design me and restore me all the way to be exactly like you 
Prepare me with your craftsmans hands for only the greatest things that you see
Lord, I want to exalt and bring honor to you in everything I do. 

I want to be your beloved instrument ready for the grandest mission...
I'm ready now to begin with such determination and happiness 
To do what you've called me to do on a mission that's now begun 
My Savior,  I'm ready to follow you and serve you with all of my best!


Sunday, October 29, 2023

The Grandest Feast

Dear Jesus.....

The table is being set with the finest of everything...
It is a banquet of grandest style like never seen before 
Delicacies are being prepared and I hear the angels sing
There's a hand carved, breathtaking welcome sign that hangs upon the door. 

Many fine seats with name plates are being set with love so true...
Salvation's invitation is going out with grace from your heart 
Lord, I humbly accept my seat and give all joy unto you 
But, you want me to help before all of the festivities start. 

So, I open my heart and you fill it with your power divine...
And give me your anointing and your words to bring light to each day 
To tell the other guests they're welcome and the great things they'll find
They come as they are and given a brand new,  happy life's way. 

There are some that are busy and do not want to come at all...
Others want to think about it and maybe at a later date
But, the time is now to wake up and to heed your mighty loves call
But, there are those who yearn for your presence and come to your embrace. 

So, I accept my task and tell others about it all so true...
I welcome my precious seat with such gratefulness,  joy and delight 
This invitation is open with happiness, come now, will you?
Take your place by your sweet Saviors side and enjoy the great sight!

My Jesus... I give my heart and life to you today.   Thank you for accepting me just as I am.   Thank you for giving me a new life and a place with you in eternity.   Thank you for forgiving me and loving me.  Amen. 

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Heaven's Breathtaking Glory

My Savior.....

My yearning heart reaches out for your anointing and its life changing flow...
To become a deeper part of your heart and spirit in every way
Lord, this is my desire and there is so much more I have to know 
As I come before you please take me into your arms and teach me each day. 

I want to know about Heaven's breathtaking beauty and all the great glory there...
And how your power is moving like a light for other hearts to see
You give so much of yourself because you're great and truly care
Lord, make a humbled instrument and devoted student out of me.

So I can bring others to yearn for more of you every brand new day...
And when I come before you and see your breathtaking smile big and true 
I'll hear those desired words "well done,  I'm proud of you in every way!"
Sweet Jesus,  my greatest desire is to bring all honor unto you!

Friday, October 27, 2023

You Are My Strength

My Jesus.....

When I look at everything around me, my heart crumbles in many ways...
Sometimes I don't know which way to turn or what to believe any more at best 
I see many clouds trying to block out the sunshine of each new day 
And worldly things trying to take away your precious hope and happiness. 

But, then a miracle of such epic proportions suddenly takes place...
A brilliant light of love, grace and wonder shines out everywhere 
Your anointing flows all over and hearts can see your breathtaking,  sweet face 
As the beauty and wonder of your heart touches others with such great care.

I can see hearts and home's begin to welcome you into there presence more...
Clouds begin to fade and bright ๐Ÿ”† sunshine spreads with hope and love so quickly 
It looks like a mighty revival is taking its strong roots shore to shore 
I can see the great confusion and sadness quickly taking leave of me.

I now see crowds of people drawing closer to know You in their hearts core...
Many lost lives are now being saved to live for you for eternity 
Jesus,  we're praying for more revival and for your spirit from Heaven's shore 
Train my heart to be your instrument and work a wondrous work within me!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A Grateful ♥ Heart

My Jesus.....

Please grant me a heart filled with humility and perfect love...
Begin a wonderful restoration by the power of your great hands
Help me to realize your great anointing and wondrous grace from above 
Make me now into all that you want me to be and all you have planned. 

Instill within me a spirit of Thanksgiving for all that you have done...
Help me to be grateful for everything you've done and all that you will do
Lord, give me a divine understanding that such great things have now begun 
Help me to see the divine realization life is nothing without you. 

Lord, give me a grateful heart right now for great blessings that flow large and small...
Please provide a clear and concise vision to see all things so beautifully 
My heart truly wants to be attentive and heed your voice when you may call 
Jesus always see a humble and truly grateful heart deep within me!


Sunday, October 22, 2023

Blessings For The Heart


The greatest gift that you can give is the gift of yourself and a loving, caring heart.

** For one shared moment can mean a lifetime of inspiration
** One beautiful smile can mean an eternal light of hope
** One simple prayer can be a motivator to dream
** One kind act can be a stepping stone to excel beyond any limitations and boundaries
** One offer of friendship can change a life forever
It all starts with the gift of love so genuinely and abundantly given with nothing expected in return.  It will be the greatest fountain of blessing that you can imagine.  For when you place others first, you move the world.

Friday, October 20, 2023

A Prayer Of Promise

Dear Jesus...

Please fill me with a rugged strength that will never know an end...
Give me a distinctive courage that builds in all that I do 
Dear Lord,  please help my struggling, broken heart to quickly mend
And be sheltered and protected by the greatest part of you. 

Please fill me with hope and surround me with your love everywhere...
Take a special place in my heart for all that you will do
You lift me into your arms and inspire me with wondrous care
Lord,  all that I am or ever hope to be is found in you. 

You show me just how special that I am and your love that is true...
You're everything I'll ever need now and beyond and much more 
You'll take away my concerns and fears and give me your joy too
Make me everything you want with delight, and happiness in store!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

My Jesus, You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus.....

You are everything I will ever need each day through...
To fulfill me and give me great hope and so much more 
My brilliant ray of inspiration in all I do 
Jesus,  You are the meaning of life and so much more. 

You are my Heavenly father and my beautiful best friend...
My healer and my solution to everything at its best 
My provider and comforter on which I will always depend 
The powerful protector who provides hope and happiness. 

You are the time keeper who always has the best for me...
The great key to every door and window that this life beholds
Lord,  thank you for being more in every way, and more I see
I can't wait for this adventure that a life with you unfolds!

Sunday, October 15, 2023

In My Heart ♥

My Jesus...

In my heart ♥ I can see something wonderful now before me...
Two mighty hands are opening and the light is ever bright 
Your joy is beaming everywhere with love and grace perfectly 
My spirit's overwhelmed by this truly magnificent sight. 

Your voice proclaims that all are welcomed to come now in a big way...
There are no worries or concerns you are forgiven and new
We're to lay everything at your feet and look for a new day 
Where you'll plant seeds of hope and promise in all that we may do. 

I'm great because I know I'm a masterpiece in the making...
The old man has now been made so clean, so polished and brand new
In my heart, I can see perfect peace and all that serving you brings 
I have a brand new pathway just because of your mercy so true!

I reach out for your hands Lord. 
I love you!  Amen. 

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Lord, You Are My Rock

My Jesus...

When I feel like the wind is cold and blowing stronger at times...
And I am now standing alone with no one else to talk to 
There is no consideration or courtesy that I find 
My heart feels so broken and lost the entire walk through. 

Just then a light begins to shine brilliantly all around me...
I can see your breathtaking presence in a mighty big way 
The joy of your welcomed smile is a precious sight to see
You put your arms around me with some caring words to say.

You tell me how much you love me and to not be down at all...
I should lean on you and look to you with such great happiness 
For you know all my needs and will be there whenever I call
Taking care of all heart's desires and working on the  best. 

Lord I've learned that you are my great strength my lifetime through...
I never have to face anything on my own Lord again 
For you are my Savior who will help me in all that I do
You are my source,  my strength,  my reason for life and my best friend!

My Saviour's Gifts

My Jesus...

The breathtaking gifts from your heart are precious,  beautiful and rare...
They show your perfect love and grace in such a magnificent way 
Each one is a unique and special blessing that shows you do care 
And that there are many more words from your heart that you want to say. 

The greatest gift is salvation for each heart without boundaries...
It shows your great patience and how much we will always mean to you 
The gifts of mercy and forgiveness have our spirits new  and set free
Heartfelt compassion has our bond stronger,  tough, rugged and true. 

There is the gift of true eternal life by your side forever more...
Made to be your instrument so vibrant and walking in your great light 
Jesus thank you for your gifts and blessings that flow from your ๐Ÿ’• hearts ๐Ÿšช door 
I will give you praise, glory and thanksgiving with all of my might!

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Lord, I Need Healing


Precious Lord I need a flow of your miraculous healing power from above...
To flow in to me now like warm perfect oil from the window of Heaven true 
A sacred, wondrous gift coming from your heart of joy with grace and unending love 
To refresh,  restore,  and rebuild everything to miraculous health like brand new.

You see my pain that is immense and want me to feel better and be all that I can...
So send your anointing to me now I am waiting with anticipation 
As I pray I can see your power moving and the opening of your great hands 
I know that you are always with me precious Father and the battle is now won!

So I claim divine healing and the victory is mine with untold happiness...
Jesus you are here with your goodness touching it and taking care of it all 
I don't ever have to worry about pain because I am your child and blessed 
You will help me, give me strength and endurance and always be there when I call!

My Greatest Desire


My greatest desire is to bring all glory and honor to you...
And to thank you for your goodness and your mercy in so many great ways 
I want to be a light that praises you in everything that I do 
And to follow you and serve you every hour of all my days. 

I know I've made mistakes and haven't been perfect Jesus which is true...
But your forgiveness is always fresh and without limits or boundaries 
You've made me something wonderful reborn in your power and brand new
Jesus an exciting new life serving you is just ahead of me.

So I give you all that I am with desire and great happiness...
You take my hand as tears flow from your eyes with a smile and delight 
I can now sense the feeling of being touched by you and truly blessed 
As I finally begin to see that all is pleasing in your sight!

Friday, October 6, 2023

Just One Anchor


Just One ⚓ anchor can make all the difference in the end...
It can set the stage for real success beyond compare 
Opening the door of hope upon which all depends 
Providing great solutions with happiness and care.

It is a lifeline straight to unending perfect love...
A communication connection to a great heart 
Where promise flows abundantly from Heaven above 
And a sweet eternal friendship flows right from the start. 

The anchor in its glory is called prayer and it's true...
Coming before God's throne with humility above 
Bringing him our needs and thoughts that are old and new
And watching his spirit move with such Heavenly love. 

Now it shouldn't be fancy but simply at its best...
Believing in all God says he is and so much more 
And waiting with expectation and such happiness 
For God's greatest blessings to flow from Heaven's sweet door. 

So get down on your knees knowing what faithfulness holds...
Bring it to God with devotion and mighty care
Knowing he will meet you with anointed hope untold 
No matter where you go set down the anchor ⚓ of ๐Ÿ™ prayer!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Lord, Help Our Nation


We need the great fire of your anointing to flow mightily from shore to shore...
Fill every heart to overflowing with your sweet spirit, love and true grace 
Warm every home with the knowledge of who you are so hearts will want to know much more 
Let there be a great desire for your presence so a revival takes place. 

Let everyone be covered completely by the protection of your great hands...
May provisions flow from your heart with care to take care of souls so abundantly 
Let the light of your power provide wisdom and guidance as you unfold your plan 
Jesus Let each and every person be attentive to your voice perfectly. 

Savior, please protect our nation and provide the greatest help as only you can...
Bring us back to the place where you want us to be with you as our central core 
All we have to do is place our faith and trust in you and follow your command 
And fear will never have a place because you will take care of it all and much more!

Phone Line To Heaven

Precious Jesus...

I want to hear your great voice and feel all that you are pouring into me....
Like the beauty of a new rain ☔ filling an empty vessel to overflow 
But I have to learn everything I need to do to come closer to thee
And there's so much wisdom you want to give me and things I should know. 

Your love surrounds me as you welcome me to come to you in every way....
Helping me to have a true humbled heart on bended knee in sincere prayer
Teaching me the importance of doing this faithfully every day 
Showing me that this is a tool of communication proving you care.

It's a stepping stone that connects your heart to mine in a tight knit great way...
Allowing you to see my devotion and me to hear more from you 
This is my telephone line to your heart to focus on all that you say 
Lord I want the connection to be clear and concise in all that I do.

Thank you for having patience with me and allowing me to come to you...
May our connection always be clear and strong and last for eternity 
Jesus thank you for the gift of prayer and my connection in all I do
As I get on that phone line to Heaven may you always see pureness in me!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

When I Feel Alone

My Jesus.....

On those days when I feel alone like no one seems to care...
Looking for someone to talk to but no ๐Ÿ’• hearts can be found. 
I am filled with feelings of emptiness that I cannot bear 
A sense of stress and great uselessness just seems to abound. 

Just then it feels like a sense of love is pouring in me...
A perfect breathtaking love that is so sweet and rare 
I reach out with my heart so that I can always know more wondrously 
Seeking to feel that beautiful peace that you're always there. 

You fill every part of me with your sweet anointing...
You show me that you're all that I need and are by my side 
My heart wants to exhault you and your glory always sing
I release my emptiness and in your love I'll abide!

Friday, September 29, 2023

Walking ๐Ÿšถ Through The Rain

My Breathtaking Jesus.....

As I take those initial steps on my pathway, suddenly I begin to feel...
The falling rain ☔ ๐Ÿ’ง drops coming down so cold and unwelcoming 
It makes me feel unprepared and stressed out about things that are so real 
And all of the worries and concerns that every moment of this life may bring. 

But then I feel a great warmth and a beautiful sense of peace around...
Those ☔ rain drops begin to dry up and a light of hope welcomes a new day 
The spirit of your breathtaking anointing begins to work and new joy is found 
Your spirit begins to surround me and shelter me in every possible great way. 

So now when the rain comes it's not cold or impersonal for me anymore...
Instead, it's a moment lined with faith to wait for  God's presence to now come 
Placing all that we are with great anticipation at the base of Heaven's door
Knowing now that after the rain,  there is a mighty ๐ŸŒˆ rainbow and the ๐Ÿ”† brightest Son!

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Love For Every Moment

My Jesus.....

My love and adoration for you is more than any words can say...
You're the breathtaking beauty that ignites my heart and spirit with delight 
You're encouragement and inspiration motivates me in many ways 
Lord as I ponder every moment you are my awesome guiding light. 

Your perfect, sweet love fills every part of who I am with great delight...
Your powerful word is the wisdom I need in everything I must do
My great desire is to praise you and be pleasing in your mighty sight 
I want to serve you and draw closer to you my great Savior my whole life through. 

Jesus you are the love of my life and every moment with happiness...
I can see the wondrous unfolding of your mighty and most gracious hands 
This relationship that I share with you makes me feel so special and blessed 
Lord Jesus I love you and can't wait to see the unfolding of your plans!

My Fortress

My Jesus.....

As I come before you so burdened, tired, and filled with stress...
Worried and filled with fear about everything around me
I cannot think or function and have no joy or happiness 
No feasible solutions or true hope can I clearly see.

But then your hand of mercy comes and lifts me to a new place...
I can see tears of compassion and concern for me with care
You touch me with your anointing and take me in your embrace 
Where I'll find strength,  provision and everything I'll need there.

Suddenly I feel joy and encouragement by your love so true...
My worries seem to be vanishing and I'm a new,  calm soul 
I've discovered you are my fortress and peace in all I do
And when I step inside my heart is complete,  at rest,  and whole!

Sunday, September 24, 2023

You Are My Life

My Jesus...

You are the strength that motivates me to take another step each day..
The wondrous beauty that shows me the blessing in everything around 
My precious inspiration and hope that is my light in every  way 
My source of all in which every answer and direction can be found. 

You are my true guiding star that shows me what pathway that I should take...
The greatest best friend that I can trust who will never go far away 
My teacher and mentor in every real decision that I must make 
My Shepherd who is by my side to always help me to a new day. 

You are my Savior who is compassionate with love and grace...
My forgiving and merciful Lord who will help me to succeed 
My heart is humble as I long to be in your perfect warm embrace 
Jesus take me in to your precious care and come and  live in me!

Friday, September 22, 2023

The Greatest Blessing

My Jesus.....

The greatest, true blessing of my days is knowing you are always there...
Even though my heart at times may not see the beauty so clear and new
My spirit knows that you are there for me and how much you truly care
My Jesus the greatest blessing is always having the best of you. 

The greatest blessing is knowing that you cherish every word I say...
And I can come before your throne at any time just to talk with you 
It's knowing you are my source of life,  my desire and the way 
Jesus you are my everything who will refresh me my whole life through. 

The greatest blessing is my faith and planting real seeds on my journey...
Expecting all the great things that will come from your hands and heart so grand 
Now my precious Jesus I give you all my best with sincerity 
For I can't wait to see the next stages of your mighty,  holy plan!

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Just One Word

My Jesus...

A word is a very important, strong tool to make things happen so perfectly...
It creates important boundaries that can never be upset 
When you speak one word Jesus only the greatest things will we soon see
Things that can only bring sweet peace, pure joy and the most beautiful happiness. 

Your word can move even the most difficult heartache with grace and great love...
It can make the greatest miracles out of something that is just not there 
It can send the answer to every need with blessings from Heaven above 
And provide a move of the anointing with grandeur and such great care. 

Please speak that one perfect now Jesus as my heart is waiting so true...
I am waiting now for your presence and to learn what your heart has to say
I am so excited to learn and to draw much closer to you 
You are my goal and my heart's plan for every minute of each new day!

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

As I Plant My Seed

My Jesus...

There are so many things that I'm believing for every new day...
These are things that make me feel worried and filled with a strong kind of fear 
But then your spirit draws near to me in a very special kind of way 
And I come before your mighty presence with a humbled heart that's sincere. 

You show me that success comes from deep within the spirit's core that is true...
It comes by learning how to harvest and placing pure trust in all that you are 
I have to learn how to plant pure seeds of faith in all that I do
And as I become a Kingdom farmer my dreams will surely go quite far.

So I plant my seed of faith in the ground of all that you are with great love...
I know that you will tend to it and nurture it so true and tenderly 
I never have to worry or carry fear because I have you above 
My Jesus you will prosper my faith seed and bring the very best for me!

Friday, September 15, 2023

You Are Always There

My Jesus..

Whenever I have a question or concern you are always there...
To surround me with your precious anointing and fill me with your sweet happiness 
You extend your hands of joy so tenderly and show me with love how much you do care
When I think about all of the things that I have in you my heart feels humble and blessed. 

Lord,  whenever I have a need or desire and am puzzled you are always there...
You show me by your grace that everything is in your control and I will be OK
Your shoulders are strong and rugged to carry all of the fears and concerns that I will bear 
No matter what the burden may be you will provide and make a perfect way. 

Whenever I have extra joy in my heart to celebrate and rejoice...
You always walk beside me, take my hand and enjoy each special moment with me
You teach me how to be attentive to your will and listen for your still perfect voice 
My Jesus you are always there and my wonderful best friend for eternity!

Friday, September 8, 2023

Lord, You Are My Stronghold

My Beloved Jesus, 

You are my stronghold and everything wonderful that is so dear to me...
The breathtaking son light that captures my spirit and allows it to soar
When I feel your anointing moving with such wonder so amazingly 
My yearning heart reaches out for your power and wants to know so much more!

You are my stronghold and all that I've been searching for with real happiness...
I am planting the seeds of who I am deep within your great heart so true 
Just the very mention of your powerful name makes me now feel so blessed 
My Savior,  I can feel such amazing things that are coming through from you. 

My Savior,  you are my stronghold and the answer to all I will become...
As your power begins to move in my heart and do a work in me
I am delighted and filled with joy at the brand new things that have now begun 
My Savior,  you are my stronghold and my answer for eternity!

When I Reflect Upon Your Beautiful Face

My Jesus.....

When I reflect upon your beautiful face a peace begins to overwhelm me...
Suddenly,  everything begins to have some meaning and purpose that is true 
I desire to know all that is in your heart and will so deep and completely 
Calling upon all that I am I want to draw closer and united with you. 

When I reflect upon your beautiful face a love fills my heart so completely....
I want to be a mirror of all that you are with such joy and great happiness 
When people begin to look it is your amazing anointing that they will see
And I will live a life of satisfaction and delight and one that is truly blessed. 

When I reflect upon your beautiful face a hope fills my heart in a big way...
I feel like I can greet the world with such grandeur and know that I can make it through 
You are my provision and all that I will need to be successful every day 
My Savior, when I want solutions I can use I quickly turn my heart to you!

Monday, September 4, 2023

Lord, Let Your Healing Power Flow

Dear Jesus...

Let your healing power flow so perfectly within me...
Like refreshing oil from your heart of grace with sweet love 
Restoring my health and wellbeing so perfectly 
And covering me with your sweet anointing from above. 

Making me a new person in every possible way...
Giving new promise and hope every moment through 
Rebuilding me to be like you  in all I do and say 
Filling me with your word and an outlook that's so brand new.

Lord,  I see your great spirit,  and am ready for your best...
I'll be a new person with happiness beyond compare
I can be made new once again with joy and happiness 
All I have to do is call and you will always be there!

Sunday, September 3, 2023

When The Walls Crumble

Dear Jesus.....

When the walls seem to crumble in the grandest way...
I look for strong foundation upon which to stand 
My spirit reaches out each and every day 
Trying to find your power by your mighty hands. 

At that moment,  real peace begins to blossom true.....
Your love forms a barrier of hope everywhere 
I can feel your anointing making all things new
And your hands are fixing all cracks with such sweet care. 

Your heart whispers to me with sweet wondrous delight.....
If any more cracks in the foundation are found
I just need to lay them at the cross with all might
For  that's where healing and restoration abound!

Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Symphony

My Jesus...

Please let your healing power flow like sweet oil within me...
Making everything brand new and restoring great health once again 
I give you my praise and adoration in totality 
You are every good thing that I need and my precious best friend. 

You help me to take new steps with strength and power so true..
You give me new hope and inspiration for all that I need 
My Savior you are my refreshing source in all that I may do
My bright light of life that gives me promise to succeed. 

Even though I'm drained right now, I feel your love always...
Rebuilding piece by piece to a status greater than before 
I'm looking forward to Heaven's glory in the coming days 
Jesus I want to feel your anointing and your love much more!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

All That I Require

My Awesome Jesus...

When I have a need, I quickly reach out for you...
And lay it before your throne in a loving way 
Knowing you want me to prosper in all I do
I trust you will take care of it and bless my day. 

You will give me great tools to take each step and more...
I don't ever have to ask questions or complain 
I just have to look to you for the things in store 
And be in prayer as I softly call out your name.

When I have a doubt,  I claim your powerful hold...
And let my faith attack my fears with Heaven's might
For you will fill me with your love and grace so bold
I know my devotion is pleasing in your sight. 

I know never to wonder or be in dismay...
For you will take care of me and help when I call
You will be my lifeline I'll need for every day
My foundation and strength that'll take care of it all!

Saturday, August 19, 2023

My Lord, You Are My Heart Beat


You are the fuel that ignites the fire of my heart for each brand new day...
The gentle calm that brings tranquility and joy at its greatest 
The breath of anointing that touches me and helps me in every way 
The wind of promise that blows with strength and endurance to show me I'm blessed. 

You are the food of life that nurtures every part of me with such great things...
The lighthouse of guidance that will always be there whenever I may call 
The song of delight that brings inspiration and makes my heart  sweetly sing
My foundation of wisdom that will stand rugged and true through it all.

You are my reasoning, my solution and all that I need and much more...
I give you all glory, honor and praise and everything you are due 
My Jesus, I want to envision all the great things you have in store 
I would be lost and virtually nothing if I'd walk on without you. 

My Jesus you are my heartbeat, my purpose and all that I long to be...
I can feel you moving diligently and working with Heavenly power 
Every part of who you are is now slowly becoming a part of me
I seek more of you with great yearning and anticipation every hour. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

One Day

My Jesus...

One day, I'll come before your throne and look into your precious face...
The greatest desire I could ever have for that special day 
When I behold your smile and lovingly welcome your embrace 
There are two dear words that I so desperately want to hear you say. 

I want to hear you say 'well done' with energy and happiness...
And be delighted for how my life and heart have truly served you 
My Jesus you know that most of the time I always try my best 
But I want to be your instrument and vessel in all I do.

I want you to take me in your hands and begin a work so dear...
Help me to have your light shine in me and do your will and more
Let your perfect love restore me and take away any real fear 
Help me to walk my pathway and watch all that your heart has in store.

I know I can come as I am for you love me so grand it's true...
But I want to bring you all glory and honor in everything 
One day as I come before your throne and humbly kneel before you
It is the greatest of all things that as I come I want to bring. 

Thursday, August 17, 2023

I Reach For Your Hand

My Jesus...

I feel so truly saddened in my spirit by everything...
My heart just does not know where to turn for real joy anymore 
My soul feels drained of inspiration by all that the days bring 
I am confused and mixed up deep inside to my very core. 

Your tears begin to rain on me like refreshment from above...
Sweet mercy flows like oil of hope from your heart perfectly 
I reach out my hand and all that I am for your great love 
Your spirit fills me with peace and starts to minister to me.

You tell me I am loved and adored more than words truly say...
I never have to fear the unknown when you are at my side
I must trust and love you more than any word in every way 
And always serve you and in your word always abide.

So I take your hand right now and look in your eyes with real care...
Knowing there's nothing we can't overcome as a team so true 
Lord Jesus I know as a team there's nothing you and I can't bear
The seeds of real success come with victory planted from  you. 

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

You Are My Strength

Precious Jesus...

You are the rugged strength that allows me to go on my way...
The light of hope that encourages me to give it all I can 
The uplifting inspiration I need for every day 
My source of all that controls with your mighty great command. 

You are my holy strength that calls me and draws me closer to you...
My instrument of anointing that fills me with your great care
Blessing me with your word and spirit in everything I do
My strength of heart that helps me with it all and is always there. 

You are my mighty strength and foundation upon which I can stand...
Just having your spirit within me I can do anything 
I know you're my Savior and have it all in your powerful hands 
I am thankful for our bond and the strength and blessings it brings!

Sunday, August 13, 2023

My Jesus Teach Me Your Love

Lord I come before your throne with a heavy heart of sadness...
It's becoming painful and horrible to bear anymore 
I want to know your anointing and such peace and happiness 
I have so much stress and constant worry at my spirits core.

I give it all to you now with abundant humility...
I ask you for a miracle and to now take full control 
Do a wondrous work so that all the curious hearts see
That you make everything perfect and your grace makes it whole. 

I want to live according to your mighty perfect sweet love...
But there's so much knowledge and wisdom that I need from you 
Teach me how to see by guiding with mercy from above 
Lord teach me and let your love guide me in all that I may do. 

I want to see now through the window of your mighty and sweet love...
I need you to be a part of who I am so completely 
Ignite me with your fire and all the good things you can think of
Make me your wonderful new creation in which you are pleased!

Friday, August 11, 2023

The Crossroad


I place my feet upon the path yet don't know the true way...
Everything seems so odd and confusing at best 
I wonder which way I should take that would brighten my day 
And bring me the greatest joy and delightful happiness. 

I don't have the real wisdom to know which one would be right...
So I come on bended knee before you and start to pray
Asking for your help and to make me pleasing in your sight 
Show me your great will and plan and guide me along the way. 

So each time I come to a pathway crossroad I'll see you...
Then I won't have to wonder or be afraid anymore
You'll show me the real solution and help me in all I do
Opening up opportunities with blessings in store!

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Just The Right Word

My Jesus...

I wanted to find the right words to tell you how much you mean to me...
To express my love and adoration in the clearest and grandest way
But there's nothing that I can think of that does justice so perfectly 
To tell you how much your mighty presence means to me every day. 

I desperately want to please you and make you proud of me with delight...
But I am not perfect and need your forgiveness at its very best 
I give you all praise, gratitude and Thanksgiving with all of my might
And you surround me with your love and fill me with such pure happiness. 

You tell me to come before you with a humbled heart just as I am...
I'm forgiven and have a very special place in your mighty heart 
I don't have to worry because you have everything in your hands
And my devotion to you and your presence is a great place to start. 

So I simply speak your name and kneel before your throne room so true...
You can read the feelings in my heart so that says it all and much more 
I want to live for you and be your instrument in all I do
When you're looking for expression that is what the heart's love is for!

Monday, August 7, 2023

No Greater Love


Sometimes my heart yearns to know that someone truly does care about me...
As my feet walk upon life's pathway searching for real happiness 
My soul wants to find direction and success so perfectly 
I try to always exhibit strength and to give my very best. 

Just at that moment your love comes like pure light on a stormy day...
And I can feel the great fire of your anointing everywhere 
You take me in your embrace in a mighty life changing way
To show me that you adore me and with mercy you do care.

I am so precious to you and valuable more than words can say...
I never have to doubt but draw closer to you even more 
And you will surely take all of my emptiness and doubt away 
If I ever want to know who cares just call and look to Heaven's door!

Sunday, August 6, 2023

A Breathtaking Rose In The Garden


You are my best friend and my everything who enriches me day by day...
Your perfect grace picks me up in your arms of love and works miracles mightily 
Filling me with your characteristics of honor in a splendid and marvelous way
Restoring and rebuilding a masterpiece is a special joy for you to see.

You take this masterpiece in your hand and caress it with tender sweet care...
Fill it with the sweet fragrance of your anointing for all to see
Letting your precious daughter know that no matter what you'll always be there
And you will provide every need and desire now for all eternity. ⁰

You are my protector and defender who can do everything and much more...
The mentor and great healer who can see all of life so beautifully 
I place my heart and spirit into your hands and can't wait to see what's in store 
You are the  shadow of mighty love for me to do for eternity


Friday, August 4, 2023

Sometimes I Just Don't Understand


Sometimes I just don't understand things that confuse my heart with fear...
I know deep inside that at every moment you are in control 
Yet things seem cloudy even though I know that you are so near
And my feelings รฒf doubt and uncertainty has taken a toll. 

I lift my heart toward Heaven pleading mercy at your mighty feet...
Asking forgiveness and feeling sadness for my sorry ways 
Longing for your touch and restoration to make me so complete 
Looking forward to our greater bond in the coming, stronger days. 

A beautiful light begins to cover me so majestically...
I can feel a miracle plant seeds and suddenly now take place 
You begin to give me solutions and closure so perfectly 
As you give me peace and wrap me in your arms and loving embrace. 

I never have to doubt, question  or be bewildered any more...
For Lord, you always know everything and have my very best 
I just need to come with humbleness and grace to Heaven's great shore
Place it at your feet and with Thanksgiving you'll take care of the rest.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

You Are My Purpose

My Breathtaking Jesus...

You are the purpose for every new moment in my day...
The reason why I look for brighter things and take one more step 
My mentor that I reach out for in all that I do or say 
The greatest example and definition of true success. 

You are the wondrous breath of life that fills me for greater things...
My Provider and my Healer that tends to my every care
You are the song of beauty that always makes my spirit sing 
The hands of love, sweet  mercy and grace that are always there.

You are my best friend and the light that starts every morning...
My goal in life is to bring joy and honor unto thee
My Jesus living for you and pleasing you means everything 
Jesus I live for you and love you for all eternity!

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Healing Oil

My Jesus...

I feel so miserable inside and just don't want to do anything...
My heart feels so distant and alone like no one really seems to care
This spirit is drained of energy looking for some real comforting 
I am so weak and run down with more than my spirit can bear.

Suddenly a small glimmer opens and shines something new down just for me...
I can feel a beautiful warmth begin to overcome all that I am
Healing oil of promise flows from your heart of grace so breathtakingly 
And so begins the great wonder of a mighty and mysterious plan.

My faith and trust are charged even more as I see your presence now so true...
Everything broken is starting to be made whole and normal once again 
I rise to my feet to say that I'm a new person wholesome and brand new
I give all praise, honor and Thanksgiving to my Savior and best friend. 

Jesus you are my healing oil and breath of life from Heaven above..
Thank you for always having it there to heal freely and abundantly 
It's one of the most special blessings and generous gifts I can think of
Lord thank you for your special well of healing oil always there for me!

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Wrap Me In Your Love

My Jesus...

I need a touch of your spirit more than ever in a big way...
I want to feel the very essence of your love all around me
Please fill me with your strength and power each and every new day 
Begin a great and mighty work right now that shows so perfectly. 

I feel so alone and frightened about everything and more...
I long to rest in you and see the wondrous work of your great hands 
Let your spirit guide me and structure my confused heart to its core
Lord I come before you in prayer seeking the details of your great plan.

My Lord you already know everything that I cannot see...
I stop leaning on my own mind and give it all to you at best 
You will make a beautiful path that is structured fine just for me
A seed of hope planted to provide blessings and great happiness. 


Friday, July 28, 2023

The Meaning

Dear Jesus...

What do people see every time that they look at me?
I see their odd looks and it hurts me down to the core
I wish I could let the real me shine so perfectly 
This way they can understand that I am so much more. 

But first I need to define myself in the right way...
Looking to your mighty heart for what I need to see
I am defined by who I am in you every day
My goals to work on that with faith so diligently. 

I want people to see the beauty of your great love...
And your presence in me filling me with happiness 
Who I am defined to be comes from you from above 
As a result I'm a beautiful person that's blessed. 

Lord I pray that you'll help me to show them what is so real...
And to see the true meaning finally in my eyes 
My purpose is linked to our bond and the love we feel 
For a life lived in your anointing is purely wise!

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

I Need My Best Friend

My Jesus.....

Your pure and perfect love is the light that I need for every day...
To give me strong power and your anointing to show me what to do 
Your breathtaking, beautiful grace is my compass to show me the way 
Your forgiveness and compassion are my sweet life star my whole life through. 

Your peace is my life anchor to cope with everything and succeed...
Your mercy gives me a powerful foundation at its very best 
That Heavenly heart that's always open fulfills all of my great needs 
My Jesus you are my source of life and my abundant happiness. 

Master you are my devoted best friend,  my Savior and mighty king...
Lord whatever my heart may require you are that and so much more 
Caretaker of my life's path, no matter what the pathway brings
Whenever I have a need I should bring it before you on Heaven's shore. 

Friday, July 21, 2023

The Strength For One More Step

My Precious Jesus.....

Take this imperfect vessel into your mighty hands on this day...
Work a wonderful miracle of great joy as only you can 
Help me to begin my pathway walk in a miraculous way 
Guided by the light of your sweet love and inspired by your plan.

Cover me with your anointing to keep me safe and in your care...
Give me a tool kit of your blessings that covers every need 
The grounded faith and trust to know that you will always be right there 
All I have to do is hope with my heart and forever believe. 

Give me the powerful strength to take one more step with happiness...
And to continue on no matter the clouds that may come along 
You will be my anchor and will be there to give me your very best 
Helping me to have endurance and perseverance as my song.

Help me to never quit but to fully lean on my faith so true....
Standing upon the strength of the real bond that we will always share
I can always have the seeds of success in everything I do 
Because the real beauty of your pure grace and love are always there!

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Just One Touch Of Your Love

My Breathtaking Jesus...

Just one touch of your pure, perfect love ignites the fire of anointing in many ways...
Instilling a sense of pure tranquility and hope beyond what the heart can think or conceive 
Providing pure blessings and instruments for life like real happiness for all of the days 
And an overflow of your power and presence for every moment for those who believe. 

Just one touch of your perfect wisdom is the key to unlock the door ways we must face...
Giving us a lesson in humility and devotion to which none can ever compare 
Allowing us to place everything in your hands and trust as we are locked in your embrace 
No matter what the weather or how cloudy it may be you're working and are always there. 

Just one touch of your mercy and forgiveness and how valuable we are Jesus to you...
We are your unique masterpiece in which you have many plans to grow and dream and  much more 
So my precious Savior I give all glory, honor and gratitude with love in all I do 
Just one touch and our bond grows deeper and deeper and stronger with so many good things in store!

Friday, July 14, 2023

Healing Rร in

My Jesus...

They break my heart and spirit with a cruelty in every way...
Making me feel horrible and not worth anything at all
It takes away my strength, endurance, and the joy I need each day 
Demeaning me as a person and setting me up for a fall.

My heart cries out with an aching pain that no one would soon believe...
All of the tears and hurt begin to flow freely from my eyes 
I reach out for mercy as a hurting heart in such dire need
That is when I receive an answer that's a perfect fit and wise.

You surround me with a calming love that inspires me to grow...
Then pick me up in your hands to begin to rebuild and restore 
Just when I thought things look horrible is when you want me to know 
You are working diligently and have such perfect things and more. 

You have seen all I've been going through and it's not been in vain...
Healing has begun to join everything and make it brand new
Your perfect love and grace is taking away all of the hard felt pain 
And turning it all into praise and glory pledging it all unto you. 

You tell me how important and beautiful I am in all ways..
I am your unique and special masterpiece so beloved and true 
I should seek your will and plan for every moment of all my days 
For the awesome joy of who I am and what I need comes from you. 

Lord, you are my healing rain ☔ that restores, refreshes and renews...
There's not one obstacle that can change this adoration I see
I simply need to seek my restoration and healing in you 
For only your vision matters Lord and is important to me.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Simple Blessings

My Beloved Jesus...

Thank you for your breathtaking heart which is always open every day...
Overflowing with great wonder and amazement that only comes from you 
Sharing your pure love and grace with adoration in every real way 
Spreading your glory and anointing with seeds of promise and joy so true. 

Blessings begin to fall like a rain shower of happiness and delight...
Refreshing provision that makes every moment enjoyable to bear 
And an overflow of guidance and provision pleasing in your great sight 
Perfect, simple blessings that always show exactly how much you really care.

Thank you for my simple blessings Lord with love and adoration so true...
I give you all praise, joy and Thanksgiving with humbleness from my heart's core
I would be nothing without your love, grace and anointing my whole life through 
Please fill me to overflowing now and then comeback for much more!

Saturday, July 8, 2023

You Are My Strength For Each Day

My Jesus...

You are the rugged strength that helps me take another step and smile for every new day...
The anchor that plants the seeds of a new tomorrow and the light of a promise so true 
You give me endurance  that shows me to never give up but continue along the way 
No matter what the weather may seem I can succeed because with you by me I can make it through. 

You're the love that surrounds me and fulfills me to work hard and be better than I am...
The breathtaking peace that floods my very being and begins to create someone so brand new 
The mercy and compassion that shows new things and dreams according to your wondrous hands
The powerful anointing that flows like blessings and revival coming down from you.

You are the source of a pure unending happiness that no one can ever try to explain...
The only source for all solutions that are sought and needed for every new day 
The healing oil that permanently takes away any fear, doubt,  worry and unending pain 
My Jesus,  you are the never-ending source of a faith filled life
and the only one real way!

Friday, July 7, 2023

How Can I Tell You How Much You Mean To Me


What words can I use to describe the joy that knowing you brings me every day?
How can I say so completely what it means to have you in my life and your love?
I want to express to you my feelings in the most adoring and caring way 
And send my true praise, honor and gratitude to you with thanks to Heaven above. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding with me that's there at any hour...
I am grateful for your mercy and forgiveness knowing I'm not perfect at all
I adore your breathtaking anointing that flows so freely and your wondrous power 
Thank you for your kindness and care that is always there whenever I may call. 

You are my true best friend I can always count on and tell all my greatest needs to...
The light of new life always right beside me showing me the next step I should take 
The great foundation that always keeps me grounded in everything I should do
My greatest source of wisdom and divine knowledge teaching me what dreams I should make. 

Lord,  I dedicate my whole life to you, my heart,  my soul and all that I am.....
Honor comes by living a life serving you in every real way 
I want to always give you glory and follow the guidance of your mighty hand 
Jesus you give me purpose, strength, and endurance as I strive to face each new day!

Thursday, July 6, 2023

The Inner Pathways Of My Heart

My Lord...

The heart is a unique masterpiece made fragile and special by the glory of your hands...
Its breathtaking makeup is perfect yet can be mysterious to anyone but you 
You know every beat at any moment and have it all at your mighty command 
Restoring and making everything so efficient and productive every second through. 

When others look at things only with the eyes they miss out on a precious gift wholesome and dear...
The real beauty and purity of your love and grace in creation cannot be seen at all
It's when a humbled spirit comes to you and asks for clarity and for you to draw near 
Only at that time will they begin to see as you do and be revealed the strength of it all.

My Lord you see the wondrous beauty you created in every person with joy and delight...
The imprint of your great glory begins in the center of the heart with hope and promise so grand 
You work there and continue to build the story with creativity and perfect might
Planting seeds of strength and determination for great things to happen as only you can. 

So before someone looks at others they should come to you for guidance and truth at best...
You will give them clarity and show them what real beauty is and exactly where it comes from 
It is the true definition of your masterpiece and love of a person who is blessed 
A place where your presence truly lives and shines with the glory of your kingdom. 

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

You Are All That I Long To Be

My Jesus...

You are my mentor and the symbol of all that I aspire to be...
The example of what's good and just that my heart longs to copy and more 
I'm asking you to do a restoration as only you can in me
Jesus help me to be like you and rebuild me right to the very core.   
I want to have that gentleness and kindness that comes from your perfect heart...
The great love and grace that define you should also define all that I am
Let me have your dedication and devotion from which I'll never part
I want that determination and persistence that come from your great hands. 

Jesus help me to be considerate of others and a light just for you...
Help me to be so positive, persistent and filled with happiness always 
I want to be your reflection and bring you praise and delight my whole life through 
You are all that I look up to and will strive to be like all of my days. 

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

**********A PRAYER FOR AMERICA **********************

Lord, bless this fine nation in which we live.....
From coast to coast and sea to sea
Instill upon it abundant prosperity
This great land that you created
In all of its endless beauty.

Lord, bless us all, your humbled servants.....
As we live our lives upon this land
Provide us with the strength and the courage that we will need
and forever guide our way with your mighty hands.

Lord, please forgive us our trespasses and all of our sins.....
We beg your forgiveness and endless mercy
Show us the way, the truth, and the light
Guide us so that we may live an ideal life
The way it should be.

Lord, be a stable presence in our changing world.....
and forever remind us to look up and pray
Help us to remain encouraged and inspired
and to minister to the lost and by day.

Lord, we want to thank you for your true goodness and mercy.....
You provide us with all that we need each day
May our lives and our actions truly please you
and reflect your sweet spirit in every way.


Sunday, July 2, 2023

Jesus, My Healer And Peace


You are my healer and perfect peace that flows abundantly...
Like ๐Ÿฏ honey from Heaven your anointing fills my heart  and soul
I pray that you see seeds of hope in the essence  of me
And that the power of your beautiful love and grace make me whole.

Lord. Let me be your vessel and  instrument for the mission true. 
Let the rhythm of who you are guide my feet in every way
I want to follow your vision and be a masterpiece for you 
Striving to be like you is my greatest goal every day. 

My.Jesus there is my no one else like you
I know that I  have a very specific place in your  heart 
so grand 
I am your humbled servant and student my whole  life through 
Lord I am now ready to take  your place and follow your great  plan.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Thank You My Savior


You are the true beauty that fills my heart every morning so perfectly...
The life sustaining breath of hope that gives me new purpose for every day 
The nourishing source of strength and inspiration that uplifts me
The eternal light of pure love and happiness that always shows me the way. 

You are my dear Lord, my provider and best friend who will always be right there...
My dear mentor, teacher and guardian that I'll always look up to 
My provider, protector and healer who with sweet grace shows how much he does care
Lord fill me with all of loves traits from your heart because I am nothing without you. 

My Jesus you are all that I desire, yearn for and ever hope to be...
I want our devotion to each other to continue to grow stronger in so many ways 
I want to be like you and filled with your anointing fire perfectly 
My Jesus you are my heart beat, my breath and the real meaning of all of my days!

A Vision Of Glory

My Breathtaking Jesus...

I look at everything around me trying to find inspiration in what I see...
Something that reveals to me that no matter what's there, everything will be alright 
But, no matter how much I try to be upbeat and rely on positivity 
There is nothing all around me that seems to encourage happiness in my real sight. 

Just at that moment, the brilliance of your love begins to work as only it can do...
It shines greatly, and begins to flood every aspect of my life and who I am
I can feel divine grace working overtime, and wisdom coming down just from you
Revealing to my heart a special
 vision and a divine Heavenly plan. 

You reveal to me just how much you love and adore me and how much I mean to you...
You then show me that sight comes not from the eyes. but through the heart by Heaven's great love 
I should let this be my philosophy no matter what in all that I do
And look  to your great power and anointing that flows abundantly from you above. 

My Jesus, give me a breathtaking vision of the beauty and wonder of Heaven true...
Help to see all things through that perfect vision with the greatest of wisdom perfectly 
I want to grow in this proper way of living and develop my bond with you 
Growing closer to you and learning more about your light is where I want  to be!

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Faith Key

My Beloved Jesus.....

As I walk along my pathway, sometimes the journey becomes challenging to bear...
There is a sense of uncertainty and insecurity that  overwhelms me
At that moment  is when your greatest grace and love surround me sweetly everywhere 
Suddenly,  there's a moment of submission and great learning that's born so perfectly. 

Sitting at your feet I slowly learn the truth about the great power that you are...
How that within your heart and in your hands lies the solution to all things 
Whatever the solution that's needed, you are the key for it all by far 
I have to learn to seek your presence with a decisive heart throughout everything. 

I must learn to be a loyal student who listens to the teacher faithfully.....
For you want to give me such a glorious life filled with joy and sweet happiness 
No matter what the locked door that  comes along you'll always have just the right key
The Faith key of strong belief and trust and a heart that's overflowing and blessed!

Friday, June 23, 2023

My Lord...

There's a pain in my heart so powerful and strong I can't deal  with รฌt anymore...
It is tearing me apart and destroying the person you want me to be
I am very concerned about the future and all of the hurt and stress in store 
Why do they feel the need to be cruel and cause such hurt to me.

They treat me like I'm worthless and my true presence doesn't matter to anyone at all...
I can't seem to do anything right or just no matter how I try in their eyes 
No one really cares when my heart and spirit look for mercy and begin to call 
The fact that I want to give up and can't see any good isn't a surprise. 

But then your love and grace reach out trying to calm the pain and the storm's fury...
You reach out with such peace and comfort and show me you have it all under control 
You want to see tranquility and restoration and days of hope just for me
A healing anointing begins to flow and work now starts to make me complete and whole. 

What was meant for harm in my case is now being used as a tool for greater things...
I take your mighty hand and look to you for the source and answer to it all
You are my delight and happiness no matter what the real weather may bring 
It is upon your great foundation  and in your spirit that I stand quite  tall!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...